I just read your comm ent but not the entire thread. I assume you are talking about BAC.
He def fits, as does lower-case "muh freedimz" goru. I'm sure there are others.
I just read your comm ent but not the entire thread. I assume you are talking about BAC.
Merck is the Penn State of the pharma industry! LOL!Well yeah, didn’t feel the need to cover the acquisition history, but I also don’t hate Merck as much as you do 😂
Someone asked a couple pages ago about concerns with allergic reactions after drive through vaccinations. Looks like they are simply asking people to stick around for 15min to be safe.
Healthcare workers in N.J. pull up to clinic and get Moderna vaccine while still in their car
This week, hospitals and health centers in the state started administering the two-dose Modern vaccine — the second vaccine approved by the FDA — to workers.www.nj.com
I’d drink a glass of wine served by Melanie McGuire celebrating a new home purchase before I’d take this Big Pharma cocktail which is safe they’re so fast to tell us. My vaccine is a multi plus extra vitamin D. Haven’t been sick in years. Not even a cold
Do you want that on your tombstone?I’d drink a glass of wine served by Melanie McGuire celebrating a new home purchase before I’d take this Big Pharma cocktail which is safe they’re so fast to tell us. My vaccine is a multi plus extra vitamin D. Haven’t been sick in years. Not even a cold
Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner. The plan to get everyone vaccinated stopped at delivery to the states. No universal plan after that.Why aren’t we using military doctors and nurses to assist in the vaccination process? It seems hospitals are having a hard time dealing with covid cases AND vaccinating people. Seems like a big hole in the distribution strategy.
Why should Trump have a plan , biden said he was going to take care of it. If he can remember.Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner. The plan to get everyone vaccinated stopped at delivery to the states. No universal plan after that.
This isn't about politics. This is about poor planning and people believing doing this was going to be easy.Why should Trump have a plan , biden said he was going to take care of it. If he can remember.
My friend please calm down , joey did say that but I am KIDDING .This isn't about politics. This is about poor planning and people believing doing this was going to be easy.
And before any of you want to compare this to how everyone gets the flu shot. Stop and think about the difference before you say something incredibly stupid.
So you do know how to use an emoji. Maybe you should use them when you make a post that you think is funny. That would change it from serious to just dumb.My friend please calm down , joey did say that but I am KIDDING .![]()
This isn't about politics. This is about poor planning and people believing doing this was going to be easy.
And before any of you want to compare this to how everyone gets the flu shot. Stop and think about the difference before you say something incredibly stupid.
I’d drink a glass of wine served by Melanie McGuire celebrating a new home purchase before I’d take this Big Pharma cocktail which is safe they’re so fast to tell us. My vaccine is a multi plus extra vitamin D. Haven’t been sick in years. Not even a cold
Why do some of you think the vaccine should be madatory for everyone? Most people I know who are educated and somewhat to very successful do not want to take it. Even the nurses i know who are being forced to take it.
Why because the newness and uncertainty In any new vaccines plus the initial fear put out by the news at CNN. , MSNBC, late nite talk show shills, and of course Lady Kamala and Joe “ woodshed” Biden... there is fear in anything new or different... were the flu vaccines new at one time? ... well I haven’t seen many turn it down so far...Why do some of you think the vaccine should be madatory for everyone? Most people I know who are educated and somewhat to very successful do not want to take it. Even the nurses i know who are being forced to take it.
No whomever removed the temporary hospitals like the Javits Center ...everyone settled back in during the summer knowing very well it was likely to do what it has done... Oh and the military branches are able to assist as they did the first time around... Don’t worry “ woodshed “ will lead us to victory.Why aren’t we using military doctors and nurses to assist in the vaccination process? It seems hospitals are having a hard time dealing with covid cases AND vaccinating people. Seems like a big hole in the distribution strategy.
Derek Lowe weighed in today on the issues associated with new variants in the UK and South Africa, largely aligned with the posts I've made, so far, on this, with regard to the big picture, as per the excerpt below. His basic message is we need more data/studies to truly understand whether these variants are more infectious (possible, but certainly not proven yet), more deadly (unlikely), or have any ability to evade antibodies from one's immune system or activated by a vaccine (again, unlikely).
However, he dives much more deeply into the actual mutations, which make for interesting reading and has a nice discussion of the work going on feverishly now to assess the nature and risks from these variants - and includes links to even deeper scientific papers/analyses of these variants if interested. Enjoy and as I said yesterday, "remain calm!"
