OT: Milo Yiannopoulos & the PC Culture at Rutgers

Feb 13, 2015
Yesterday, Milo Yiannopoulos, who runs Breitbart Tech, was invited to speak at RU by the Young Americans for Liberty at Rutgers. His topic was "How the Progressive Left is Destroying Education".

Well, the social justice warriors didn't want their groupthink culture to be attacked. Chaos ensued, and if RU doesn't reprimand the students that desecrated the school, they will never get another penny from me. PC culture at its worst.
"How the Progressive Left is Destroying Education".
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If ever there was "OT" that needed to be shipped to a different discussion area - this would be it

You are talking about an extraordinarily controversial & confrontational character in Yiannopoulos - founder of the ....
"Yiannopoulos Privilege Grant" - - - “a scholarship exclusively available to white men who wish to pursue their post-secondary education on equal footing with their female, queer and ethnic minority classmates.”

the pro & con / back & forth on this - belongs elsewhere
Yesterday, Milo Yiannopoulos, who runs Breitbart Tech, was invited to speak at RU by the Young Americans for Liberty at Rutgers. His topic was "How the Progressive Left is Destroying Education".

Well, the social justice warriors didn't want their groupthink culture to be attacked. Chaos ensued, and if RU doesn't reprimand the students that desecrated the school, they will never get another penny from me. PC culture at its worst.
you are whining just as loudly as they are, and pretending to be better for it. everyone involved in this is dumb as f*ck. instead of bitching about the world, go change it -- if you can.
Typical BLM liberal morons. Can't handle speech unless they agree with it.

I'm proud of the students that shouted them down w/ Trump chants. Bravo.
This is a problem at every college with todays youngsters.

They cant take a joke and they cant handle opposing views.

Seriously. They are angry, bitter kids focused on fighting fake injustices. Ironic since they are so coddled. They need to get laid and laugh, and forget being so hostile over something that isn't even real.
they will never get another penny from me

This is where you go wrong IMO.
As you say, Rutgers is a community. A quite large one with people of many different viewpoints. Witholding financial support from the university because some members of that large community offended you says more about you than it does about the school.
This is where you go wrong IMO.
As you say, Rutgers is a community. A quite large one with people of many different viewpoints. Witholding financial support from the university because some members of that large community offended you says more about you than it does about the school.

Rutgers could have had a former secretary of state speak at graduation. They failed to teach students that part of "liberal minded thought" is to engage in open discussion instead of shout down anyone that doesn't agree with you.

The question is when is Rutgers going to communicate to the student body that they are a university that respects (but not necessarily agree with) ALL viewpoints? I think its reasonable to hold Rutgers to that standard. don't you?

Its ironic that conservatives need to teach liberal thought principals to liberals.
Rutgers could have had a former secretary of state speak at graduation. They failed to teach students that part of "liberal minded thought" is to engage in open discussion instead of shout down anyone that doesn't agree with you.

The question is when is Rutgers going to communicate to the student body that they are a university that respects (but not necessarily agree with) ALL viewpoints? I think its reasonable to hold Rutgers to that standard. don't you?

Its ironic that conservatives need to teach liberal thought principals to liberals.

I happen to be a moderate conservative. And the situation surrounding Secretary Rice's invitation was a disgrace to many at Rutgers for the same reason. But threats to not donate to the school are not the answer.
Because a group of students have a different opinion, you will not donate to RU? You sound just like the people you rail against. Oh the irony and you don't even see it!!!

I applaud any individuals---and particularly students---who voice their concerns, whatever their cause. I don't have to agree with them. It's just good to see democracy "live" and in action, compared to anonymous kvetching on a FB messageboard. Anyone ever witness "Speakers' Corner" in Hyde Park, London? That's fun.
Because a group of students have a different opinion, you will not donate to RU? You sound just like the people you rail against. Oh the irony and you don't even see it!!!

