OT: Fat Sandwich

We argue about everything around here, if you haven't notice. The most important thing is that nothing is ever resolved.

Who? Are they in NJ too?
Primanti Brothers is in Pittsburgh and has been there since the 30s serving sandwiches to steel workers (back then) that simplified a quick lunch - just shove the fries and slaw on the big Texas toast sandwiches. They're damn good.

I kind of agree with RBS05 in that, yeah, the Fat Darrell wasn't the original Fat Cat, but it was the sandwich that really began the "phenomenon" of the Fat Cat sandwich, so it should get some credit for that.
Last time I had a fat sandwich, the grease trucks were still in the parking lot on College Ave. Was there with RU#s and some other friends.

Was a strange night. Some very cute but way too drunk sorority girl, apparently trying to impress her little sisters, decided it would be fun to mess with me while we were all waiting in line. She started out only a little obnoxious, then seemed to take my refusal to engage as a personal insult or something and got really obnoxious. So I engaged just a little, made a few quiet comments.

By the time I was handed my two Fat Darrell's and walking to a table to sit and eat them, she was out of control furious, screaming about kicking my ass. Her sorority sisters and some guy, maybe her boyfriend, literally physically dragged her away back towards the dorms. Could still hear her ranting and cursing half a block away. LOL

I remember thinking how my ex-wife could really commiserate with the poor girl.

Are you sure I was there? While I can recall many instances where you may have annoyed a young co-ed, I don't recall it ever getting that heated. Maybe I was already eating mine and didn't notice. Certainly unlikely that I was hammered, as I've almost always been the "designated less-than-hammered driver..." My last recollection of a Fat Cat with you guys was when our other friend was taking surreptitious pix of "The Gap." I've had plenty since, as I'm on campus a lot more than y'all.
I kind of agree with RBS05 in that, yeah, the Fat Darrell wasn't the original Fat Cat, but it was the sandwich that really began the "phenomenon" of the Fat Cat sandwich, so it should get some credit for that.
Took off well before that. Just got the screen time then.

The "arms race" with regards to Fat sandwiches was in full swing by that time.
Primanti Brothers is in Pittsburgh and has been there since the 30s serving sandwiches to steel workers (back then) that simplified a quick lunch - just shove the fries and slaw on the big Texas toast sandwiches. They're damn good.

I kind of agree with RBS05 in that, yeah, the Fat Darrell wasn't the original Fat Cat, but it was the sandwich that really began the "phenomenon" of the Fat Cat sandwich, so it should get some credit for that.

Fine, then market it as such, NOT as the "original." It's a flat-out lie and, IMHO, any marketing saying it is should be stopped immediately (and recanted, to be honest).
To me the "screen time" and media coverage is the phenomenon and rightly or wrongly, the Fat Darrell has been the centerpiece of that.
Well it's always ends up about you in these types of threads so I guess that makes it true. LOL
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Are you sure I was there? While I can recall many instances where you may have annoyed a young co-ed, I don't recall it ever getting that heated. Maybe I was already eating mine and didn't notice. Certainly unlikely that I was hammered, as I've almost always been the "designated less-than-hammered driver..." My last recollection of a Fat Cat with you guys was when our other friend was taking surreptitious pix of "The Gap." I've had plenty since, as I'm on campus a lot more than y'all.
You, P and Mok were all there already at the table; I was last in line. You guys all heard her, but only Mok knew the rant was directed at me. Somebody, I thought it was you, make a similar joke to the one you just made about my effect on young women.

It's possible that wasn't the last time I got fat sandwiches. But it's the last one I remember. I don't recall the gap pix night as well. Unless that was the same night. I think it was like the last night or two before the trucks were moved out of the lot.
I'm craving a Fat ZBT right now.

Think I'm going to order up the ingredients from a local pizza place and make my own for dinner tonight. I have a checkup coming up soon, so I figure that will help w/my blood test numbers.
You, P and Mok were all there already at the table; I was last in line. You guys all heard her, but only Mok knew the rant was directed at me. Somebody, I thought it was you, make a similar joke to the one you just made about my effect on young women.

It's possible that wasn't the last time I got fat sandwiches. But it's the last one I remember. I don't recall the gap pix night as well. Unless that was the same night. I think it was like the last night or two before the trucks were moved out of the lot.

