This bill is just killing the far right. They have a narrative that Biden is dying or Biden can't get things done or Biden is dangerously left-wing.
And then Biden has had a recent streak of big wins - Guns, NATO, jobs report, gas prices falling, vitamixing Zawahiri, Kansas, and now a legacy bill on renewables and (finally!) implementing price controls on some drugs.
So expect a lot of whinging about awful mines are (as if they ever cared one iota) and how the energy grid is going to collapse, etc. Fear mongering is what Fox News does best.
The far right and the far left are, unfortunately, both doing very well these days, which totally sucks for ordinary people who just want better governance and haven't been, aren't, and won't be getting it.
I don't think Biden's a very good president. But I find it hilarious that Trump supporters keep making fun of Biden. Because Biden beat the snot out of Trump in the election. So if Biden is so unbelievably awful, what does that say about Trump who got crushed by him in the election. Me, I want to know when we're going to start getting candidates who don't totally suck from either side of the aisle. It's been awhile, IMO.
I'm not sure what big wins Biden has had vis-a-vis guns. I can't think of any, actually. The recent SCOTUS decision, which has nothing to do with Biden, has led to most states, like NJ, who previously made it nearly impossible for folks to obtain carry permits, to make it possible for most folks who want them to obtain them.
And the recent house legislation on semiautomatic weapons has been a
mammoth win for gun manufacturers. Because, although it seems unlikely the Senate will pass the bill, at least as is, and SCOTUS will certainly shoot it down even if it did pass, folks are buying up guns like crazy right now. I spent $4K myself on Friday, to add two guns to my collection, as a hedge in case the Senate does the unexpected since it'll be a wait until the inevitable lawsuit reaches SCOTUS. And will be adding a couple more in the next couple weeks.
What I actually expect might happen, as a result of the house bill, is that a lawsuit against the ban on fully automatic weapons will wind up at SCOTUS and will be overturned. I think it was a tactical error for the House to pass that bill because gun owners, if pushed hard enough, will push back - and they are an extremely well-funded special interest group. I should point out that I'm opposed to legalizing fully automatic weapons. I'm just equally opposed to bans on most semiautomatic weapons because they're stupid and pointless and will affect all the wrong people while doing nothing to cut down on mass shootings.
Not sure what else passed that counts as a win. I mean, NYS raised the age to purchase rifles to 21. Oh, and in a fit of pure genius, they banned body armor for civilians. Because you know, banning something that prevents people from being killed when shot is a great way to prevent people from being shot.