OT: a good friend is STUCK IN CHINA

Who holds the patent for Ebola?

Oh - you didn't know there was a patent for Ebola - they can turn the switch anytime and your dead.

Peace out

Jonathan S. Towner
Stuart T. Nichol
James A. Comer
Thomas G. Ksiazek
Pierre E. Rollin
Current Assignee
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (Department of Health and Human Services)
You literally know nothing about viruses, biology, DNA and vaccines and should simply stop making stupid, misleading, scaremongering posts. It's people like you who perpetuate ridiculous "fake news" and scare people who aren't educated enough in science to know what's real from what's not. It's a patent for a weakened Ebola virus useful for research and development of treatments and vaccines for Ebola (in fact, the word vaccine appears 92 times in the patent). Merck actually manufactures the vaccine, which was originally developed by Canadian government researchers almost 20 years ago.

It took way too long to make it to market (a long story), but at least it finally has, as it's now approved in the US for health workers and those at risk (travelers to Africa mostly) and it's been used extensively to greatly reduce Ebola outbreaks and deaths in Africa over the past few years. I had no direct involvement, as I'm not on the vaccine side of things at Merck, but I know some of the players involved and it's incredible how quickly this was brought to clinical trials and to market, once Merck got involved. Pretty sure our friend @newell138 has been involved in starting up the manufacturing process for the vaccine.
Did China Steal Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponize It

Last year a mysterious shipment was caught smuggling Coronavirus from Canada. It was traced to Chinese agents working at a Canadian lab. Subsequent investigation by GreatGameIndia linked the agents to Chinese Biological Warfare Program from where the virus is suspected to have leaked causing the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak.
More quackery of the first order. Zerohedge, the source that relies on rumor and hearsay from anonymous sources. Yeah, that's the way to go if you want to be respected as journalists. Not. And poorly written, to boot. First sentence is nonsensical: "Last year a mysterious shipment was caught smuggling Coronavirus from Canada." Shipments don't smuggle, people or organizations do.
NUTS - I understand the concern, but odds are very high they'll be fine where they are, especially if they practice good hygiene and stay away from crowds and those crazy markets filled with wild animals. This is very unlikely to become some wild pandemic. Here's what I said in the CE thread.

This does not appear to be as bad as the SARS coronavirus and, so far, is definitely not as bad as ordinary influenza virus which is deadly in ~10% of cases (vs. a preliminary estimate of 3% for this new virus). Doesn't mean we shouldn't take it seriously, but it also doesn't mean we should be planning for the end of days and passing around nutty conspiracy theories. The Chinese jumped on sequencing the RNA code of the virus very quickly and have been openly sharing key data with everyone and the virus is already better understood in a shorter time than SARS was given the rapid response and better technology. Pretty sure it didn't come out of some super secret lab.

Based on protein code analysis of both the SARS coronavirus and this new coronavirus, both originated in bats, but the SARS virus then "jumped" (mutated/transmitted) to humans via civets and camels, whereas the thinking now is that this new virus jumped via snakes as the intermediate host, which is very unusual, as snakes are cold-blooded. But certainly the Chinese practice of having markets featuring all kinds of wild animals makes for a higher likelihood of having these kinds of viruses jumping to humans, via zoonotic transmission, meaning the first patients who were infected acquired these viruses directly from animals, which was possible because while in the animal host, the virus had acquired a series of genetic mutations that allowed it to infect and multiply inside humans.
I agree with you. I wouldn't change anything more than what I normally do all the time (little bit of a germphobe) especially during flu season. Wash hands as soon as I get home from outside, wipe down cart handles, avoid touching door handles (push with shoulder/forearm etc...) just my usual "germphobe precautions."

It sounded like other viruses it's more dangerous for the usual vulnerable populations you'd expect...elderly and very young. I think the newness of it gets people more worried. I saw on tv last week a report by a medical correspondent that by the time they developed a vaccine the SARS outbreak had subsided and finished. A vaccine for this might take about 6mos-1yr to develop and gain approval but by the time it is ready this likely could be over.
If you read the article, it's largely dismissive of this wacky theory. Also, the bacterium responsible for Lyme has been around for centuries and probably far longer. And lastly, how effective would a Lyme "weapon" be - "ok, we gotta get the enemy to all go in the woods and wait to be bitten by ticks - and then we'll overwhelm them when some of them get flu-like symptoms." Please.

You underestimate the threat. It's hard to be an aggressive fighting force when you're a little drowsy.
Who holds the patent for Ebola?

Oh - you didn't know there was a patent for Ebola - they can turn the switch anytime and your dead.