So I think the amount of scientific attention being paid to these new strains is completely appropriate. The popular press might be another story. It’s important to remember that (as mentioned) we haven’t even established for sure that these strains are in fact more infectious, and that we don’t know a thing yet for sure about what effect they have in humans compared to the other variants. So if you see any headlines about Relentless March of the Supervirus, go read something else, because that stuff is (fortunately) way out ahead of the facts on the ground. These are by no means the last variants like these that we’re going to be seeing, and we need to learn how to cover them in a responsible way.
So what’s coming next, and when we will know more? We will have animal-model data coming soon to tell us something about infectiousness, and there are already studies underway using human antibody mixtures (from infected patients and vaccinated ones) to see if these new strains are any less susceptible to our immune response. This will be a matter of weeks; I wouldn’t expect to see any clarity before then. And that’s also at least the time scale we would need to start confirming the clinical effects in the human population – you can be sure that medical centers around the world will be monitoring patients who have been confirmed with these variants to see if there are any differences. We’ll also want to know how these look in different age cohorts, in people with pre-existing conditions, and so on, but all of this will take irreducible amounts of time to get a meaningful picture.
My speculations are worth what you’re paying for them. But I think that odds are reasonable that UK strain, based on what we’re seeing so far, may well be more infectious than the existing ones. I hope I’m wrong about that, and I want to re-emphasize that I very well could be. At the same murky level of clarity, I’m not seeing anything so far that makes me think that it causes a worse form of the disease, and I very much hope that I’m not wrong about that. As for vaccine effects, my money is on the antibody response from the vaccines still being protective – and that’s going to be some of the first hard data that we get, because those are some of the most straightforward experiments to run. Updates as we get them.
I can't believe GoRU(?) didn't post this release about Cytodyn's leronlimab monoclonal antibody drug, which is a CCR5 (chemokine receptor) antagonist that has been repurposed for COVID to help halt over-inflammatory responses to the virus in severely ill COVID patients. They completed their phase III enrollment and expect results in mid-January. Let's hope it works - I'm sure he has a lot invested and can donate millions to RU football should the drug work.
I don't know if I'd say that's the best thing but point still madeThe best part about this thread is seeing the guys who have complained about masks, shutdowns, etc every, single step of the way now railing against the vaccine that could help bring us back to normality.
My suggestion? Prove your masculinity by getting the shots like most children are able to do instead of sniping on a message board, sweet heart. There are 48 pages of pretty interesting science here. Reading them won’t hurt any more than the vaccine will.
Curious question. Was reading a few instances last week that people receiving the shots were monitored for a few minutes afterwards by doctors to make sure there were no adverse effects of the vaccine.
Is this safe?
I’d drink a glass of wine served by Melanie McGuire celebrating a new home purchase before I’d take this Big Pharma cocktail which is safe they’re so fast to tell us. My vaccine is a multi plus extra vitamin D. Haven’t been sick in years. Not even a cold
Why do some of you think the vaccine should be madatory for everyone? Most people I know who are educated and somewhat to very successful do not want to take it. Even the nurses i know who are being forced to take it.
I just read your comm ent but not the entire thread. I assume you are talking about BAC.
IIRC out of 40,000 (could be half that if I’m misremembering and it was one trial, but a very large number regardless), there were 4 cases of Bell’s palsy and 64 cases of lymph node inflammation. The Bell’s palsy cases are potentially statistical noise and the lymph node inflammation makes sense as it’s likely proof of the vaccine working (which also explains why reactions have been more pronounced in younger people with stronger immune systems). Outside of the trials, I think there were 6 anaphylactic reactions, mainly in people with histories of severe allergies.Masculinity can be proved by taking a vaccine that was developed and approved at Warp Speed? See below on what I highlighted.
Time will tell once we have more data (I hope). Unfortunately, I have heard of some adverse events occurring shortly after administration of the vaccine which have caught my attention. It could be coincidental but the circumstances and reports that I have heard make me wonder if there is a correlation.
I like your thought process..stay healthy and keep it up!
Have you heard of nurses being forced to take this vaccine? Highly suggested maybe? Or coerced? I'm just curious as it is only voluntary at this time in our facility and I have not heard of it being mandatory in some other facilities. I do think it will be a requirement for employment in the near future for many, at least in the healthcare profession and high risk jobs.
It was goru7 - the search functionality on this site is decent, but not great. It's good if looking for an unusual keyword, like "lernolimab" but much harder to find less obvious posts. I wish the default was to order search items by date and not relevance (same problem on FB), as it takes an extra two clicks to order by date, which is annoying.I have heard the UK mutation ( can we really label it as such since calling it the China Virus was insensitive) may have actually originated from another land. Although addressing spread from the UK is paramount, there may be another tree to bark up.
