Can you stop with the endless 'sources' and paragraphs and just tell us what you think actually happened? Less Matlock episode and more to the point please.
I have no main take on the specific situation.
In the expanded context I do lean suspicious.
For weeks we've had warnings about attacks in infrastructure/economy.
FBI's Wray warned about CCP attacks on grid etc.
In the fall there there was CCP malware in thousands of routers (CCP was hitting Guam hard) .
China attacks a country like US differently.
Like in Akido, they aim to dodge a foes main strength so they would not rush to attack militarily.
They like asymmetrical/unrestricted warfare and a "war of disintegration."
They are happy to chip away, chip away, chip away.
Xi is well known to have feared something like what Reagan did to USSR.
When Trump dropped a hammer on CCP manipulation they declared a "People's War" on US in 2019.
A lot of bad things have happened since then.
We never get the full story because China hide the facts and they own half of DC.
Mao took over China using grift, blackmail and hookers on local officials.
They've been doing that and worse in US including Fentanyl
CCP sees US as an expansion area for them - they even have San Fran as their capital.
They don't invade - they just send more and more people over until they dominate.
That's how they took Tibet (doesn't exist anymore) and they've sent 100k over intentionally collapsed US border. They will do their sabotage and hacking but just sending people does a lot because Americans are on beans-n-franks level when thinking strategically and just let things happen..
So I def think the Baltimore thing could be CCP because they wont waste time while MaGoo is still in office (they own him). They will have a lot of things planned. They pay for the green groups, trans groups, racial tension (they have slur posters in many "Comments" sections of papers etc). They also want US in 3 or 4 wars - which has been happening. Disintegration is America's forte at the mo.
Putin I'm not solid on as suspect but he is considered since US helped with Moscow hit.
The thing about Russia though is they still have a "strongman" ethic and some generals and others will act on their own. Russia is a confederation of mafias and godfathers.
Now US sided with Israel strongly after attack - lots of Jewish voters and donors. Then the Muslims threw down in US and admin has ditched Israel to side with Muslims - which will encourage Israeli enemies (citizens of Egypt and Turkey are itching to pop off). Israel will probably drop the hammer on something huge. The problem with big weapons is that whoever fires second fails harder (oh and reconstituted Taliban and Al Qaeda are menacing Pakistan and their nukes).
That's a long reply, but to me we are in a war with many countries who themselves are in wars and bad things will come and keep coming. I think the cargo ship has good chance to be part of that. We are on the highway to hell without some miracle. I wouldn't be flying on any planes,
Chinese state media launched a propaganda offensive Tuesday amid the mounting trade war with the US — as Beijing calls for a “people’s war” against Washington’s “greed and arrogance,” according to …