Peace out

Jonathan S. Towner
Stuart T. Nichol
James A. Comer
Thomas G. Ksiazek
Pierre E. Rollin
Current Assignee
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (Department of Health and Human Services)


Learn to read.
This should be required reading. Great article noting how much more people should be much more concerned about influenza than the latest exotic sounding virus, as the flu kills about 650,000 people per year worldwide, whereas in SARS's worst year it killed under 1000 and this new coronavirus doesn't appear to be worse than SARS (although it's still early and more data are needed). Also, an interesting tidbit below that in the Congo, measles killed 5000 last year, mostly children under 5, which is far more than Ebola killed, yet there is far more fear over Ebola.

"There’s a deadly virus spreading from state to state. It preys on the most vulnerable, striking the sick and the old without mercy. In just the past few months, it has claimed the lives of at least 39 children.

The virus is influenza, and it poses a far greater threat to Americans than the coronavirus from China that has made headlines around the world.

“When we think about the relative danger of this new coronavirus and influenza, there’s just no comparison,” said Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of preventive medicine and health policy at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. “Coronavirus will be a blip on the horizon in comparison. The risk is trivial.”

To be sure, the coronavirus outbreak, which originated last month in the Chinese city of Wuhan, should be taken seriously. The virus can cause pneumonia and is blamed for more than 800 illnesses and 26 deaths. British researchers estimate the virus has infected 4,000 people.

Influenza rarely gets this sort of attention, even though it kills more Americans each year than any other virus, said Dr. Peter Hotez, a professor of pediatrics, molecular virology and microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

Worldwide, the flu causes up to 5 million cases of severe illness worldwide and kills up to 650,000 people every year, according to the World Health Organization. And yet, Americans aren’t particularly concerned.

Fewer than half of adults got a flu shot last season, according to the CDC. Even among children, who can be especially vulnerable to respiratory illnesses, only 62% received the vaccine.

If Americans aren’t afraid of the flu, perhaps that’s because they are inured to yearly warnings. For them, the flu is old news. Yet viruses named after foreign places – such as Ebola, Zika and Wuhan – inspire terror.

“Familiarity breeds indifference,” Schaffner said. “Because it’s new, it’s mysterious and comes from an exotic place, the coronavirus creates anxiety.”

Some doctors joke that the flu needs to be rebranded.

“We should rename influenza; call it XZ-47 virus, or something scarier,” said Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Measles in the Democratic Republic of Congo has killed 5,000 people in the past year – more than twice as many as Ebola. Yet UNICEF officials have noted that the measles, which many Americans no longer fear, has gotten little attention. Nearly all the measles victims were children under 5.

Some people may worry less about the flu because there’s a vaccine, whose protection has ranged from 19% to 60% in recent years. Simply having the choice about whether or not to receive a flu shot can give people an illusion of control, Schaffner said.

But people often feel powerless to fight novel viruses. The fact that an airplane passenger spread SARS to other passengers and flight crew made people feel especially vulnerable.

Because the Wuhan virus is new, humans have no antibodies against it. Doctors haven’t had time to develop treatments or vaccines.

The big question, so far unknown, is just how easily the virus is transmitted from an infected person to others. The WHO this week opted not to declare the Wuhan outbreak an international health emergency. But officials warn the outbreak hasn’t peaked. Each patient with the new coronavirus appears to be infecting about two other people.

By comparison, patients with SARS, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, spread the infection to an average of two to four others. Each patient with measles – one of the most contagious viruses known to science – infects 12 to 18 unvaccinated people.

Health officials worry that the new coronavirus could resemble SARS – which appeared suddenly in China in 2002 and spread to 26 countries, sickening 8,000 people and killing 774, according to the WHO.

The U.S. dodged a bullet with SARS, Schaffner said. Only eight Americans became infected, and none died, according to the CDC. Yet SARS caused a global panic, leading people to shutter hotels, cancel flights and close businesses.

Coronaviruses can be unpredictable, said Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. While some patients never infect anyone else, people who are “superspreaders” can infect dozens of others.

At Seoul’s Samsung Medical Center in 2015, a single emergency room patient infected 82 people – including patients, visitors and staff – with a coronavirus called MERS, or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. The hospital partly shut down to control the virus.

“This is one of the finest medical centers in the world, on par with the Cleveland Clinic, and they were brought to their knees,” Osterholm said.

Yet MERS has never posed much a threat to the U.S.

Only two patients in the U.S. – health care providers who had worked in Saudi Arabia – have ever tested positive for the virus, according to the CDC. Both patients survived.

Hotez, who is working to develop vaccines against neglected diseases, said he worries about unvaccinated children. Most kids who die from the flu haven’t been immunized against it, he said. And many were previously healthy.

