
Rather than just ripping me. Can someone please logically explain why a non motorized bike should be allowed on a road with a 35mph sl or over.

As long as there is room along the right shoulder, why not......if it was a really narrow road, then you certainly should not ride a bike
There are cyclists down or struck on rte. 9w in Tenafly-Alpine every week. It's usually the bikers not following the lane rules and going every way except single file.
i go play football with my buddies.. nice try though
Football is for sissies - unless of course you ride a bike to get to the game. ;-)

As for the cyclist-hating crowd, I have no problem with this statement - "some cyclists are complete a-holes". But anyone who would start a post with "cyclists" and then some negative statement, is just as ignorant as someone who would start a post with "blacks" and then some negative statement, or "Hispanics" and then some negative statement. I can't believe educated adults - especially ones who attended my great university - could be so ignorant. Actually, that's not true. Unfortunately it is easy to believe. It's just disappointing.

As for the stories of all the evil cyclists out there stealing everyone's joy, I have way more stories of idiot motorists being - well - idiots. Trying hard to kill me for no reason other than they are idiots. (before anyone suggests a double standard - that does not apply to ALL motorists, it only applies to you if you are a self-admitted idiot motorist) Then there are the stories of the immature passive aggressive motorists who act out towards me while I'm riding - just because they are shining examples of the bottom 10% of humanity. Like that video of the developmentally stunted dolt gleefully spewing exhaust filth on cyclists climbing a pretty massive grade. I just wonder what kind of life lessons he is teaching his kids this weekend. Probably not winning the Parent of the Year award any time soon. lol

Sigh. Haters gonna hate. I may die young but I won't die fat. lol