OT: If I hear/see one more thing about Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift........

they needed to go away, it was one of the worst genres ever. i will link the doc I am talking about later, actually dealt with some heavier bands not hair metal that fell through the cracks trying to be more grunge than what they actually were

I’ve seen it too. Great documentary. They specifically brought up White Lion as a late casualty of Smells Like Teen Spirit. White Lion just put out a pretty good album and then gone and never heard from again, overnight.
they needed to go away, it was one of the worst genres ever. i will link the doc I am talking about later, actually dealt with some heavier bands not hair metal that fell through the cracks trying to be more grunge than what they actually were
Like 50% of my lifting music is 80s hard rock and hair bands, and I was born in 87. I still love it. Motley Crue is still the best benching music.

(The other half is old school hip hop, grunge, and pop from Dagestan)
Ok here is a Boomers opinion. My daughter has always been a TS fan , she is 31. So of course I heard a lot of TS songs. Can i name a few that I like , yes. Do I not know most of them, also yes. But for those of you saying she is not talented, really?

When you mention Elvis , Frank, and a few more. They were singers, they did not write their own lyrics or music. TS writes all of her songs. My daughter went to her concert and told me it was the best concert production she ever saw. She showed me some clips on youtube and I have agree it was impressive.

If you get a chance look up on YT her duet with Bon Iver, pretty darn good song and lyrics.

She is by all accounts a good person. She goes out of her way to be open to her fans. She gave all the truckers and roadies a $100k bonus at the end of her US tour. Do you see her acting like the Kardashians, no. As some people have mentioned her tour is the biggest in history and cannot wait to see what her movie brings in, someone was brilliant with that idea.

My parents did not like the music I grew up with , but my kids still come to Springsteen and James Taylor concerts with me . So times change and taste of music is up to the person listening.

So let me finish with her lyrics from an old song of hers , that fits well with this thread:

And I can see you years from now in a bar
Talking over a football game
With that same big loud opinion
But nobody's listening
Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things
Drunk and grumbling on about how I can't sing
But all you are is mean
All you are is mean
And a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life
And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean
But someday, I'll be living in a big old city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean, yeah

Long Pond Studio is in the Hudson Valley.
Its exact location is kinda secrety but its in Stuyvesant NY (Columbia County) about 17 miles north of Olana.
Swift also recorded some videos there that are about songwriting.
The vids show how wicked sharp she is
As she spoke I pictured a Bearcat trying to keep along with her.
Hah forget about it

"We have mirrorballs in the middle of a dance floor because they reflect light. they are broken a million times and that's what makes them so shiny. we have people like that in society, too. they hang there, and everytime they break, it entertains us."

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The Kelce family is insufferable, especially Travis. At least he is getting big pharma bucks now though.
He annoys me to no end everytime I hear him talk.
Weird as it seems, he sounds like a wanna be white rapper or a kid just trying to sound street tough.
Maybe it’s my imagination but just what it sounds like to me.
Like 50% of my lifting music is 80s hard rock and hair bands, and I was born in 87. I still love it. Motley Crue is still the best benching music.

(The other half is old school hip hop, grunge, and pop from Dagestan)
Not hai metal, but try Slayer or Pantera for bench press. Will add 10% to your 1 rep max. @bac2therac is way out of his element bad mouthing hair metal. He thinks the Cranberries were great.
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You were trapped in awful hair metal phase while beautiful diverse alternative music of all kinds being made in the early to mid 90s.

Shes my cherry pie yet miles away and headed for a heartbreak because shes only 17 and nobodys fool and one day she is going to fly to the angels and comin home where the down boys go
He annoys me to no end everytime I hear him talk.
Weird as it seems, he sounds like a wanna be white rapper or a kid just trying to sound street tough.
Maybe it’s my imagination but just what it sounds like to me.

I don't like city accents - NYC accent most of all (I can't listen to guys like Bo Dietl)
To me Kelce looks/sounds like Everlast from House of Pain
I hear Kelce talk and I wanna "get-up out my seat and jump around - hands up to the ceilin."
A funny thing is that his real name isn't pronounced "Kel-see but Kelss."
He just rolls with Kelsee now since media gave it legs
You'll hear Andy Reid say "kelss."



I don't like city accents - NYC accent most of all (I can't listen to guys like Bo Dietl)
To me Kelce looks/sounds like Everlast from House of Pain
I hear Kelce talk and I wanna "get-up out my seat and jump around - hands up to the ceilin."
A funny thing is that his real name isn't pronounced "Kel-see but Kelss."
He just rolls with Kelsee now since media gave it legs
You'll hear Andy Reid say "kelss."



To me- he sounds more like an Eminem wanna be. And add it to when he does the full D&C type sweat suits. I mean he can clean up very nice until he starts talking.
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Not hai metal, but try Slayer or Pantera for bench press. Will add 10% to your 1 rep max. @bac2therac is way out of his element bad mouthing hair metal. He thinks the Cranberries were great.
I like Pantera too. I loved 90s heavy metal and grunge growing up, but my tastes have mostly changed since. I really only listen to rock when working out.
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I really dislike labels in music. This is all rock music. You want to expand your horizons? Go listen to jazz, reggae, blues, classical. These are major genres of music.
My Alexa in my home office is already set with Reggae and Jazz during my work day.
Spotify with a collection of Reggae and 90’s rock for showers and always Reggae on my walks
I like Swift but the saturation does suck
But network has to do it.
1000s of chippies tuning-in to see era queen

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I understand people liking her music. What I don't understand are the people who make her out to be a great beauty. She's just not that good looking.
And I know she's relating to her demographic but she acts like she's about 13 years old.
Lots of people would disagree. It's always subjective but you can't deny she's pretty. We won't discuss your looks.
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Lots of people would disagree. It's always subjective but you can't deny she's pretty. We won't discuss your looks.
Though not ugly or appealing to some TS has a particular odd look which attracts a certain type of male/ female admirer. Sorry I can’t say Colbert is wrong on this. She ain’t that pretty. Make up people can make even you and I look great. Does she have a great voice? Uh no.
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Though not ugly or appealing to some TS has a particular odd look which attracts a certain type of male/ female admirer. Sorry I can’t say Colbert is wrong on this. She ain’t that pretty. Make up people can make even you and I look great. Does she have a great voice? Uh no.
Lol like you're so goodlooking, or could get a girl as pretty. I always love keyboard commandos.
She’s no Blake Lively but she was comparable to her other friends at the game last night

They were all attractive