Question (and also for
@RU-05 ). Been reading a little about options in my free time. LOL! If folks are bullish on PSNY and RIVN, would it be a good play to buy calls with a long expiration date (say Jan 2025) at a reasonable strike price/premium and bet that it blows up in that time? Or does this become a time decay issue?
Obviously, I see that you both sell a lot of calls for the premium/income, so I guess that is the flip side of the coin. :)
I'm no expert, but my 2 cents.
Decay is a concern, but looking that far out it's not a concern in the short to intermediate term. If the stock price stays put for a couple months, the options won't decay much.
So looking out I see you can buy the Jan 25th $15 PSNY calls for .30 cents, which for one contract(100 stocks) is $30. You are risking very little.
Now if PSNY goes on a run in the next couple months, from it's current price of $5, up to let's say, for the sake of the example, $20, that call is going to be worth over $5(because you have the right to buy the stocks for $15). This is where my lack of knowledge is evident, because I'm sure there is a formula to get a better estimate, but let's say the calls are, again for the sake of argument, then worth $6 per contract or $600. The stock price went up 4x, but the calls went up 20x.
So absolutely more potential for a homerun in the options, but again, there is the decay factor, and unlike stocks, a very high potential that those options contracts to go eventually to zero. The options will also decline much more rapidly if the stock price declines as well, and I think that is the bigger concern when looking at options.
RIVN's currently trading at a tick under $25, I'm seeing it's $25 Jan 2025 options now selling for about $9.50. If the stock tanks back down to $14 by Aug, that $25 strike could be worth somewhere around $1(the one more time sake of argument example). Stock price cut in half, options contract cut by 90%.
Consider the recent respective moves of each. RIVN has ripped, and because of that the options contracts have REALLY ripped, while PSNY is still near it's all time lows. PSNY is relatively cheap on a price to rev's 3.5x vs 10x, even though expected rev growth looks similar. Could be due for a coat tails catch up trade.
I'm tempted to dabble here on PSNY.