False equivalence. The OP didn't say he would refuse to donate if those students brought a speaker more friendly to their views to speak on campus. He said he would not donate if those who tried to stifle free speech (like Joe McCarthy) and vandalized university property weren't disciplined.
Yesterday, Milo Yiannopoulos, who runs Breitbart Tech, was invited to speak at RU by the Young Americans for Liberty at Rutgers. His topic was "How the Progressive Left is Destroying Education".

Well, the social justice warriors didn't want their groupthink culture to be attacked. Chaos ensued, and if RU doesn't reprimand the students that desecrated the school, they will never get another penny from me. PC culture at its worst.
Ironic that conservatives typically say how liberals use PC to stifle free speech without realizing shouting down PC is an attempt to stifle free speech. As a Libertarian (not the fake ones you typically see on Fox News or CNN), watching Republican hypocrites railing Democrat hypocrites is more entertaining than the most exciting sporting events... until you realize they both with vote in November.
False equivalence. The OP didn't say he would refuse to donate if those students brought a speaker more friendly to their views to speak on campus. He said he would not donate if those who tried to stifle free speech (like Joe McCarthy) and vandalized university property weren't disciplined.

Thank you for more eloquently making my point for me.

I have no problem with feminism and the BLM movement. I care about how opposing viewpoints are now stifled.

And yes, the Condy Rice thing really bothered me.
Thanks to those who pointed out the deep irony of the faux-outrage spouting serial offenders. SMH.
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The students shouldn't have interrupted.

Facists and racists like the speaker have the right to their opinion.

It is up to the rest of us to keep them out of power.
Totally agree. Its the conservatards that are threatening progress in america
With any luck there wont be a REP elected again in my lifetime
maybe longer
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Totally agree. Its the conservatards that are threatening progress in america
With any luck there wont be a REP elected again in my lifetime
maybe longer

Hopefully you're not residing in Alan Grayson's district as you posted this.
When actual paid professors of the school are protesting, I'd stay away from that cesspool too.

She is a an extremely accomplished, connected woman. She didn't need to speak at Rutgers. Having a good relationship with her would be great for the school. Instead, the crazy wackjobs on the left went helter skeleter. So typical.

The woman works at Stanford, but isn't good enough to give a commencement speech at Rutgers, lol...
Are there no current events boards?
Are there no reddit forums?
I was afraid that something had happened to stop them in their useful course.
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I wonder how anti-PC people (i.e., Conservatives) would feel if the topic was "How the Conservative Right is Destroying Education"?

Heck, Rudy Giuliani and Faux News almost had a heart attack as a result of Beyonce's performance at the Super Bowl. Something like that and they've be calling for the perpetrators to be sent to Guantanamo Bay.
I really hope the girl who painted her whole face red isn't a Washington Redskins fan because that's kind of racist.
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And once again, certain people on this board want to silence opinions that they don't agree with by banishing them to the CE board.

Never heard of this guy before yesterday. Checked out his twitter. I can't believe he turned trolling people into a paying job!

You never heard of the star ledger they spend most of their time here and they are getting paid quite will to sabotage any positive Rutgers post
I guess that there are some people that don't like the part of the Constitution that deals with freedom of speech. Fascists did not like it back in the day, either.
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Regardless of the cause, we have moved past the point of "social disobedience." When the goal is disruption of a point of view you disagree with, it creates animosity from the other side.

I am not talking about this incident (though it is an example). My statement is more geared towards the evolution of protest. This is not MLK Jr. tactics, today we have a RIGHT to disrupt BECAUSE we disagree.

That, my friends, is a scary concept.
I wonder how anti-PC people (i.e., Conservatives) would feel if the topic was "How the Conservative Right is Destroying Education"?

If they want to bring a speaker to campus to espouse that point of view I'm all for it And I would denounce anyone who would disrupt it.

Now, will you denounce those who would disrupt the other speaker?
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No problem with protesting, but the assualt is bullshit. When one of the protesters throw paint on someone or hit someone they need to be arrested and face assault charges. they also need to be charged with vandalism for the damage they cause and forced to pay for it.

If they could protest without being a-holes and doing those things then it would be no problem.
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