OT: COVID Science - Pfizer/Moderna vaccines >90% effective; Regeneron antibody cocktail looks very promising in phase II/III trial and more

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So 3 weeks ago you were aware that anaphylaxis was a concern with these vacinnes? I wasn't. I don't even know what anaphylaxis is.
And you have been on this TKR board for how long... do you read... have you ever been in a hospital... seen a medical professional...take the RU - 05 off ...
OP, what do you know about Covaxin? The Indian vaccine in phase 3? Supposedly it creates antibodies for more than just the spike protein. Would that make it more effective at catching any type of mutation?
Believe this or not a common issue of moderate to severe reaction was anticipated or expected ... it has happened I’m sure with other vaccines and when something is injected into the body there is a chance of adverse effects... example : not a vaccine but certain dyes were stopped being injected during procedures do to reactions... 40 years ago they would ask? Are you allergic to shell fish? Now to think these vaccines were going to be reaction free shows the narrow mindedness for some of the educated... I maintain do not make light of people who don’t have advanced degrees in science or medicine... Thankfully not all people are sheep or unintelligent.
So your saying doctors and scientists today didn't expect there to be some sort of allergic reaction?

If anything, your argument seems to be against the uneducated antivaxers who want to point these reactions as proof that we shouldn't be taking the vaccine.
And you have been on this TKR board for how long... do you read... have you ever been in a hospital... seen a medical professional...take the RU - 05 off ...
I've been on this board for a few years, was big on this topic for awhile but haven't followed it recently. And yes I have been in a hospital in my lifetime. I've also seen more then a few medical professions.

No idea what your last sentence fragment is supposed to mean.
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So your saying doctors and scientists today didn't expect there to be some sort of allergic reaction?

If anything, your argument seems to be against the uneducated antivaxers who want to point these reactions as proof that we shouldn't be taking the vaccine.
And did I say they did or didn’t ? You read again and tell me . I’ll wait...
Most people I know even the ones with no formal education beyond maybe high school know what anaphylactic shock high school I knew what it was and how it occurred...if you ever were ever stung by a bee, wasp, spider the doctors had seen and treated it... In the military training during Vietnam you knew about Adrenalin injections and when to use the shot...
Most people I know even the ones with no formal education beyond maybe high school know what anaphylactic shock high school I knew what it was and how it occurred...if you ever were ever stung by a bee, wasp, spider the doctors had seen and treated it... In the military training during Vietnam you knew about Adrenalin injections and when to use the shot...
And those people also knew that anaphylactic shock was a concern in regards to the vaccine?

I know tons of people who still argue that masks don't work.

Edit: And I've been stung by a ton of bee's, and a spider once too.
You seem to be railing against the "educated". Doctors and scientists fall into that category.
“railing” you know what is sad and actually funny how when those here don’t agree they immediately accuse the person of being angry, out of control or maybe having issues using the term railing makes me remember a a guy I used to work with ... now he was a guy who was railing.
“railing” you know what is sad and actually funny how when those here don’t agree they immediately accuse the person of being angry, out of control or maybe having issues using the term railing makes me remember a a guy I used to work with ... now he was a guy who was railing.
I'm just saying what it looks like from where I sit.
I have met doctors who though educated were not very bright...I have met other educated who were lawyers, business , musicians and teachers who though smart really weren’t blessed with common sense... because someone has a college diploma does not prove intelligence nor the ability to analyze or understand... I have seen too many diplomas awarded to the undeserving who did little to earn that title” college graduate”... some of my fellow students who cheated, plagiarized and did the minimum amount of work ... that wouldn’t be you would it?
But you are not railing against the educated? These are from like your last 10 posts.

"within 5-10 years we will learn much more about how the covid19 pandemic was mishandled starting with the WHO,CDC Federal Government and Medical professionals in charge"

"Now to think these vaccines were going to be reaction free shows the narrow mindedness for some of the educated"

"the “ science block” on the board and news reacted in an overt display of dismay "

"Nice to help but some do these postings not to help but actually to promote their unabashed superior intellectual "

"I have met doctors who though educated were not very bright "
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And so you ascertained that these posting quotes infer a personal anger? Brilliant and spoken like a true educated person... You need to go back to school.
And those people also knew that anaphylactic shock was a concern in regards to the vaccine?

I know tons of people who still argue that masks don't work.

Edit: And I've been stung by a ton of bee's, and a spider once too.
Too bad you didn’t have a reaction. You might understand anaphylaxis... you are a real tool in the kit... 🪓🪓🪓🪓
You seem to be railing against the "educated". Doctors and scientists fall into that category.
Not at all... just giving an opinion about what some people feel in awe of... the title of doctor in reality does not mean you actually are qualified to treat people... there are many unqualified... Do you believe all medical professionals are good?
Not at all... just giving an opinion about what some people feel in awe of... the title of doctor in reality does not mean you actually are qualified to treat people... there are many unqualified... Do you believe all medical professionals are good?
All? No. A very high percentage of? Yes.
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And who should they be educated by? By the very educated, ie doctors, scientists et el.