I'm thinking this was a late night run, correct? If it was that one, I vaguely recall you talking about being yelled at, but I assume I was too engrossed in gorging to care. The other, last visit to the Grease Truck lot area, as a group, occurred on an early summer evening, just before sunset and P was quite busy snapping pix. Foreshadowing, I guess...
I'm thinking this was a late night run, correct? If it was that one, I vaguely recall you talking about being yelled at, but I assume I was too engrossed in gorging to care. The other, last visit to the Grease Truck lot area, as a group, occurred on an early summer evening, just before sunset and P was quite busy snapping pix. Foreshadowing, I guess...
It was a relatively late night run, yep. And yeah, he should've minded the gap.
It was a relatively late night run, yep. And yeah, he should've minded the gap.
I don't think he minded the gap at all - in fact, one could say the rapt attention he paid to the gap eventually led to the downfall of Western Civilization or at least Western Metuchen Civilization.
To be fair to Darrell, I commented on the video that the Fat Cat is the original. It got 150+ likes, including Darrell himself who further commented that his invention wasn't a drunken feat but he was just hungry.

It is definitely the best one no matter which way you slice it.
Primanti Brothers is in Pittsburgh and has been there since the 30s serving sandwiches to steel workers (back then) that simplified a quick lunch - just shove the fries and slaw on the big Texas toast sandwiches. They're damn good.

I kind of agree with RBS05 in that, yeah, the Fat Darrell wasn't the original Fat Cat, but it was the sandwich that really began the "phenomenon" of the Fat Cat sandwich, so it should get some credit for that.

not really...fat sandwiches were always big at Rutgers, perhaps nationwide they didnt know about it and then copied but pretty much everyone in NJ knew about it. I also agree with others who think Daryll trying to take credit is wrong
This is simply a lie. Yes, Darrell created his "own" FAT sandwich, and then made sure everyone in the world knew about it, but there were FAT sandwiches long before him regardless of what he or any article says. SMH.

I used to eat FAT sandwiches at the trucks, and especially late night at Giovenelli's (I lived on Condict St...), all the time in the EARLY 90's.


I ate my share of fat cats but my go to was the gyro extra white sauce at Jimmys....I dont miss the morning aftertaste though
Well it sounds like a gastronomical delight one way or another!

The South has a few of those as well. But nothing quite like a Fat Cat!
I knew it was that particular truck but did not know it went back that far in time?

I suggest we give our friend the ingredients for the original Fat Cat from the Greaseman and not the spin offs.

Anybody (as I am sure I will miss something)?

Well it's always ends up about you in these types of threads so I guess that makes it true. LOL

I don't think we got an answer on this one yet?

The lady doth protest too much, methinks...

Well done. You win. LOL


Maybe, but I have to say that this is an awesome clip. At the risk of making it more about me, lol, this reminds me of one of the funnier stories in our family history. I was 9 and was a chess nut at the time and the first time I beat my older brother, who was only a casual chess player, but a grade A sore loser, and he picked up the chess board and winged it at my face from 2 feet away. Well I started pouring blood from my mouth and ran downstairs crying and my mom asked what happened and through the tears, I simply said that I beat Mark at chess. Took her awhile to figure out how winning a chess game translated to my profuse bleeding. Might be time for an OT thread on abusive siblings, lol...
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In 1996, I arrived on The Banks with a willingness to learn a big appetite. Recent grads and upperclassmen I knew sent me to the greasetrucks for a Fat Cat. It seemed all the trucks had the same few Fat sandwiches:

FatCat - on a subroll with fries by this time
Fat Koko & Fat Sam - cheesesteak instead of burgers. one included mozz sticks
Fat Moon - Chicken fingers, bacon egg and cheese on a sub

The next Fall, an aquaintance of mine's roommate changed his plans (might have transferred) and my buddy ended up with a transfer-in student as a roommate. His name was Darrell (of Fat Darrell fame). Sometime that year the Fat Darrell was born - along with the my new favorite the Fat Knight (cheesesteak, chicken fingers, mozz sticks, fries, marinara) and few others. Who remembers the Red Death Burger (fat cat drenched in hot sauce)? If you ever had one at 2AM, you would remember how it felt the next day.

Word spread of this guy Darrell and the sandwich he created and lots of kids tried to come up with their own Fat Sandwich to get it posted on a menu on a greasetruck as their 15 minutes of fame (or is it infamy?). To me this was the point at which the "original" Fat Sandwich menu was taken over by Look-at-me culture.

Anyway, that's the way I remember it.
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