OT - Help with Markings on House


Gold Member
Feb 23, 2002
My next door neighbor has this marking drawn next to their front door. Their son thinks it means that the house is easy to rob. Does anyone know if there is any meaning behind it?


Zooming in and running through a Google Image search yields nothing. I suggest some white paint to solve this one.
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My next door neighbor has this marking drawn next to their front door. Their son thinks it means that the house is easy to rob. Does anyone know if there is any meaning behind it?

If you live near RR tracks it could be signs that hobo's use to message other transients about a particular house. Free meal, nice people, etc or a warning to stay away. Hard to tell exactly.
Kinda looks like hobo signs... the criminals in Britain have some marks they use.. are they wealthy?


Cannot find a corresponding hobo sign..
We're across the pond so it could be a different system and different groups might have their own symbols.

Who knows, but I think it's strange and a little disconcerting to suddenly find that outside your door. It kind of looks like an eye with eyelashes maybe it's a sign regarding security or cameras who knows. Personally, I'd let the police know just so they're informed and tell the surrounding neighbors so they're informed as well and then paint over it quickly.

If you don't have some sort of wireless cameras or motion sensor lights might be good idea. Maybe I'm paranoid but that's just me.
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Either someone in that house is worshiping the Faith of the Seven, or they are going to be robbed. Either way, best to cover it up with a "Beware of Dog" sign.

Zooming in and running through a Google Image search yields nothing. I suggest some white paint to solve this one.

Yeah, I ran this through Google, and Google came back with "Best guess for this image: invertebrate " . So I guess that means the person who lives there is spineless.

But I agree, it someone is concerned with this, cover it with white paint.

I'm not really sure how markings for criminals would work. Why would one crook bother marking a house as "easy to rob"? If it is easy to rob, why wouldn't they just rob it. If they want to let one of their partners know that a house is easy to rob, why not just tell their partner that 75 Green St is easy to rob. Is there a benefit to marking a house as easy to rob for some random other crook to rob, rather than keeping that fact secret so you can rob it yourself.

But if you're concerned, paint over it.
I'm not really sure how markings for criminals would work. Why would one crook bother marking a house as "easy to rob"? If it is easy to rob, why wouldn't they just rob it. If they want to let one of their partners know that a house is easy to rob, why not just tell their partner that 75 Green St is easy to rob. Is there a benefit to marking a house as easy to rob for some random other crook to rob, rather than keeping that fact secret so you can rob it yourself.

But if you're concerned, paint over it.
They should come up with a new symbol for "the insurance money just came back from the last robbery".
why aren't your neighbors just covering it up after taking photos and reporting it to the police? Surely they weren't waiting on a consensus of the Rutgers Football Board Brain trust, were they?

This actually made me laugh out loud.
My next door neighbor has this marking drawn next to their front door. Their son thinks it means that the house is easy to rob. Does anyone know if there is any meaning behind it?


It means free cat food for any cats that stop by. It's an old hobo-cat marking.
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When the robber comes in the middle of the day and does a doorbell check first, make sure to tell them when they answer through their "Ring" doorbell device that they say they are "Bathing the children" and not "Just finishing up cleaning my gun, be right down"
Best thing to do is put it up on a College football recruiting board. Here is an idea call the cops, they will let you know if there is anything to worry about.
Door looks like someone's opinion posted on a board like this.
So Scarlet Nation might be the best place to get the right answer!!
And the answer is:
That marking on door deals with the occult and meant to allow that door to open to another dimension so Jim Morrison can "Break On Through (To The Other Side)"
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My next door neighbor has this marking drawn next to their front door. Their son thinks it means that the house is easy to rob. Does anyone know if there is any meaning behind it?


It appears that the house might have been "tagged" by a gang with a gang symbol, which could be serious.

Instead of posting on a college football message board I'd contact your local police dept to see if it is indeed a gang symbol of a local gang and if so what it means and why this house was tagged.

It might have to do with an issue between a gang member and an occupant of the house.
It appears that the house might have been "tagged" by a gang with a gang symbol, which could be serious.

Instead of posting on a college football message board I'd contact your local police dept to see if it is indeed a gang symbol of a local gang and if so what it means and why this house was tagged.

It might have to do with an issue between a gang member and an occupant of the house.

Yeah...that's it. The name of the gang is The Scientists.
Looks like a sun-maybe even a constellation. Like the idea of "religious reference"-or even a pointer.

By LONG SHOT do you get the "Discovery Channel's "TreasureQuest-Snake Island or similar title? That show just wrapped up Friday night. A group of experts in several fields went out looking for the "Treasure of the Trinity"-supposedly a $400 million treasure that was? stolen by the Incas? by Jesuit Priests.

In season 1 they hunted deadly ""Snake island" filled with deadly snakes et al. They found several symbols in caves and elsewhere that pointed them elsewhere up the amazon? Some of the symbols were a bit like your own. One was a reference to a constellation, others pointers.

After the second season concluded Friday, various sets of finds and markings-as well as elders in a tribe-(discovery of a polished stone only found near a waterfall) the group wound up up the amazon? in a very remote area. Found a polished stone in a hgh up outcropping of rocks over an elaborate waterfall with cave system (various symbols along the way indicated caves). In the last minutes of Friday's episode the expert free diver dove into the cave system and found first a mask?/ then a very valuable gold cross et al. The show end with a few more valuables and one crew member stating it would likely take months to recover all. The assumption is that THE TREASURE OF THE TRINITY HAS BEEN FOUND.

Long shot chance someone imitating the show?

Also- when I went to day came-we'd have games and go on hikes where a staff member or other would identify something by colored rocks or a symbol. Boy and girl scouts do similar. Could have been campers, scouts, other passing through. What about gang markings/symbol? Wiccans?

I still think that symbol could refer to the sun or a constellation.

If you get a chance go to and watch at least the last episode (Friday 12/16/16 of "TreasureQuest". That symbol may be close to something on the show.
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It means to keep your firearms at the ready. Some low hanging fishing line might also get that symbol changed to a more pro homeowner symbol. Just saying, haha. Seriously, do that.