OT: Question for Numbers reVaccine/Immunity

I'm pretty sure this is either the first mRNA vaccine or one of the first. I'll let the more interested and needy take this vaccine first - I'll wait a couple of years to see how it all works out for ya'll. If I get the Chinese Chills I have a greater than 99% chance of surviving - that's acceptable to me vs. a new technology based vaccine. Hell I don't buy first year cars. I'm not injecting a first year, new tech vaccine into my body.

Interesting self wagering you have going on. You're willing to bet your own life on a 1 in 100 chance of death with the virus vs a 0.2% risk of treatable minor side effects with the vaccine. Neither of these options accounts for the long term effects of virus or vaccine, which is an unknown risk either way, but COVID is a virus that effects both the respitory and cardiovascular system, even in examples of minor cases, there have been examples of scarring to organs (Heart, Lungs, Brain) which adds an increased and unknown risk of longer term mortality to your 1% death rate. The mRNA technology has been in development and clinic for decades targeting various viruses and diseases.....and 2 separate competing pharma companies came out with the vaccine through their own independent development and studies with relatively similar application and effectiveness.

I've spent significant time in Pharma Drug Product Development ...... I'll be taking the vaccine when available to me. The alternative is not worth the risk to me, my family and those I may come in contact with.
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