OT: Least Favorite Athlete

Jeter was nothing more than a compiler, yes he had key hits etc like any decent player does. If he had not not played for the Yankees and played for a small market team we would have never heard of him. I totally agree with you.
Jeter played in 38 World Series games with a total of 9 RBI.
Just sayin...
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Jeter played in 38 World Series games with a total of 9 RBI.
Just sayin...
Easy to play with numbers to try to make a statement go your way.
DJ's WS stats 156 AB 32 Runs 50 hits 9 RBI .321 BA .384 OBP .449 SLG
Which over a 162 game average would be 136 Runs 213 hits 38 RBI- You just picked the single stat that was not out of this world.
And if you look at all his playoff games- 158 he was
650 AB 111 Runs 200 hits 61 RBI 32 D 5 T 20 HR 18 SB

And I am a diehard Met's fan.
I lived In the bay area during Simpson's years
and his gang was from Oakland.
Again, he lived in San Francisco. . He and his friends formed a gang they called the Persian Warriors. They did things like steal hubcaps and shop-lift. Simpson was among the shoplifters at a liquor store where he was recognized, and he was arrested for larceny and sent to Juvenile Hall. That's when Willie Mays came to see him, and Simpson wentt straight after that -- well, until he killed his wife and her friend!
Again, he lived in San Francisco. . He and his friends formed a gang they called the Persian Warriors. They did things like steal hubcaps and shop-lift. Simpson was among the shoplifters at a liquor store where he was recognized, and he was arrested for larceny and sent to Juvenile Hall. That's when Willie Mays came to see him, and Simpson wentt straight after that -- well, until he killed his wife and her friend!
I really don't know many fans that hated OJ during his playing years unless you were playing against him
Again, he lived in San Francisco. . He and his friends formed a gang they called the Persian Warriors. They did things like steal hubcaps and shop-lift. Simpson was among the shoplifters at a liquor store where he was recognized, and he was arrested for larceny and sent to Juvenile Hall. That's when Willie Mays came to see him, and Simpson wentt straight after that -- well, until he killed his wife and her friend!
So, WillIe may be responsible for the Wife's murder. OK Gotcha.
Easy to play with numbers to try to make a statement go your way.
DJ's WS stats 156 AB 32 Runs 50 hits 9 RBI .321 BA .384 OBP .449 SLG
Which over a 162 game average would be 136 Runs 213 hits 38 RBI- You just picked the single stat that was not out of this world.
And if you look at all his playoff games- 158 he was
650 AB 111 Runs 200 hits 61 RBI 32 D 5 T 20 HR 18 SB

And I am a diehard Met's fan.
The reason I cherry picked that stat was to tweak the Yankee fans. I've had
many arguments with Yankee fans when I bring up that stat, none of them
believe it. Batting second, Jeter's job was not to be a big rbi guy.

Ya see, I can be objective.
Ryan Braun with the Milwaukee Brewers deserves a premium spot on this list. He tried to destroy the career of the guy who handled his test sample while lying to the world about his involvement.

Lance Armstrong is also a strong candidate, for obvious reasons.

Both guys belong in the Cheaters HOF.
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Add Ben Simmons to my list as well.

Phil Mickelson is making a run as well. His true colors came out in that interview.
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I’d like to remove former boxer Hector Macho Camacho from my list. Just learned that a crew capped him in PR in 2012. May he RIP.

I’d like to remove former boxer Hector Macho Camacho from my list. Just learned that a crew capped him in PR in 2012. May he RIP.

I liked Macho Camancho. In the early part of his career, he was a showboat and braggart, so understand your feelings. However, he also won in exciting fights, but then later in his career, he became a boring fighter, doing just enough to win. His murder was a tragedy
This is next level stuff - even for AB.

Burfict gave him brain damage:

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Lebaby and a close tie between america-hating jailed griner and the soccer thing
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The dude at Penn who says he's a girl and terrorizes the women in the locker room.
I kind of hate "them" also...Not that "they" became transgender, hell, that is anyone's right. But to then go get qualified as a female athlete. That is in every sense so wrong. And it hurts a lot of young women who worked hard for their spots in swimming
I kind of hate "them" also...Not that "they" became transgender, hell, that is anyone's right. But to then go get qualified as a female athlete. That is in every sense so wrong. And it hurts a lot of young women who worked hard for their spots in swimming
Seems like a raging Title IX violation. I bet this issue ends up at SCOTUS sooner rather than later.
Right now, it has to be LeBron. Nobody is more full of sh!t that this guy. Talking about social justice and equality while eating at the China money trough and protecting them. The hypocrisy is comical.

Lol. You type that from a smart phone? Or a computer? Or anything connected to the internet?

Wait till you check out how lithium is in mined and your indirect contribution to child labor violations.
That's a complex question for which I don't have a simple or brief answer.

In general, we all have tons of biases and most of us aren't even all that aware of most of them. People tend to identify biases revolving around ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality as bad biases. But even that's oversimplified because there are negative and positive biases (e.g. someone who loves natural blonde hair).

So I'll hypothesize that insofar as any type of bias might artificially narrow our thinking on a particular subject, that's bad if the goal of our thinking is to reach an objectively, provably, deterministic answer.

I say hypothesize because I'm not sure that's right or not. But it seems like it could be.
It's essentially tribalism. Early humans had greater chances of survival if they formed tribes for protection, support and resources. Early tribes did not like or trust other tribes. Vestiges of this animosity continues today be it race, ethnicity, religion. etc. Political affiliation bias is now in vogue.
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How can a man decide he’s a female?

We were told only folks with a uterus can have an opinion about such things.

The point you are missing is that none of the Left's claims or rules require logic or consistency - they are just weapons used to beat up on political opponents.

A White man deciding he's a Black man and that he can render opinions on blackness is racist but a White woman can decide she's a White male and fully understand the maleness and tell you all the things your patriarchy has done wrong.

Once you decide to dismiss all of them as agenda driven illogical idiots you find peace. They don't deserve your attention. ; )
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Seems like a raging Title IX violation. I bet this issue ends up at SCOTUS sooner rather than later.
Title IX is dead if men can pretend to be women and the NCAA says it's okay. Just declare that your whole football team says they're women. Insane joke.