I think Swift and Jackson followed the same arc of maturing talents.
Both were good young - right off the bat - and kept getting better.
Michael was just more a dancer and Swift more of a musican/writer.
Michael had his siblings and Taylor had her family involved 100%, Swift's family was much healthier though.
I knew Jackson's therapist and he never thought Jackson was an abuser. He hated his father (mean) and thats a reason he was into the surgery and skin changes - he hated looking in the mirror and seeing his fathers likeness.
Jackson never felt like he had a normal childhood. and he was sort of looking for his lost self in kids who were his age when he went off the rails. He reminded me of Vietnam vets I knew who used to tell me they didn't know how to grow-up because they were stuck at 18.
Speaking of plastic surgery and color changes. I like Swift is an actual blonde and always has been. I'm tired of bottle blondes a long time now. They dont even hide the racoon streaks anymore.