there actually was a lot of enthusiasm for the Rams but they were just SOOO bad to watch this year it was literally painful . Their offense seriously resembled ours. They simply couldnt score which took a lot of air out of the balloon
San Diego made it's own bed. They took the hard line on funding a new stadium which I understand but then you need to understand why the owner would pack up and leave. Spanos has been warning SD for over a decade now that something needed to be done , Qualcomm is no longer NFL worthy and hasn't been for a while. With the state of the art stadium going up 120 miles north of SD, Spanos pretty much had his hand forced here.
It is sad for SD but they should still do all right in LA. They will lose some fans by moving , but I would suspect a fair amount of San Diegans will make the drive to Inglewooed on Sundays. Certainly not 50,000 of them though. and at least the Rams have some LA history--SD played 1 year in LA when the AFL first started and that was it. I also have my doubts that 2 teams can thrive here.