Unless there is a radical or major shift, I don’t believe that when push comes to shove people really care about self-custody wealth. And, the financial strangle-hold Big Banks have on the average person would take decades for crypto to overcome, if at all. Sure, people may not trust the Gov’t but you could say that at any point in history. The fact is that most people don’t understand finance/investments - period. Just like they don’t understand fitness/nutrition as evidenced by the obesity rate in our country. Two of the most critical aspects of life, money and health, and people are F’in clueless LOL. Heck, I’m shocked at how many people are either oblivious to the current inflationary environment or simply don’t care and accept it as a normal cycle. Unless and until crypto makes a meaningful difference in the everyday lives of “people”, I think scale and adoption will continue to be a problem. Which is why I believe the underlying tech will prevail in the end and detach itself from the coin/token dynamic, meaning centralized consumer/commercial products and applications. But who knows…