In case it's not clear I'm on your side here.
I don’t care whose side you are on... I make my own choices and decisions and I don’t care what someone thinks... as you have seen I don’t take the popular stance or what some want us to believe to be true...covid19 has been shown to be a highly contagious non discriminatory virus and used for more than just a weapon of destruction but a weapon of causing fear and hate even in this country... people have sold their souls in order to use it as a advantage in the world ‘s political arena.
Given your numerous personnel attacks, yes I did infer that.
Did I attack you personally? I seem to remember you entering the post and injecting something regarding “ angry”? You seem to forget about those who have attacked not only me but others ....those who did not agree with their Covid and political alignment... you evidently must have ignored those posts but that’s perfectly fine ...Don’t waste my time by telling me on one hand you agree with me than twist the narratives.
Did I attack you personally? I seem to remember you entering the post and injecting something regarding “ angry”? You seem to forget cit hers who have attacked not only me but others who did not agree with their beliefs... you evidently must have ignored those posts but that’s perfectly fine ...
Uh, yeah in 3 of your posts just above, you've also attacked others on the previous page.
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Not at all... just giving an opinion about what some people feel in awe of... the title of doctor in reality does not mean you actually are qualified to treat people... there are many unqualified... Do you believe all medical professionals are good?
Once again in context I ‘m not in awe of anyone who is called “ doctor”... just realized through working in hospitals, ER’s and operating rooms some are not qualified ... does that offend you ? Many talk shit I have actually done this upfront and personal contrary to what some have taunted back ...
Uh, yeah in 3 of your posts just above, you've also attacked others on the previous page.
And the “attack” was ? Was it a physical attack ? Uhhh you have a thin skin? Go ahead worry about yourself ...
Not in the least... I will suggest you evaluate what is the difference between an attack vs a hard unpopular opinion... because I have strong feelings about ( some) in medicine and science maybe you need a life lesson by seeing a love one’s life taken because of their incompetence as a medical professional... so if that makes it sound angry that’s your issue not mine... think about that for a moment...
Not in the least... I will suggest you evaluate what is the difference between an attack vs a hard unpopular opinion... because I have strong feelings about ( some) in medicine and science maybe you need a life lesson by seeing a love one’s life taken because of their incompetence as a medical professional... so if that makes it sound angry that’s your issue not mine... think about that for a moment...
I'm not upset, but you can't call someone "a real tool" and then say you are not attacking people personally.
Missed this on MSM in the US.

Given there was significantly less travel from past years, which the story notes, perhaps the non spike was due to people listening to the warnings?

Also from the article:

But that's not to say Thanksgiving had no impact on infection levels.
Prof Megan Murray, an epidemiologist at Harvard University, says: "It may be the case that Covid would have started to level off in some places but didn't because of the Thanksgiving travel - but we will never really know that."

And one more from the article this regarding Canada:

Daily reported infections have been on a steady rise since early September in Canada, with the rate of growth following Thanksgiving maintaining a similar rate of increase.

But experts say those numbers don't tell the full story, and insist the holiday led to a significant increase in infections.
Unlike in the US, fewer tests were available in the weeks following Thanksgiving in Canada - so there were more cases identified despite fewer tests being carried out, indicating a more severe spike in infections.
At the start of November, Alberta's chief health officer said: "Many of the cases that we are seeing now are the result of spread over Thanksgiving when families gathered together."

So article is saying something much different the the tweet.
Believe this or not a common issue of moderate to severe reaction was anticipated or expected ... it has happened I’m sure with other vaccines and when something is injected into the body there is a chance of adverse effects... example : not a vaccine but certain dyes were stopped being injected during procedures do to reactions... 40 years ago they would ask? Are you allergic to shell fish? Now to think these vaccines were going to be reaction free shows the narrow mindedness for some of the educated... I maintain do not make light of people who don’t have advanced degrees in science or medicine... Thankfully not all people are sheep or unintelligent.
Some follow up and perspective on the anaphylaxis issue:

The NY Times took some heat for that article and headline. But was still surprised about the lack of clear disclosure on the consent form specifically about anaphylaxis.
I heard it reported yesterday
Did Thanksgiving Travel Cause COVID-19 Surge? Experts Say Results Are Mixed : NPR

Are BBC and NPR MSM? Maybe not.

This was from the NYT's from prior to Thanksgiving

But are dinners and backyard barbecues really the engine driving the current surge of infections? The available data do not support that contention, scientists say. Still, the idea has been repeated so often it has become conventional wisdom, leading to significant restrictions in many states.

Actually found the above on this link: The New York Times Makes a Rather Stunning Admission About Small Gatherings and the Spread of COVID ( As the Times content is behind a pay wall.

