Guess how much I lost in 2022? Exactly nothing. Don't need the money for a long time, so no selling (except for reallocations and fun money trading). Once you have a perspective than matches your time horizon, bear markets are a blast. We invested more new money in 2022 than any year before. Also, our 2023 backdoor Roth IRA contribution checks are ready to go.I got out of the most of my techs last month I believe when the market went up. I only had about 100 shares of them and now hold about only 25-50 shares of AMZN, AAPL, GOOG, and MSFT. I sold most of my equities a while back when they started to say market going down in 2023 due to earnings. I have been buying more short term CD and treasuries about 40% of my assets but willing to move to 60-70% because it nice not watching the market. I will see around the first qtr 2023. I did buy a little more AMZN 83 and AAPL 131 this week. I still expect them to fall further.
That’s why I ‘m glad I’m a trader and don’t feel bad when I sell. I would have been killed with big losses if I held those stocks. I only have a small loss since I probably in at 5-10% of stocks.
My plan is to continue to build modest positions in various leveraged ETFs. Doing well with TQQQ with a nice cost basis and plenty of cash in my fun account. I also converted VB to UWM and have excess cash in our Fidelity IRA rollover to build positions in RXL, LABU and either USD or SOXL (likely USD).
I'm also tracking YINN for a China reopening play once omicron rips through their population. Zero Covid is over. The great thing about 2x or 3x plays is that in such a bear market, you don't need to risk much money for a huge gain. Just need patience and a strong stomach.
To challenge your bearish POV, check out the following. Worth the time to get a bull perspective (outstanding charts and data):