What’s everyone’s thoughts on Cardano? I’m officially back into crypto 😂
ADA is meh in my eyes. I've tried numerous times to get into it. It was supposed to pop to $20 in Sept. That never happened and it appears a lot fo the Cardano people I know have been eating crow since.
Solana is the better play IMO. It's price frightens me though. I really dont know what it's going to do I was hesitant at $75-$100, even moreso at 150-200 and now here we are at what 225 - 250. For a while, I was saying that I could just as easily see a pull back into the 70's as a run to 1k. Now, it seems much more likely to run high then have a price correction.
I will give one warning though, the Taproot upgrade on BTC allows for easier use of the chain for things like smart contracts. Im really curious to see how this plays out in the coming months. BTC is a monster...
Stx is going to a have a price run soon IMO. Its built on top of BTC. Citycoin is aggressively using this protocol to pay cities. Miami was the first and now with Eric Adams as Mayor of NYC, you'll see an aggressive push for this in NYC next year. A lot of upside IMO.
My crypto investment strategy is pretty straightforward these days, find decent alts that have good tokenomics and/or use case, get in relatively early, and wait. Any serious gains get converted into BTC. Patience and and a Kucoin account are key here. By the time something hits coinbase or one of the other major us exchanges, the first run has happened.
Two of the current alts Im waiting on are
ATLAS $0.16 will cash out between $2-$4.
BMON $0.31 will cash out bet $20 - $50
Those two are play to earn games. I'm basing my cash out number on them getting to roughly 50% of the market cap of Axie Infinity, which I sold too early on.