OT-No Love Lost Between Michigan and tOSU

Is that twitter account really Harbaugh's? No matter what, the dude is a weirdo, but I'm not sure if that account is just a fan's.
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Seems tOSU is still stewing over the Florida camps. Nice shot back by Elliott.

How do you figure. I mean...

This is the most funny rivalry in all of sports. It is basically endless ball busting on both sides.
I was at OSU the day before the Mich game 3or 4 years ago. Even the girls were wearing shirts that said F_ _ k Michigan.
Where's the count-down clock to when Harbaugh implodes and they run him out of Michigan?
That would be his retirement day, say 10 - 15 yrs. Get use to him, Michigan fans have had enough of the unknowns and wildcat (RR) coaches, back to M football, here we come, see if you can stop us.
These guys are still rivals? I thought we replaced UM as tOSU's main rival. Especially in light of how close our first two games were.
TOSU and Michigan love us as their bi-annual homecoming opponent.