“If you’re worried about your health, get your flu vaccination,” Hotez said. “It’s not too late.”"
if the news of quarantines, stopping tours, shutting down transportation etc is all accurate, you better be worried because there is a lot more at stake than a reported 3k cases (if you trust the Chinese to report accurately)
So Randy just posted on Facebook about 10 minutes ago...they are in touch with the state department in an effort to get on to the first plane coming to get people out of there but, obviously, a lot of those seats will go to diplomats and what not....fingers crossed!
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Oh, good, BabyBull and his cat have joined us.

When does RutgersRob chime in?
I lived in China for two months this year for work, none of what you say is true. In the cities in China, most people have never actually seen an animal except in a zoo (I’m serious, they don’t seem to have chipmunks or squirrels there).
At least in the big cities, it is an entirely modern society in all ways. If sanitation is lacking, I never noticed it.
Elmira how do you explain this following ? “ It’s China, cases have been mounting, with 3,000 confirmed so far, roughly half of which are clustered in the central Chinese province of Hubei .It’s believed that the new form of the Coronavirus spread from a seafood market in Wuhan, where live animals are often sold in close contact with others, like dogs,hares,raccoons and civets.The market was shutdown Jan.1” so I wasn’t just saying it... it is well known... so , spending 42 years in the Food Industry and meeting numerous Chinese businessmen and company leaders allows me to speak factually about an issue which has been an issue. Also have numerous South Korean , Japanese and Mainland Chinese contacts who have said the same. So yes much of what I quoted earlier was true. China is a problem on many fronts both politically and socially.Hope people from USA arrive home safely and virus free.
AreYouNuts, please let us know anything new in your friends' situation. Hopes and prayers to them.
This should be required reading. Great article noting how much more people should be much more concerned about influenza than the latest exotic sounding virus, as the flu kills about 650,000 people per year worldwide, whereas in SARS's worst year it killed under 1000 and this new coronavirus doesn't appear to be worse than SARS (although it's still early and more data are needed). Also, an interesting tidbit below that in the Congo, measles killed 5000 last year, mostly children under 5, which is far more than Ebola killed, yet there is far more fear over Ebola.

"There’s a deadly virus spreading from state to state. It preys on the most vulnerable, striking the sick and the old without mercy. In just the past few months, it has claimed the lives of at least 39 children.

The virus is influenza, and it poses a far greater threat to Americans than the coronavirus from China that has made headlines around the world.

“When we think about the relative danger of this new coronavirus and influenza, there’s just no comparison,” said Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of preventive medicine and health policy at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. “Coronavirus will be a blip on the horizon in comparison. The risk is trivial.”

To be sure, the coronavirus outbreak, which originated last month in the Chinese city of Wuhan, should be taken seriously. The virus can cause pneumonia and is blamed for more than 800 illnesses and 26 deaths. British researchers estimate the virus has infected 4,000 people.

Influenza rarely gets this sort of attention, even though it kills more Americans each year than any other virus, said Dr. Peter Hotez, a professor of pediatrics, molecular virology and microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

Worldwide, the flu causes up to 5 million cases of severe illness worldwide and kills up to 650,000 people every year, according to the World Health Organization. And yet, Americans aren’t particularly concerned.

Fewer than half of adults got a flu shot last season, according to the CDC. Even among children, who can be especially vulnerable to respiratory illnesses, only 62% received the vaccine.

If Americans aren’t afraid of the flu, perhaps that’s because they are inured to yearly warnings. For them, the flu is old news. Yet viruses named after foreign places – such as Ebola, Zika and Wuhan – inspire terror.

“Familiarity breeds indifference,” Schaffner said. “Because it’s new, it’s mysterious and comes from an exotic place, the coronavirus creates anxiety.”

Some doctors joke that the flu needs to be rebranded.

“We should rename influenza; call it XZ-47 virus, or something scarier,” said Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Measles in the Democratic Republic of Congo has killed 5,000 people in the past year – more than twice as many as Ebola. Yet UNICEF officials have noted that the measles, which many Americans no longer fear, has gotten little attention. Nearly all the measles victims were children under 5.

Some people may worry less about the flu because there’s a vaccine, whose protection has ranged from 19% to 60% in recent years. Simply having the choice about whether or not to receive a flu shot can give people an illusion of control, Schaffner said.

But people often feel powerless to fight novel viruses. The fact that an airplane passenger spread SARS to other passengers and flight crew made people feel especially vulnerable.

Because the Wuhan virus is new, humans have no antibodies against it. Doctors haven’t had time to develop treatments or vaccines.

