OT: Least Favorite Athlete

If you don't hate the people I hate, you're STOOPID! 🤣

Because judging someone's intelligence based on whether or not they hating the same people you hate is pure genius? 🙂
Ummm….I’ll try to make this as simple as possible for you since you seem to be missing the obvious and are having a hard time here = Lebron is by far the least favorite athlete of the posters on this thread so what does that tell you? And, perhaps the reason is because he’s a loud mouth prick that criticizes the very country that gave him everything, yet bows down to China so he can sell more sneakers. On top of that, what has he done to alleviate social injustice other than hammer law enforcement?
Biggest loud mouth in sports and winner of the Lifetime Hypocrisy Award. How much of his almost $1B net worth has he put towards social injustice causes or any charities for that matter = if someone can find it please post. Social injustice is important to Lebron until it means he will sell less sneakers in China.
The LJ foundation has raised over $40 million. He is the most charitable player in the NBA. You may not agree with his politics but he put his $$$ where his mouth is
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I can't see hating someone I haven't met (in person or virtually). In fact, I'm not sure it makes sense to hate them then; hating someone hurts the hater more than the hated. But I can see having "a least favorite" and that's what the OP was asking for. Like everyone else in the Philadelphia area, my least favorite is Ben Simmons, who is unwilling to learn to shoot from the outside, a very learnable skill for an athlete that would do wonders for his team.
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Ummm….I’ll try to make this as simple as possible for you since you seem to be missing the obvious and are having a hard time here = Lebron is by far the least favorite athlete of the posters on this thread so what does that tell you? And, perhaps the reason is because he’s a loud mouth prick that criticizes the very country that gave him everything, yet bows down to China so he can sell more sneakers. On top of that, what has he done to alleviate social injustice other than hammer law enforcement?
Sorry, I have no feelings whatsoever about Lebron. No dislike, no hatred, no love, nothing. And I try to not judge people based on what I see in the media. If people aren't going out of their way to habitually and intentionally harm other people, then I don't care if they hold different viewpoints on stuff, I see no value whatsoever in forming strong dislikes or hatred for them.

I strongly suspect that, if you sat down with the guy over a beer, you'd find out that he loves his country as much as you do and that y'all just have some different things about our country you'd like to see improved. It's just like liberals and conservatives, who are forever insisting that folks on the "other side" hate their country. Which is, of course, a completely false mischaracterization born of the need to demonize what we don't understand.

Incidentally, criticizing our country is a fundamental right we should ALL exercise when we feel it's warranted. And we're not going to all agree about when it's warranted and when it's not - that's something that is pretty intimately tied to our unique individual perspectives, and those vary widely. It's a fundamentally American thing, to be able to freely criticize our country.
The question here isn't if a billionaire is spending his money it's that he's a hypocrite.
I was responding to the question asking if he had donated $$$ to charity. Now as far as being a hypocrite, don’t think he is anymore of a hypocrite than any other star athlete.
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I was responding to the question asking if he had donated $$$ to charity. Now as far as being a hypocrite, don’t think he is anymore of a hypocrite than any other star athlete.

You'd be wrong with that generalization.
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The LJ foundation has raised over $40 million. He is the most charitable player in the NBA. You may not agree with his politics but he put his $$$ where his mouth is
You think that any of us should be impressed by a billionaire that “raised” $40M. He makes $41M this season, not including endorsements, and by “raises” I’m sure that means it’s not even all of his contributions. LJ ain’t putting shit where his mouth his…that just happens to be all that comes out of his mouth. Seriously, “raising” $40M by a big mouth billionaire is a joke. It’s prob the equivalent of a millionaire raising $4K - whoop dee fricken doo!
Sorry, I have no feelings whatsoever about Lebron. No dislike, no hatred, no love, nothing. And I try to not judge people based on what I see in the media. If people aren't going out of their way to habitually and intentionally harm other people, then I don't care if they hold different viewpoints on stuff, I see no value whatsoever in forming strong dislikes or hatred for them.
I think you need to research LJ a bit. The guy rips his own country screaming from the rooftops about social injustice but has no problem showing China much love to keep them buying his sneakers.

On the other hand, it’s interesting that Kaepernick seems absent from the poll. My guess is that’s because although he was a divisive figure people give him a ton of credit for sticking to his beliefs. I, personally, didn’t agree with his approach but respected him for putting it all on the line. That’s something LJ would never do!
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You think that any of us should be impressed by a billionaire that “raised” $40M. He makes $41M this season, not including endorsements, and by “raises” I’m sure that means it’s not even all of his contributions. LJ ain’t putting shit where his mouth his…that just happens to be all that comes out of his mouth. Seriously, “raising” $40M by a big mouth billionaire is a joke. It’s prob the equivalent of a millionaire raising $4K - whoop dee fricken doo!
Perhaps LJ (whose net worth is shy of a billion, actually) is modelling himself after our recent purported billionaire POTUS who apparently also did little or no charitable work his whole life.

