What does that have to do with my happiness as an EV owner? I have never been so thrilled with a vehicle, and I have owned many. I don't think I will ever buy another ICE vehicle.
I agree the article Bac linked, which is suspiciously propagandist in tone anyway, is not relevant to your enjoyment of your new vehicle.
OTOH, IIRC, the Lightning is your first pickup truck, no? If so, I'm curious how much you attribute your happiness to the vehicle's propulsion method versus other factors such as the vehicles build quality, it's elevation above surrounding traffic, it's comfort, etc.?
For me, when I first bought a new GMC Suburban (years back), it was my first large SUV and, as such, my first experience sitting way up higher than surrounding traffic, which I really liked a lot for the great sight lines while driving. It had super comfortable leather seats, was hugely spacious inside, and was quiet and comfortable as hell. And it got over 600 miles per tank. The ultimate family road-tripper vehicle.
I liked that vehicle so much I kept it for around 20 years. The kids all drove it after they got their licenses. And the entire time, and to this day, the very last thing on my mind was the manner of propulsion, how fast it got to 60, etc.
For me, if I could have that same 600+ miles of range, have generally instant access to a charger everywhere so I didn't have to use an app or otherwise think ahead about chargers in any way, and didn't have to worry about replacing a $30K+ battery 8 years or a 100,000 miles in, I'd consider an electric Suburban to be a wash in terms of vehicle enjoyment, plus would enjoy the gas savings and the possibility that I'm helping the environment some.
I'm not knocking EVs here. I'm just saying that, for an SUV (or pickup truck), the manner of propulsion will never much matter to me in terms of my enjoyment of the vehicle.