The big question, so far unknown, is just how easily the virus is transmitted from an infected person to others. The WHO this week opted not to declare the Wuhan outbreak an international health emergency. But officials warn the outbreak hasn’t peaked. Each patient with the new coronavirus appears to be infecting about two other people.

By comparison, patients with SARS, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, spread the infection to an average of two to four others. Each patient with measles – one of the most contagious viruses known to science – infects 12 to 18 unvaccinated people.

Health officials worry that the new coronavirus could resemble SARS – which appeared suddenly in China in 2002 and spread to 26 countries, sickening 8,000 people and killing 774, according to the WHO.

The U.S. dodged a bullet with SARS, Schaffner said. Only eight Americans became infected, and none died, according to the CDC. Yet SARS caused a global panic, leading people to shutter hotels, cancel flights and close businesses.

Coronaviruses can be unpredictable, said Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. While some patients never infect anyone else, people who are “superspreaders” can infect dozens of others.

At Seoul’s Samsung Medical Center in 2015, a single emergency room patient infected 82 people – including patients, visitors and staff – with a coronavirus called MERS, or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. The hospital partly shut down to control the virus.

“This is one of the finest medical centers in the world, on par with the Cleveland Clinic, and they were brought to their knees,” Osterholm said.

Yet MERS has never posed much a threat to the U.S.

Only two patients in the U.S. – health care providers who had worked in Saudi Arabia – have ever tested positive for the virus, according to the CDC. Both patients survived.

Hotez, who is working to develop vaccines against neglected diseases, said he worries about unvaccinated children. Most kids who die from the flu haven’t been immunized against it, he said. And many were previously healthy.

“If you’re worried about your health, get your flu vaccination,” Hotez said. “It’s not too late.”"

This stuff always reminds me of the Joker quote from Dark Knight:

"You know what I noticed? Nobody panics when things go according to plan. Even when the plan is horrifying. If tomorrow I told the press that, like, a gang-banger would get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics. Because it's all part of the plan. But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everybody loses their minds!"

650k die by flu? Oh that happens all the time.
0 die by obscure foreign illness? Panic!
JUST GOT WORD THEY HAVE 4 SPOTS! Just working on assuring that the cousin driving them there has assurance of being able to drive back home (about 200 miles). It took a team effort BUT it is working!!
Do you know if your friends and other returnees will be under quarantine when they get back to the USA, or they all were checked out before leaving China?

Hoping all are healthy and not forced to be put in quarantine if not necessary.
Do you know if your friends and other returnees will be under quarantine when they get back to the USA, or they all were checked out before leaving China?

Hoping all are healthy and not forced to be put in quarantine if not necessary.

I’m pretty sure one way or the other nobody’s getting on that plane who is sick nor off of it who is sick. They are going to be people who work for the government over there getting on that plane don’t forget.
I’m pretty sure one way or the other nobody’s getting on that plane who is sick nor off of it who is sick. They are going to be people who work for the government over there getting on that plane don’t forget.

Small point of clarification - they can't keep people on the plane. Everybody who gets on, gets off.
I read one country (maybe France not sure) that is trying to take their citizens out will keep them under quarantine for 14 days when they return and if no signs of sickness will release them.
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This stuff always reminds me of the Joker quote from Dark Knight:

"You know what I noticed? Nobody panics when things go according to plan. Even when the plan is horrifying. If tomorrow I told the press that, like, a gang-banger would get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics. Because it's all part of the plan. But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everybody loses their minds!"

650k die by flu? Oh that happens all the time.
0 die by obscure foreign illness? Panic!
Devil you know vs devil you don’t know right. That will always be the case whether it’s the past present or’s generally human nature...scared of the foreign, new and unknown.
- on plane now. Being told they will be taking off by midnight local time so they might be sitting on it for a few more hours.

- big ol’ cargo plane

- apparently stop at Anchorage then on to Ontario, CA

- 3 to 14 day quarantine
I read one country (maybe France not sure) that is trying to take their citizens out will keep them under quarantine for 14 days when they return and if no signs of sickness will release them.
I think that would be normal procedure for any country to put they under quarantine for a period.
- on plane now. Being told they will be taking off by midnight local time so they might be sitting on it for a few more hours.

- big ol’ cargo plane

- apparently stop at Anchorage then on to Ontario, CA

- 3 to 14 day quarantine
Are the kids allowed to stay with their parents, or are they separated?
Are the kids allowed to stay with their parents, or are they separated?

Knowing my friend he couldn’t care less so long is him and his family get back here safe (And he definitely wouldn’t bitch about it) BUT let’s keep this one “bi-partisan” lol!