OT: Princeton Professor Arrest

So- it sucks when someone does make these type of acquisitions because it takes away from the person who may be mistreated for real.
The cops were as accompanying as I have ever seen.
The ONLY question I have is...there was a woman police officer there, why didn't she pat the driver down. Not that a male cop isn't allowed to(if both cops are male, one of them would have to pay her down) but that is my only question. And that she was handcuffed to a table- the lady was under arrest, there is standard protocol at the station. I'm sure everyone arrested has to be either restrained or behind bars.
The lady was wrong in all ways. She just didn't know it was being filmed.
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I'll reserve judgment until I read what President Obama has to say. Does he post here?
So- it sucks when someone does make these type of acquisitions because it takes away from the person who may be mistreated for real.
The cops were as accompanying as I have ever seen.
The ONLY question I have is...there was a woman police officer there, why didn't she pat the driver down. Not that a male cop isn't allowed to(if both cops are male, one of them would have to pay her down) but that is my only question. And that she was handcuffed to a table- the lady was under arrest, there is standard protocol at the station. I'm sure everyone arrested has to be either restrained or behind bars.
The lady was wrong in all ways. She just didn't know it was being filmed.

Based on the audio, I doubt they seriously patted her down, aside from coat and pants pockets. I'm sure thats why he never thought to involve the female officer. You can hear the guy asking her if she has any other pockets in her coat, etc. It seems the police in Princeton are well versed in dealing with privileged, well-connected people. It shows in how they conduct themselves.
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Another guys should be blasting this woman for what she did and not jump in glee for the opportunity shout about the race card.

Do that and you get called a racist and the race card gets played against you.
Based on the audio, I doubt they seriously patted her down, aside from coat and pants pockets. I'm sure thats why he never thought to involve the female officer. You can hear the guy asking her if she has any other pockets in her coat, etc. It seems the police in Princeton are well versed in dealing with privileged, well-connected people. It shows in how they conduct themselves.

Listening again, I think you are right.
Another guys should be blasting this woman for what she did and not jump in glee for the opportunity shout about the race card.

Well, the story is a story due to her using the race card & trying to jump on the BLM bandwagon. Figure the arrest is enough of a 'blasting' in terms of what any normal person would get as no one wants to be in that position, but she gets the extra helping of crow for trying to make it more than it was.
It's the response of people who have taken positions contrary to reality. They don't want to discuss the actual issue. It's easier to try and demonize those do.

Seeing a lot of that these days from a specific group of people, specifically the left in this country.
It is most definitely NOT a "left" thing. How often do I see actions immediately blamed on the left, or even politicized as liberal leaning when there was no mention of left or right anywhere. As the 24 hour news cycle has continued to polarize the electorate and create a giant cataclysm in between the parties, people have fallen fallen into pointing fingers at the other side whenever something happens. None of this helps solve actual problem. We all live in the same place. It should not be left or right but everyone verus a problem.

I consider myself strongly left leaning and in no way see this cry of racism as anything but a cry to divert attention. It is a crying shame that a professional thought the only way to save herself was to pile on the cops. Society has created an environment where the people that willingly risk their lives to protect us are not respected. And that is what I see - not left vs right - but just plain shameful fingerpointing.
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So- it sucks when someone does make these type of acquisitions because it takes away from the person who may be mistreated for real.
The cops were as accompanying as I have ever seen.
Let me guess. You were using your phone with an over-eager auto-correct, auto-suggest app enabled?
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What really is reprehensible are the letters of support coming from the staff of Princeton U. I mean they really needed to wait and see what was transpiring before condemning the officers and praising her. She started a path of lies, now her only defense is to continue with these lies until it hopefully dies down. She probably won't take responsibility for her actions based on her previous decisions but this is a huge black eye for Princeton. I'm sure their board is not too pleased with her or the president right now. In this twisted world he will go, but she will get to stay in order to avoid any future conflicts. It's a sad situation, that a respected professor had to use her race as a lie.
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It is most definitely only a "left" thing. How often do I see actions immediately blamed on the left, or even politicized as liberal leaning when there was no mention of left or right anywhere. As the 24 hour news cycle has continued to polarize the electorate and create a giant cataclysm in between the parties, people have fallen fallen into pointing fingers at the other side whenever something happens. None of this helps solve actual problem. We all live in the same place. It should not be left or right but everyone verus a problem.

I consider myself strongly left leaning and in no way see this cry of racism as anything but a cry to divert attention. It is a crying shame that a professional thought the only way to save herself was to pile on the cops. Society has created an environment where the people that willingly risk their lives to protect us are not respected. And that is what I see - not left vs right - but just plain shameful fingerpointing.
Props for being a moderate thinker. Though I see the factionalization of America going more stridently across political lines than you do with many racial issues, I wholeheartedly agree that law enforcement takes a huge hit with these claims. I have been in the situation that the professor found herself in, and I was not treated nearly as kindly as she was. Heck, I've been given traffic tickets with far more attitude than they gave her.
I don't much care about this stuff, to be honest. But I do sort of wonder if anybody knows exactly what she's alleging. Is it the arrest process? The arrest itself? Is the something that perhaps occurred back at the police station? Does she have any evidence that race may have played a role in her arrest? Perhaps other people she knows where in similar situations and treated differently?
I consider myself strongly left leaning and in no way see this cry of racism as anything but a cry to divert attention.

