A few random things.
Shaun King (Wikipedia): "
Jeffrey Shaun King (born 1979) is an American writer, entrepreneur, preacher and civil rights activist. He is noted for his use of
social media to promote religious, charitable and social causes, including the
Black Lives Matter movement." "King has written extensively about incidents in the Black Lives Matter movement, gaining prominence during the events following the
shooting of Michael Brown. King wrote an article analyzing the Brown crime scene, and argued that the evidence suggested that officer Darren Wilson's life was not in danger during the shooting. " :rolleyes:
What's the story linked in the OP about?
"On the morning after Super Bowl 50, I posted a picture on my Facebook page of Cam Newton smiling and embracing Peyton Manning after the game and simply asked why that warm photo wasn't being talked about i
nstead of Cam being frustrated at the post-game press conference. "
Most could have just stopped reading after looking at his bio and the quote to see where this was going. Call a Wahhhmbulance for Cam Newton, and while Shaun King is driving it, he can run over and drag Peyton Manning along.
Shaun King's piece is unfortunate--he doesn't like how a few folks (Bill Romanowski, Glen Beck, and some in the press) mistreated Cam Newton's behavior at the Super Bowl L press conference, so now he will drag down Peyton Manning. He could have been far more effective in his cause if he had simply written an objective piece about how the competitor in Cam Newton was gravely disappointed, answered several questions, and did not want to answer any more. After watching the Cam Newton press conference, I thought the questions were repetitive and boring--I would have walked out too.
So, his story is based upon "Titled "Facts of the Case," and submitted to the court by the plaintiff's lawyers . . . . . ."[roll]
Geez, if cases were decided on plaintiff's facts of the case, we would not need a justice system. We could just find for the plaintiff and be done with it. Agenda much, Shaun King?
It's really sad what we have become as a society. The divide over race appears to have gotten deeper, or at least it appears so based on the media's handling of stories like these.