With that example set by the former example-setter in chief, perhaps LJ felt he had a better shot at one day being president by also always looking out for number one? Come to think of it, the former POTUS was also quite outspoken and loud and very critical of many American institutions and many large groups of our fellow Americans. Could it be that LJ is just emulating DT?

Enquiring minds want to know.
Perhaps LJ (whose net worth is shy of a billion, actually) is modelling himself after our recent purported billionaire POTUS who apparently also did little or no charitable work his whole life.

With that example set by the former example-setter in chief, perhaps LJ felt he had a better shot at one day being president by also always looking out for number one? Come to think of it, the former POTUS was also quite outspoken and loud and very critical of many American institutions and many large groups of our fellow Americans. Could it be that LJ is just emulating DT?

Enquiring minds want to know.
Is this the bias you were talking about?
Perhaps LJ (whose net worth is shy of a billion, actually) is modelling himself after our recent purported billionaire POTUS who apparently also did little or no charitable work his whole life.

With that example set by the former example-setter in chief, perhaps LJ felt he had a better shot at one day being president by also always looking out for number one? Come to think of it, the former POTUS was also quite outspoken and loud and very critical of many American institutions and many large groups of our fellow Americans. Could it be that LJ is just emulating DT?

Enquiring minds want to know.
This is the “least favorite athlete” thread not “least favorite politician”
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Is this the bias you were talking about?
Always possible. What sort of bias did you detect? I'm pretty sure I could be friends with both people I mentioned (although they may not much like me LOL). I didn't generalize any kind of negative across any groups of any kind, I don't think. Just mentioned two people who seem, according to the person to whom I was responding at least, to exhibit very similar behaviors.
This is the “least favorite athlete” thread not “least favorite politician”
Sure, but you're talking about a very specific set of characteristics and there's no arguing that the prior POTUS exhibited the exact same characteristics you're saying James exhibits. Presidents are supposed to lead by example, are they not?

So it's not out of the realm of possibility that James is merely following his president's lead. Is he sleeping a lot these days, maybe he's following the current guy's lead now?
Put Russell Westbrook on the list. Guy is crying about fans taunting him with “Westbrick” chants. He’s making $44M this year not including endorsements and isn’t doing his job. Pretty sure his legacy will be fine. GMAFB:

"'Westbrick,' for example, to me, is now shaming," he said, referring to a condescending nickname that makes the rounds online seemingly whenever he has a poor performance. "It's shaming my name, my legacy for my kids. It's a name that means, not just to me, but to my wife, to my mom, my dad, the ones that kind of paved the way for me."
The only player that ever really annoyed me was Utley. Everything about him just screamed that he is a dick.
Two players in football also piss me off a ton. Big old rapist Ben- R . Dude should have never seen a football field again, much less walk away free.
Ray Lewis- Paster Ray or whatever he considers himself. Holds himself to be holier than though and talks crap about players who may cross the lines and fans all over the country and media love this guy. POS with no regard to human life.
Greg Hardy - Out of all the "thugs" my son met in the NFL -and funny thing is- the worst of the worst came from the SEC and 80% of what they do never gets reported. And you would be shocked of many of the things. But this POS was the most evil person he had ever met.
Funny, because I always thought judging people based on their political preferences made people the lamest person in any discussion.

Huh. Oh well, who knew? 😀

What I've learned from this thread is that an athlete's .......political alignment, speaking out on social issues, adversely impacting a team that someone roots for or percieved hypocrisy is generally much more hated than....

An athlete who murders someone, beats his wife, kids or dogs, cheats, steals or drives under the influence and kills or hurts someone.
What I've learned from this thread is that an athlete's .......political alignment, speaking out on social issues, adversely impacting a team that someone roots for or percieved hypocrisy is generally much more hated than....

An athlete who murders someone, beats his wife, kids or dogs, cheats, steals or drives under the influence and kills or hurts someone.
Fair point…Adrian Peterson is a POS…I’ll put him top of the list…even above LJ.
What I've learned from this thread is that an athlete's .......political alignment, speaking out on social issues, adversely impacting a team that someone roots for or percieved hypocrisy is generally much more hated than....

An athlete who murders someone, beats his wife, kids or dogs, cheats, steals or drives under the influence and kills or hurts someone.
Yep- and why 3 of my most hated are criminals that were allowed to have storied careers because they were stars. And the other was just sort of an Asshat and it was personal why I disliked him.
For a brief moment, I thought I was going to see responses referencing actual sports.
How foolish of me.
I forgot that the "sports fans" on here live on Twitter and social media like teenagers.

