OT: Favorite Movie Soundtracks

The Graduate

And I don't think the following should count but:

A Hard Day's Night
Magical Mystery Tour
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Dirty Dancing
Reality Bites

Be back later with more
Haven’t thought enough about this topic, but glad to see someone beat me to it on Goodfellas! What a great soundtrack extending through so many eras.
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Rocky, Sophie's Choice, Terms of Endearment, Cabaret, Wizard of Oz
Lots of great ones listed, but my all-time favorite is Garden State, very closely followed by Grosse Pointe Blank. Many of my other favorites were also listed in the thread and here's a list of those and a couple I haven't seen...

Dazed and Confused
Breakfast Club
Big Chill
Dead Presidents
Beautiful Girls
Can't Hardly Wait
8 Mile
That Thing You Do
Thomas Crown Affair
Animal House
Pretty in Pink
Valley Girl
High Fidelity
Do the Right Thing
Lost In Translation

And then there a few which were soundtracks, but by a single artist in a film: Help! Super Fly and Purple Rain (so not sure I "count" them as soundtracks, per se, which I usually think of as a curated set of songs that already existed used for a film - although all three are amazing albums and work in the films).
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Looking at my CD collection for some of my favorite soundtracks... broader range of musical styles here

Dances with Wolves
Robin Hood (Costner version)
The Crow
Batman and Robin
O Brother where are thou?
Get Shorty

The Schindler's List piece always brings me to tears, so much emotion in that recording.

My wife's favorite soundtrack is the Mission.
Looking at my CD collection for some of my favorite soundtracks... broader range of musical styles here

Dances with Wolves
Robin Hood (Costner version)
The Crow
Batman and Robin
O Brother where are thou?
Get Shorty

The Schindler's List piece always brings me to tears, so much emotion in that recording.

My wife's favorite soundtrack is the Mission.
Dances with Wolves was an epic instrumental soundtrack. Sticking with John Barry…Out of Africa. Similar feel for the grandeur of the setting.
How has Purple Rain not been mentioned yet?

Goodfellas (Monkey Man and Layla perfectly placed)
Long forgotten classic… Heavy Metal

People forget Pink Floyd did 2 classic soundtracks in More and Obscured by Clouds
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A few that I like that have not been mentioned, Last Action Hero, Maximum Overdrive, and the Last American Virgin.
Forrest Gump
The Greatest Showman

Best of Luck,
Donnie Darko

Spesh "Under the Milky Way" by The Church and "The Killing Moon" (Echo and the Bunnymen)

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So, I'm sitting here listening to the Friday Night Lights movie soundtrack (because it's that kind of day), and got to thinking I don't recall any OT threads on movie soundtracks.

My personal GoTo's:
  1. Rocky I
  2. Rudy (but HATE the movie)
  3. Friday Night Lights
  4. American Graffiti
EDITED: How could I forget Rocky?
Just seeing this thread now @RW90 ... So first off, Explosions is def. a cool band indeed. And FNL a great movie. And book. And tv show, ha. Anyway, funny (but LONG, sorry!) story that you and some others on this thread may appreciate- So my son, who is now 13, when he was born we were in the hospital room and I brought my Macbook Pro in to play music to soothe my wife during labor, etc. When I finally got around to hitting play on the chill mix I had made for her, the first track was Your Hand In Mine by Explosions from the FNL Soundtrack. But the last time I had used iTunes I had it set to repeat single track. So for the first 20-30 minutes or so, while we were preoccupied with everything that was going on, it just kept looping that song. Finally I noticed and asked my wife to reach for the laptop and hand it to me so I could switch it to Repeat All. She said no, to just leave it on repeat, she was enjoying it. And I was in no position to argue with her, haha. So for the next few hours and THROUGH my son being born, nobody hit stop. So he was born to Your Hand In Mine and it officially became his birth song.

When we finally got home from the hospital a couple of days later, I took a really cute picture of my new baby boy, found an email address off of Explosions In The Sky's website, and emailed the band with the photo of my son attached and the above story, not knowing if they'd even write back. To my shock they wrote back right away! They loved the story and got a kick out of everything. They joked and said I should try NEVER playing it for my son until he's way way older, then randomly bust it out one day and ask him if it sounds familiar to him, like if it left some auditory fingerprint in his brain. Well I never did that experiment, ha. As soon as he was old enough to listen to music with me, I introduced it to him as his birth song. So of course it is and always will have a super special place in my heart, and I often get a bit choked up listening to it since it has such an emotional bond with me. My son typically rolls his eyes at that, he he. :)

P.S. The only thing I REALLY messed up on is we didn't repeat this same approach, diff. song with my daughter, who was born 3 years later. For that go around my wife didn't want music, so of course now if I mention my son's birth song, my daughter always makes a note to ask me what HER birth song is. Oops.
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Lots of great ones listed, but my all-time favorite is Garden State, very closely followed by Grosse Pointe Blank. Many of my other favorites were also listed in the thread and here's a list of those and a couple I haven't seen...

Dazed and Confused
Breakfast Club
Big Chill
Dead Presidents
Beautiful Girls
Can't Hardly Wait
8 Mile
That Thing You Do
Thomas Crown Affair
Animal House
Pretty in Pink
Valley Girl
High Fidelity
Do the Right Thing
Lost In Translation

And then there a few which were soundtracks, but by a single artist in a film: Help! Super Fly and Purple Rain (so not sure I "count" them as soundtracks, per se, which I usually think of as a curated set of songs that already existed used for a film - although all three are amazing albums and work in the films).

Yes! Finally, someone said Dead Presidents. It's not a very well know movie, but I think it's great. Every single song on the soundtrack is good.

Trainspotting is another good one.
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Haven’t thought enough about this topic, but glad to see someone beat me to it on Goodfellas! What a great soundtrack extending through so many eras.

Goodfellas might be the best, but the only thing is that there are some great songs in the movie that aren't on the soundtrack. I downloaded the soundtrack and it was missing "Jump Into The Fire" by Harry Nilsson, "Magic Bus" by the Who, "What Is Life" by George Harrison, "My Way" by Sid Vicious, and "Monkey Man" by The Rolling Stones.

I had to download the songs separately and I played them at my last tailgate.
IMHO a soundtrack should only count if the music was written specifically for the movie . A musical score. Most listed here are just a collection of songs. Using that criteria the greatest movie soundtrack ever: Ben Hur.
The Overture, the Roman March, the Sea Battle, the Parade of the Charioteers. Nothing like it ever.
Also people will still be listening to the Imperial March from Star Wars long after most of the songs mentioned are long forgotten.
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Here is a collection of great musical scores put together for the Oscars by John Williams.
It's when you hear the music you can identify the movie.