OT- Hulk Hogan Wins $115 Million From Gawker in Lawsuit

According to The Hulskter his divorce And the law suit filed by the family of the young man who his son seriously injured in a car wreck, he wasn't doing so great financially. This should help him refill his coffers. Maybe get his daughter some signing lessons.
This pretty much guarantees that no mainstream or corporate-owned site will ever try leaking a celebrity sex tape again.
The differences in the reactions to this story vs. the Erin Andrews story are fascinating.
Well to be fair gawker was using the video with hogan for profit. Gawker refused to take it down after his lawyers threatened them. Then they went to court. Gawker could have avoided it by taking it down.

The Marriott hotel wasn't showing the Erin Andrews video. They werent making profit from it. Mistakes were made by their employees but ultimately the criminal was the guy that recorded it.
This is BS. But who would want to see a Hulk Hogan sex video? Yikes.

Why is this BS?

Even celebrities have SOME right to privacy. Hogan was not objecting to the "reporting" of the fact there was a sex tape ... which would be covered under the rights of free press. He was objecting to the SHOWING of the tape itself, over his objections. Their argument was that the showing of the tape was prurient and for profit, and was NOT news, and therefore not protected by the 1st amendment free press clause.

And I agree.
Hopefully this will spell the end of Gawker.

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The differences in the reactions to this story vs. the Erin Andrews story are fascinating.

Not from me. They both deserved big awards. Hulk even more due to Gawker monetizing it.

Some of the testimony of those Gawker guys is just horrid.
Yeah, especially, that one D-bag who basically said that they'd publish any celebrity sex tape, provided the participants were older than four. It was said in jest, but gives you a pretty good idea of the mentality of those in change.
Why is this BS?

Even celebrities have SOME right to privacy. Hogan was not objecting to the "reporting" of the fact there was a sex tape ... which would be covered under the rights of free press. He was objecting to the SHOWING of the tape itself, over his objections. Their argument was that the showing of the tape was prurient and for profit, and was NOT news, and therefore not protected by the 1st amendment free press clause.

And I agree.
There was a man; somewhere in the midwest I believe who was falsely imprisoned for decades. One of many cases of that type that has happened in recent years. His take from all that? About 1 million. That's why I think it's BS. If anybody should get unlimited money it's people like that poor man in my opinion.
There was a man; somewhere in the midwest I believe who was falsely imprisoned for decades. One of many cases of that type that has happened in recent years. His take from all that? About 1 million. That's why I think it's BS. If anybody should get unlimited money it's people like that poor man in my opinion.
usually when you are falsely imprisoned u get only like 30-50K per year for it which is pretty messed up considering every hour you are in there you are working, working to stay alive.
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