USD printing is the scam that’s why people invest in the first place. Why do people buy gold, rental properties, or stocks? It’s to preserve their wealth. Are those just money making scams? Or because they’ve been around longer, they’re good investments? Why would I invest in real estate when bitcoin brings better returns, less headaches, no government control, and I can bring it anywhere in the world? Plus I know there will never be more created vs the fact that there can always be more of everything else.
I think you’re wrong about long term of bitcoin. More people will continue to see that it’s the superior wealth preservation vehicle and you’ll see people only buying houses to live in rather than as an investment. It’s already happening actually. Global currency might not happen in our lifetimes but I think it’s a possibility someday.
I could be wrong also. 2025 could get wild for the crypto industry. Probably good to hedge both ways lol.