OT: Home Brewing: all grain vs extract


Jan 16, 2009
So I want to start brewing my own beer. I have never done this before. I've done some research and watched a lot of youtube videos. My question is; Is it crazy as a beginner to start with all grain brewing as opposed to extract?
Grain brewing is easy. I do grain mashes all the time. Of course, I'm less concerned about clarity, or sparging, or anything like that, since the mash goes into the still and the spent mash goes down the drain.

Still, all of your husked grains are pretty easy to work with. Corn is a pain in the ass because it will clog any piece of equipment with a false bottom.
It's the initial $$ for equipment. If you haven't homebrewec before there's nothing wrong with starting with extract. Just buy a kit or two from one of the bigger online shops who push a ton of product to ensure you're getting fresh ingredients. If, after a couple of kits, you find yourself enjoying it then think about going all grain.
I brew all grain but still will do an occasional brew using extract. Here's two sites that will be of great help. and sub forum homebrewing
I brew about 30 batches a year. I started out with extract to keep the initial investment down and after the first 6 months or so I switched to all grain. Even though most of my batches are all grain now, if I have a short amount of time and I want to brew, I have no problem brewing up an extract batch, and you can get a very good beer from extract.
Whichever way you go I advise you to checkout

You will not regret it. They have a great selection and very good prices. I buy some stuff local but I can't justify the difference in prices just to buy local for grain and extract. Some days they will announce through email that the entire store is 30% off. Shipping charges are very favorable too. If you have some recipes with high grain or hops bills you will save a lot of money. Their hops selection is unmatched.

Most important, have fun!