OT: Erin Andrews Awarded $55 M in Video Stalker Case

good for her but how exactly is the peeping Tom supposed to come up with his 26 million portion of the settlement?
good for her. she's now set for life and can just live of the interest generated from that
The percentage assigned to each matters (from her perspective) if the jury didn't find them to be jointly liable - if it did find them jointly liable, then she can collect from the hotel and make them try to collect from him. Either way, it's a big hit for the hotel.

Marriott was in the case originally, but got thrown out before the trial. I'm betting that the hotel wishes Marriott still was in the case.
The justice system is a sham... I dont have all the evidence but what could they possibly have done to warrant responsibility for 49% of the verdict. This is why everything is crazy expensive. Apply these kinds of settlements to healthcare industry and we know where the problems lie.
The justice system is a sham... I dont have all the evidence but what could they possibly have done to warrant responsibility for 49% of the verdict. This is why everything is crazy expensive. Apply these kinds of settlements to healthcare industry and we know where the problems lie.

I don't know the details of how it happened, but the hotel changed his room - at his request - to put him next to her. That's a start.
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what could they possibly have done to warrant responsibility for 49% of the verdict..

The guy was able to find and get the room next to hers many times....AND apparently go into a shared hallway and change around peepholes.....then hold a camera up to it for minutes or hours at a time. I'm sure those things stood out.
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I am glad that Erin Andrews won, but 55 million is to way to much money awarded. I think it was worth about 250 thousand.
I don't know the details of how it happened, but the hotel changed his room - at his request - to put him next to her. That's a start. did that happen? Did he stalk her and find her room and then simply call to be transferred to room XXXX... did he specifically request a room next to her? Did he pass himself off as part of her entourage. Its hard for a $15 an hour front desk employee to be negligible to the point where he costs his company 25 million dollars.

The amount is insane... Make the stalker pay everything and i dont have an issue. And ask yourselves... if this was anybody else would they get this kind of money? No way in hell.
He called the desk for a phone connection to her room. That gave him her room number and he booked the next one. Then he went ahead with all the stuff ataylor posted above
A few more details that I've seen - apparently he found out what room she was in by using an employees-only phone that was somewhere non-employees were not supposed to be, and then requested a change to the specific room next to hers.

On the amount, one reason for such a big verdict is that someone like Erin Andrews has a lot more to lose than the average person. Still, even for a regular person, this probably is at least a 7-figure verdict, maybe more. (And I don't think it helped the hotel that its lawyer, during his cross-examination of her, tried to get her to say that the video actually had been good for her career. Even if it's true, it's dumb to ask her; all it does is get her sympathy from the jury.) did that happen? Did he stalk her and find her room and then simply call to be transferred to room XXXX... did he specifically request a room next to her? Did he pass himself off as part of her entourage. .

If you really want to know these answers the info is publicly available.
Hope the NFL and Dancing to get rid of her. I' m waiting for porn stars to play the victim card.
The justice system is a sham... I dont have all the evidence but what could they possibly have done to warrant responsibility for 49% of the verdict. This is why everything is crazy expensive. Apply these kinds of settlements to healthcare industry and we know where the problems lie.

Well, if you felt your career had been incredibly harmed by what many thought was a publicity stunt -- when you were trying to be taken serious as a journalist -- that's pretty serious.

And if you are a woman that feels every man looking at her has seen her naked without her permission.

And people are sending her lewd mail and social media messages...

yeah, I can understand the verdict actually.
so how exactly is that evil man supposed to pay her the millions?

First, that's not really important. The jury isn't supposed to ask that question - its job is to decide if she was injured and how much the injury was worth.

Second, depending on exactly how the verdict was set up, the hotel could be on the hook for whole thing, even though it's only 49% responsible. If they jury found the hotel and the stalker were jointly liable, then she can enforce the whole judgment against either one.
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No way she sees that money even though everyone got to see her. Reduced on appeal
It would be odd for her to get $55 million for something that Kim Kardashian routinely does for free.
She just got hotter.

Did you see the video?

I did.

Erin is an attractive woman, a solid 8 or 9 depending on personal taste. But she's is like a 25 in her birthday suit. Absolutely gorgeous and all natural.
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Does that linebacker from Mississippi State have a case against the manufacturer of his shorts for making them such that his junk fell out? That must be worth at least 5 million dollars.
These large verdicts often fan the flames of the tort reformers, but are more often than not they are scaled back on appeal or settled for a significantly lower amount in anticipation of an appeal.
These large verdicts often fan the flames of the tort reformers, but are more often than not they are scaled back on appeal or settled for a significantly lower amount in anticipation of an appeal.

This, not to mention dragged out indefinitely. It could be appealed to higher courts for the next 10 years. Erin will be lucky to get a fraction of the verdict when this is settled.
Erin Andrews BENEFITED from that "exposure". She should have to pay the peeper and Marriott for making it all possible.
She just got hotter.

Hope the NFL and Dancing to get rid of her. I' m waiting for porn stars to play the victim card.

Did you see the video?

I did.

Erin is an attractive woman, a solid 8 or 9 depending on personal taste. But she's is like a 25 in her birthday suit. Absolutely gorgeous and all natural.

Erin Andrews BENEFITED from that "exposure". She should have to pay the peeper and Marriott for making it all possible.

I'm willing to bet none of you would ever show these posts to your mothers, wives or daughters.