True though that the lack of a mega spike, beyond what we were already seeing, was not a big news story.
Finally, the FDA approves EIND use again of Leronlimab , did not allow while trial was ongoing , since the severe Critical trial is fully enrolled in phase three and full approval likely after January twelve . They also allowed doctors to access it in hospitals for anyone that fit the trial protocol. Thankfully no more giving patients placebo and instead everyone that is in severe or bad shape will have their doctor use it. Shortly , the only therapeutic to help severe critical patients and lessen mortality . Leronlimab might also be approved or given EUA by the Philippines next week and likely the UK and EU PRIOR to USA Eua.
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Finally, the FDA approves EIND use again of Leronlimab , did not allow while trial was ongoing , since the severe Critical trial is fully enrolled in phase three and full approval likely after January twelve . They also allowed doctors to access it in hospitals for anyone that fit the trial protocol. Thankfully no more giving patients placebo and instead everyone that is in severe or bad shape will have their doctor use it. Shortly , the only therapeutic to help severe critical patients and lessen mortality . Leronlimab might also be approved or given EUA by the Philippines next week and likely the UK and EU PRIOR to USA Eua.

Has there been any interim data or is everyone waiting for P3 results?
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Has there been any interim data or is everyone waiting for P3 results?
Waiting on P3, which has 394 in trial and last patient injected 12/16 so 28 days later, 1/12 they will unblind. But FDA allowing EINd again , advising how doctors can use now, Leronlimab given a Medicare ICM code for payment starting 1/1 leads to the belief it will be approved soon. Dare I say the FDA has slow played this approval and did not grant EUA in the face of all the deaths, with 2 DSMB reviews for safety ( passed 100%) and efficacy ( passed as recommendation was to continue trial without modification and without adding people to trial to reach SS ) , while every other Big Pharma failed and no other drugs beating Leronlimab for approval. But hospitals continue to fill and people are dying at record numbers again . FDA also about to approve long hauler trial , so Leronlimab will be used for both. I would also use early in treatment as by Day 3 patients improve .
You seem to have a tendency to minimize any problems with the vaccine. For those with anaphylaxis to a variety of things, this is a big deal, and it seems to have been swept under the carpet. Someone in my family had planned to go early for one of the available vaccines as was completely unaware of this. They had not talked to their doctor. This person was on the list to get an early vaccine, and none of this information was provided. A review of the vaccine consent form does lists the ingredients and asks if the person receiving the vaccine if they have had an allergic reaction to the ingredients listed, but the average person is not going to know if they are or are not allergic to the laundry list of chemical moieties listed.

But you give sound advice, each person should consult their doctor first, especially if they have any issues with anaphylaxis (they carry an epi pen) or other potential issues discussed such as immunocompromised.
We disagree. IMO, I'm simply providing the data and context, trying to let people know that there are very rare risks of anaphylaxis with these vaccines (like there are with any vaccines) and showing that the risk is still tiny compared to the benefits, but also indicating that people with severe allergies should be talking to their doctors before getting vaccinated. I've seen the side effects, including potential allergic responses discussed many times in print and on TV, so the risks weren't "swept under the rug" from my perspective.

I don't care what new vaccine comes out - people should know from the past, whether from their own vaccinations or those for their kids, and from what's been shared on these vaccines, so far, that there are somewhat common side effects, which are not serious, but in rare cases, as with any vaccine, serious allergic responses are possible.

My advice to anyone who has any significant allergies and absolutely anyone who has any history of anaphylactic responses to any allergen (and of course any previous vaccine) is to consult with one's doctor - or at the very least, don't leave the vaccination area for at least 20-30 minutes, as allergic responses are almost always within minutes - and even pharmacies are capable of administering epinepherine, if needed.

And from my perspective, you spend a lot of time questioning the safety and efficacy of vaccines, even going so far as to say you likely won't get a vaccine even though eligible, which is certainly your prerogative, but the price we pay for that, in aggregate, is that we have far too many people who are afraid or unwilling to get the COVID vaccine (or other vaccines), which is going to make eliminating this virus much more difficult than it should be.
I can't believe GoRU(?) didn't post this release about Cytodyn's leronlimab monoclonal antibody drug, which is a CCR5 (chemokine receptor) antagonist that has been repurposed for COVID to help halt over-inflammatory responses to the virus in severely ill COVID patients. They completed their phase III enrollment and expect results in mid-January. Let's hope it works - I'm sure he has a lot invested and can donate millions to RU football should the drug work.
Finally, the FDA approves EIND use again of Leronlimab , did not allow while trial was ongoing , since the severe Critical trial is fully enrolled in phase three and full approval likely after January twelve . They also allowed doctors to access it in hospitals for anyone that fit the trial protocol. Thankfully no more giving patients placebo and instead everyone that is in severe or bad shape will have their doctor use it. Shortly , the only therapeutic to help severe critical patients and lessen mortality . Leronlimab might also be approved or given EUA by the Philippines next week and likely the UK and EU PRIOR to USA Eua.
Surprised it took you so long to post on this. We all hope it works, but to assume it will, given how many surprises we've had with COVID treatments so far, seems unwarranted.
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