OT: Stock and Investment Talk

Chevron (and other big energy stocks) tread water for about 15 years through 2022. They all took a big jump with higher gas prices in 2022/2023. Anyone want to bet on energy stocks with a ‘Drill baby drill’ administration? There will be a glut of gas - unless Trump again asks the Saudis to cut ouput.

Thanks, but I’ll take VOO any day of the week over XLE - for the long-term.
I believe energy/oil providers may face headwinds, but infrastructure and equipment companies should be very well. I have a CVX position and it's up 10-15%.
Just an "fyi" re: "the Pentagon gets ripped off like crazy...." A vast majority of DOD contractors are "insiders" i.e. former military and agency staff who went into defense contracting following their service years. To be blunt: it's one big clusterfxck of a gravy train. Eisenhower got it....

That's all true - and it was made worse after Bill C made promotion based of political criteria and not martial prowess ("Clinton Generals" is the term that was born).

Now things are even worse because radicals are in DOD (after background checks were dropped in 2010) - harming military side on one hand and ripping off budget for "green initiatives" (money laundering like union construction projects).

One rad was Rosa Brooks (her mother was a leader in Democratic Socialists of America). She actually proposed a military coup in 2017. With the green scams the goals of hindering military, helping enemies and grifting off budgets can all be done at the same time

Brooks is currently working on plan to have rads quit agencies to go work for non-profits that seem harmless but are working to boost censorship and throw banana peels under US Gov. They know the lawfare and color revolutions wont work again


By the way, where you looking for a GEV-type of play with energy infrastructure? Stephanie Link was talking about Rockwell Automation. End of the video:

I sold. $21.60ish. About a 20% gain overall, but it was near 100% just a couple days ago.
FS Insights just scheduled a webinar tomorrow with the ZETA CEO and co-founder to discuss "recent price action". Sounds like ZETA is fighting back.
FS Insights just scheduled a webinar tomorrow with the ZETA CEO and co-founder to discuss "recent price action". Sounds like ZETA is fighting back.
Stock probably get's a bump from this. Might wake up early and buy some. $16.60 was the last trade in extended.
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Stock probably get's a bump from this. Might wake up early and buy some. $16.60 was the last trade in extended.
I would definitely buy back in at that price. I assume FS Insights/TL wouldn't schedule such an event and risk their reputation without knowing the facts. That's a good sign.
I didn’t find Zeta’s response to be totally compelling and of course they were going to fight back. Who knows what happens from here - I assume it’s going to get messy. The stock will bounce around until there is some clarity. Obviously if the short-seller was wrong they may be wearing orange jumpsuits not Zeta but I doubt the short-seller would be that stupid.
Is AMD hot garbage or due for a bounce back?
Definitely not hot garbage, but it's not NVDA and despite it's lagging, I think it's relatively expensive.

Edit: Just took a look, and not too bad on price to rev's at 9.3x. Compare that to NVDA's 37x. But NVDA is rolling with a ridiculous 75% profit margin, compared to AMD's healthy but not too crazy 38%. So on price to earnings NVDA looks more reasonable at 68x vs AMD's 124x.

1 year chart looks lousy, but the long term looks like if you are willing to hang in there for awhile's you'll probably do well.
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Love to get back in a little lower. Let's see how the morning goes. 3pm webinar should be interesting. I'm sure the analysts will weigh in again soon.
I'm wary. This sounds exactly like SMCI(which Fundstrat also liked) and despite a bounce along the way down, continues to tank.
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I'm wary. This sounds exactly like SMCI(which Fundstrat also liked) and despite a bounce along the way down, continues to tank.
Even if the short report turns out to be shady AF (hell, they didn't even know who the auditor was), the current uncertainly likely means the stock is going lower or will chomp around in the high teens for a while. I guess I will find out more later today. LOL!
Announcing a buyback means squat; executing is what matters. 26 months after their last buyback announcement, they still have over $14 million that they haven’t executed on, and this is during a time when the stock traded below $10 a share
SMCI down another 10%. Any bottom feeders out there?
Nah. Plenty of opportunities out there, why mess with a stock that recently had their auditor say "this looks shady".

If anything, maybe throw a couple bucks down on calls, but I'm sure premiums are rich.

Edit: Interestingly not much short interest out there. less then 2% of float.
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Rocket Lab and Intuitive Machine both involved in the space industry up big after earnings.
And now Intuitive is tanking. Down 12%. This despite Rev's tripling. Maybe just runaway profit taking after being up 4x in 3 months.

Edit: Rocket lab too. Down 7%. Also up huge in a couple months.
Got out of RIVN today with a tiny profit. With the talk of ending the federal EV tax credit, I bet it is going lower. I will buy the dip.
Got out of RIVN today with a tiny profit. With the talk of ending the federal EV tax credit, I bet it is going lower. I will buy the dip.
The tax credit should hit Tesla more. Most Rivian products are priced over the price ceiling for tax credit.
Got out of RIVN today with a tiny profit. With the talk of ending the federal EV tax credit, I bet it is going lower. I will buy the dip.

Missed your sale by a day... was up 16% yesterday, down 12% today.

I'm going to keep holding on for the heck of it... but after yesterday's good news, today's big drop was a kick in the stones.
Got out of RIVN today with a tiny profit. With the talk of ending the federal EV tax credit, I bet it is going lower. I will buy the dip.
Btw, I told you earlier that EV and Trump don’t mix. Elon will get paid other ways. But it will not be through Tesla.
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Missed your sale by a day... was up 16% yesterday, down 12% today.

I'm going to keep holding on for the heck of it... but after yesterday's good news, today's big drop was a kick in the stones.
LOL! I was totally thinking about selling yesterday. Bad job by me. I will buy the dip if it goes below $10.
Have you guys discussed why some big name investors have been dumping shares recently? Warren Buffet, for example, with $325B in cash, having dumped a significant portion of his Apple shares.
Have you guys discussed why some big name investors have been dumping shares recently? Warren Buffet, for example, with $325B in cash, having dumped a significant portion of his Apple shares.
Saw this earlier this week. His discipline to indicators like this is legendary.
Btw, I told you earlier that EV and Trump don’t mix. Elon will get paid other ways. But it will not be through Tesla.
This may sound crazy but i suspect Elon will focus attention on areas other than Tesla. Margins on EVs will be tough to maintain and China has gone all in. Massive Charging infrastructure overhaul likely won’t happen unless somehow money saved through DOGE is directed there. I’m betting it’s all about robo-taxis, SpaceX, StarLink, and X. Who the heck wants to build/sell cars in the face of intense competition when there are other new frontiers for him to conquer.