Not me, but someone with a relatively similar name to mine. He was pumping this company up like nobody's business. I was excited back a ways on the dual, therapeutic properties of the medicine to fight the virus. Management appeared to make a series of missteps along the way to get approval and the questionable timing of a large stock sale by its leader (albeit with a plausible explanation) raised more than a few eyebrows. I haven't read much on the company in months but I am hopeful the trials confirm the proposed, therapeutic benefits of Leronlimab.
Praying for your Dad and your family ... the system is broken and especially under these circumstances ... an elderly person such as he should have been treated and admitted sooner .A quick update on my dad. He’s now on day 6 and my mom called an ambulance last night as he was very confused, was coughing a lot and had a moderate temp. They finally admitted him to the hospital but he is in an ER room, has 103 temp and confused. The nurse says he’s a candidate for remdesivir but no longer Bamlan. Hoping he’s in a place that can give him the best treatment.
Weird that I’m sharing here but hopefully these discussions inform everyone about the current state of affairs and real issues affecting people and our healthcare system.
A quick update on my dad. He’s now on day 6 and my mom called an ambulance last night as he was very confused, was coughing a lot and had a moderate temp. They finally admitted him to the hospital but he is in an ER room, has 103 temp and confused. The nurse says he’s a candidate for remdesivir but no longer Bamlan. Hoping he’s in a place that can give him the best treatment.
Weird that I’m sharing here but hopefully these discussions inform everyone about the current state of affairs and real issues affecting people and our healthcare system.
Prays for your dad and family.Praying for your Dad and your family ... the system is broken and especially under these circumstances ... an elderly person such as he should have been treated and admitted sooner .
A quick update on my dad. He’s now on day 6 and my mom called an ambulance last night as he was very confused, was coughing a lot and had a moderate temp. They finally admitted him to the hospital but he is in an ER room, has 103 temp and confused. The nurse says he’s a candidate for remdesivir but no longer Bamlan. Hoping he’s in a place that can give him the best treatment.
Weird that I’m sharing here but hopefully these discussions inform everyone about the current state of affairs and real issues affecting people and our healthcare system.
I'm sorry to hear this.A quick update on my dad. He’s now on day 6 and my mom called an ambulance last night as he was very confused, was coughing a lot and had a moderate temp. They finally admitted him to the hospital but he is in an ER room, has 103 temp and confused. The nurse says he’s a candidate for remdesivir but no longer Bamlan. Hoping he’s in a place that can give him the best treatment.
Weird that I’m sharing here but hopefully these discussions inform everyone about the current state of affairs and real issues affecting people and our healthcare system.
Military VA. I guess whether working around many people? ... hospitals... hey they’re vaccinating convicted felons so why not? But The poster whose dad is very sick get’s cast aside... there will be many cutting the line and that is POLITICS at it’s best.My brother is an engineer for the VA and he got the vaccine yesterday
I was surprised he qualified to receive it so quickly. He is in his early 50s and in perfect health
Military VA. I guess whether working around many people? ... hospitals... hey they’re vaccinating convicted felons so why not? But The poster whose dad is very sick get’s cast aside... there will be many cutting the line and that is POLITICS at it’s best.
I did not say, “ your brother cut the line”... WTF are you smoking? Better pass it around though... What did I say? “ ... SOME will cut the line and that is POLITICS... 2016 and forwards...it’s always been this way and I’m not losing my mind over it...I don’t believe my brother cut the line. I believe he signed up and they told him when he was scheduled.
I’m glad your brother got the vaccine ... it’s not an issue.I did not say, “ your brother cut the line”... WTF are you smoking? Better pass it around though... What did I say? “ ... SOME will cut the line and that is POLITICS... 2016 and forwards...it’s always been this way and I’m not losing my mind over it...
Yes , there is significant proof it is political and so it is easily spread among the population... I can’t believe people especially the scientific community has found them not culpable in the their failure to properly examine the Chinese Lab... they must be paying out great bribes amongst government officials in the USA and around the free world.The link below is to a 2019 WHO study on Non-pharmaceutical public health measures for mitigating the risk and impact of epidemic and pandemic influenza.
Table 35 on page 100 of the pdf says with respect to masks:
"Ten RCTs were included in meta-analysis, and there was no evidence that face masks are effective in reducing transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza."
Sorry if this has been covered here, but other than Covid-19 being much more easily transmitted, is there something different about Covid-19 vs. influenza that the authorities have seen or know about with respect to Covid-19 that shows masks are effective for Covid-19.