In several social media posts following the arrest, Perry expressed that she believed she was mistreated because of her race. "The police treated me inappropriately and disproportionately," Perry wrote. "The fact of my blackness is not incidental to this matter."

The defendant disagrees with your assertion.
In several social media posts following the arrest, Perry expressed that she believed she was mistreated because of her race. "The police treated me inappropriately and disproportionately," Perry wrote. "The fact of my blackness is not incidental to this matter."

The defendant disagrees with your assertion.
Her blackness, you have to be kidding me.
You all have to realize she believes it, I doubt she thinks she's embellishing, she actually believes what she's saying.
I will say the most successful black people I've meet do not share her beliefs, and do not feel like victims
It really is an awful way to live your life, I feel bad for her.
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Her blackness, you have to be kidding me.
You all have to realize she believes it, I doubt she thinks she's embellishing, she actually believes what she's saying.
I will say the most successful black people I've meet do not share her beliefs, and do not feel like victims
It really is an awful way to live your life, I feel bad for her.
I don't feel sorry for her, in fact, I'm waiting to hear what she says happened on the other 25 minutes of tape, since 101.5 is saying this was an edited version of the 30 minutes filmed.

Woman claims she was mistreated by police during arrest for an outstanding warrant. Police have now released the video of the incident, which paints quite the opposite picture. They were beyond courteous, brought her to the side of the vehicle so no one would see her, and even offered to drive her to work after it was all cleared up. In addition, they even let her leave the vehicle on the side of the road, without impounding it. Link
Shut the major down. What ever major she teaches obviously isn't the type of people we want so the whole major should be disbanded.
This person is an idiot and the cops were great.

However, I would make the point that using one example of a wingnut to blast all things left leaning = saying all cops are terrible because of the acts of some bad apples. Re-phrased: if it burns you up when all cops are lumped into one negative group, you shouldn't think it's OK to unload across the board disdain against your favorite group to hate because of the actions of one knucklehead.
The lack of respect the left has towards to the police is astounding.

Now we have another terror attack against the police in Columbus. This time it is a machete wielding Islamist.

The American left and terrorists coming together.

Woman claims she was mistreated by police during arrest for an outstanding warrant. Police have now released the video of the incident, which paints quite the opposite picture. They were beyond courteous, brought her to the side of the vehicle so no one would see her, and even offered to drive her to work after it was all cleared up. In addition, they even let her leave the vehicle on the side of the road, without impounding it. Link
FWIW, I know her. She used to teach at the law school in Camden.
The only thing astounding is your stupidity every time you opine on any issue.

Oh, I think it's pretty accurate to say that liberals are generally more disdainful of law enforcement. Sure, it's a generalization, but the anecdotal evidence would seem to support it.
Oh, I think it's pretty accurate to say that liberals are generally more disdainful of law enforcement. Sure, it's a generalization, but the anecdotal evidence would seem to support it.

But to link this "disdain" (some would call it justifiable skepticism, but fine) to terrorists or machete wielding cop killers? Absurd.
But to link this "disdain" (some would call it justifiable skepticism, but fine) to terrorists or machete wielding cop killers? Absurd.

I get it.

For the record, the machete wielder didn't actually kill anyone - he injured 4 patrons in a restaurant. He was put down by two cops, who were themselves uninjured in the encounter.

The notional conflation of liberalism and cop killers is, I suspect, based on things such as the assassination of Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos. As you may recall they were ambushed by Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley, who stated (prior to the act) that his motive was revenge for the killing of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.

As we've discussed pretty much to death the whole topic of faux outrage re: Michael Brown, I'll just leave it at that.
But to link this "disdain" (some would call it justifiable skepticism, but fine) to terrorists or machete wielding cop killers? Absurd.

This woman is a racist twat. Yet I'm sure they'll be some racists out there still supporting her despite the evidence. I hope the Princeton profs and President retract their support for her and she somehow loses her job. What a great example she is to the students she teaches.
The lack of respect the left has towards to the police is astounding.

Now we have another terror attack against the police in Columbus. This time it is a machete wielding Islamist.

The American left and terrorists coming together.
To say the left has a lack of respect towards police is a gross generalization. Were the guys in Oregon on the left or right?
I tried to read through this thread but I just can't, there is ALOT of conflation that leads to even more false arguements.

An example, just because this woman claimed racism for her arrest and not her failure to pay her parking tickets, doesn't prove that racism in America doesn't exist. No one can be dumb enough to believe that, yet alot of people are thinking/implying exactly that.

This should have been moved to the OT board a long time ago, the place where you like minded, circle jerkers can discuss this to your hearts content.
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To say the left has a lack of respect towards police is a gross generalization. Were the guys in Oregon on the left or right?

I'm a bit confused here. Is this or isn't this a case of the exception proving the rule?:smiley:
A massive exception. The left has leaders of their party denigrating the police. The problem is the almost always proven wrong.

Obama and his dumb beer summit started it all off.