Most hated athletes based on actual sports:
Baseball - Chipper Jones (@sshole named his kid Shea)
Football - Donovan McNabb/DeSean Jackson
Hockey - can't really think of one. Devils have won 3 cups in my time. Nobody specific has really been a thorn in my side.
College Basketball - Jonny Flynn (I was at that terrible RU-SU game)
College Football - Pat White
Basketball - James Harden (f*ck that lazy @sshole now)
For a brief moment, I thought I was going to see responses referencing actual sports.
How foolish of me.
I forgot that the "sports fans" on here live on Twitter and social media like teenagers.

Most hated athletes based on actual sports:
Baseball - Chipper Jones (@sshole named his kid Shea)
Football - Donovan McNabb/DeSean Jackson
Hockey - can't really think of one. Devils have won 3 cups in my time. Nobody specific has really been a thorn in my side.
College Basketball - Jonny Flynn (I was at that terrible RU-SU game)
College Football - Pat White
Basketball - James Harden (f*ck that lazy @sshole now)
Oh man Pat White. As a Dolphins fan, I also had to suffer with them ridiculously drafting him in the 2nd round until he got his head removed from his body vs. Pittsburgh that one fateful day.
This could be a very long list. Here are some of my top choices.

Baseball - Bobby Bonilla, Roger Clemens, Randy Johnson
Boxing - Hector Macho Camacho
Hockey- Bobby Clarke, Derek Sanderson

Bobby Bo is the undisputed king on my list.
Anyone on The other side… including their water boy and cheerleaders..

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Put Russell Westbrook on the list. Guy is crying about fans taunting him with “Westbrick” chants. He’s making $44M this year not including endorsements and isn’t doing his job. Pretty sure his legacy will be fine. GMAFB:

"'Westbrick,' for example, to me, is now shaming," he said, referring to a condescending nickname that makes the rounds online seemingly whenever he has a poor performance. "It's shaming my name, my legacy for my kids. It's a name that means, not just to me, but to my wife, to my mom, my dad, the ones that kind of paved the way for me."

I get where Westbrook is coming from.
It can't be fun to have thousands of people taunting you with a silly name.

But.....that's what the money is for. Same with other celebrities.
Obviously there are boundaries - such as harassing in private or harassing their family.

But in public....well that's why you get paid the big bucks - to deal with the fame.
What I've learned from this thread is that an athlete's .......political alignment, speaking out on social issues, adversely impacting a team that someone roots for or percieved hypocrisy is generally much more hated than....

An athlete who murders someone, beats his wife, kids or dogs, cheats, steals or drives under the influence and kills or hurts someone.
Ironic thing is that I don't even form dislikes or hatred for many of those obviously far worse people, 'specially if it's a one-time thing and not a pattern of behavior. I dislike or hate what they might've done along those lines, but it's basically a momentary thing and then I never think about them again.

I'm just not cut out for all these life-long angry grudges against people (except people whose claim to fame is habitually and intentionally hurting others, e.g. Nazis, rapists, child abusers). People can be totally awesome and people can be totally fvcked up. Sometimes they can be both at different times.

But I figure I'm way, WAY, WAY too imperfect myself to be holding grudges against most of these other people.
Ironic thing is that I don't even form dislikes or hatred for many of those obviously far worse people, 'specially if it's a one-time thing and not a pattern of behavior. I dislike or hate what they might've done along those lines, but it's basically a momentary thing and then I never think about them again.

I'm just not cut out for all these life-long angry grudges against people (except people whose claim to fame is habitually and intentionally hurting others, e.g. Nazis, rapists, child abusers). People can be totally awesome and people can be totally fvcked up. Sometimes they can be both at different times.

But I figure I'm way, WAY, WAY too imperfect myself to be holding grudges against most of these other people.
^^^ Jibber jabber.
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Bill Romanowski
Brad Marchand
Theo Fleury
Lebron James
Chipper Jones
John Rocker
Marty McSorley
Dale Hunter
Nikita Kucherov
Big Ben, GOOD one. Definitely deserves to be on this list more than almost everyone else mentioned!

The only player that ever really annoyed me was Utley. Everything about him just screamed that he is a dick.
Two players in football also piss me off a ton. Big old rapist Ben- R . Dude should have never seen a football field again, much less walk away free.
Ray Lewis- Paster Ray or whatever he considers himself. Holds himself to be holier than though and talks crap about players who may cross the lines and fans all over the country and media love this guy. POS with no regard to human life.
Greg Hardy - Out of all the "thugs" my son met in the NFL -and funny thing is- the worst of the worst came from the SEC and 80% of what they do never gets reported. And you would be shocked of many of the things. But this POS was the most evil person he had ever met.