OT: The official ACC all things thread

If they waited, it will be 2036 and by that point they will be a minimum of a half billion dollars behind, and I have no shot of competing anytime in either of our lifetimes

Hence, the need to act now and hopefully settle soon, to get out from under the ACC albatross

I don't think FSU will have to wait until 2036 to get this issue resolved.

Doubtful but in the ever changing works of realignment who the hell knows
I’m willing to believe anything regarding conference realignment, but there is no way Notre Dame would join the Big 12. That move checks zero boxes. Notre Dame will either be an independent, stay in the ACC, or join the Big Ten. In the Big Ten, they fit the academic profile, they are in the geographic footprint of other universities like them, and they have several traditional opponents, like USC, Indiana, Michigan, Michigan State, etc. Let’s not forget that they would make MUCH more $$$ too.
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If anything they'll have a little better opportunity than now to raise their profile whenever the time comes and FSU leaves. It's no different than what I've said about the remaining B12 members now that Texas/OU have left. As long as they're a P4 conference and have an essentially locked spot in the playoffs, it's an opportunity for teams that haven't raised their profiles to do so

Like I've said it's all relative and the majority of the competitors on their schedules will have the same resources. It doesn't mean they will seize the opportunity but it's there and it's a little easier if heavyweights are removed from the picture.
What it boils down to is timing. History means nothing. If Georgia Tech, Cuse and BC had the recent success that Clemson and FSU have instead, those three schools would be expansion targets. FSU and Clemson want to get out now while the gettin’ is good. They matter now. That might not always be the case.

I am not saying that Research Funding would give Pitt an edge in getting into the B1G.

I am saying I prefer to have Pitt spend more on facilities which would enhance their research capabilities and bring in more money for the University now and in the future.

Pitt brings in more Research Funding (better ROI) than the Sports Programs because they have the facilities to attract the Research Dollars.

Pitt's Research Funding exceeds most B1G Schools.

The difference in funding between the ACC and B1G may be $30/40 million per year which is actually small compared to annual research expenditure numbers we are discussing. For Pitt better ROI for Research vs Sports.

The sad part of College Football is: at one time Pitt's research funding and academics would have been a part of how the B1G looked at Pitt as a possible member.
Now those two are afterthoughts when it comes to what the BIG will look at if they expand .
At one time those things might have been a bigger part of what counted when the B1G looked at when it was considering membership then they are now
So I can see where you're coming from when you state : "I am not saying that Research Funding would give Pitt an edge in getting into the B1G."
The sad part of College Football is: at one time Pitt's research funding and academics would have been a part of how the B1G looked at Pitt as a possible member.
Now those two are afterthoughts when it comes to what the BIG will look at if they expand .
At one time those things might have been a bigger part of what counted when the B1G looked at when it was considering membership then they are now
So I can see where you're coming from when you state : "I am not saying that Research Funding would give Pitt an edge in getting into the B1G."

Pitt is in most aspects a B1G type school.

However, Penn State is in Pennsylvania and therefore the B1G is looking at new demographics for future members.

Pitt almost was admitted to the B1G but Michigan State at the time got the nod.

Pitt was admitted to the ACC because they were looking to expand their demographics and expanded North into Pennsylvania.

Understand the logic of all this in the new era of college sports.

What it boils down to is timing. History means nothing. If Georgia Tech, Cuse and BC had the recent success that Clemson and FSU have instead, those three schools would be expansion targets. FSU and Clemson want to get out now while the gettin’ is good. They matter now. That might not always be the case.
Clemson yes, FSU no

Clemson has been on another level for the past decade - but absent of 1981, were fairly underwhelming

FSU has been pretty consistent for the past 45 + years

GT & Cuse haven’t been relavent since the mid 90s, BC since mid-late 2000s
Clemson yes, FSU no

Clemson has been on another level for the past decade - but absent of 1981, were fairly underwhelming

FSU has been pretty consistent for the past 45 + years

GT & Cuse haven’t been relavent since the mid 90s, BC since mid-late 2000s
Right, and if recent success was reversed then those three would be clamoring publicly to get out. But now Clemson and FSU have more going for them. Remember, BC and GT are in big markets but that’s not enough this time around. Relevance matters more than it did when RU was added because the exisiting pie is huge. Mathematically more difficult to increase revenue for 18 existing members than it was going to 14.

What you are hearing now is a bunch of nonsense.

If FSU and Clemson go to the Big 12 they will be getting the same or less money than in the ACC.

If they lose the GOR the Big 12 will not want them because they will not be able to afford it.

The ACC will remain a P-4 Conference and is not going away.

FSU and Clemson options are shrinking as the B1G and SEC are backing away.


There is no P4. It’s a P2 and then the ACC and Big XII.
Right, and if recent success was reversed then those three would be clamoring publicly to get out. But now Clemson and FSU have more going for them. Remember, BC and GT are in big markets but that’s not enough this time around. Relevance matters more than it did when RU was added because the exisiting pie is huge. Mathematically more difficult to increase revenue for 18 existing members than it was going to 14.
The only thing GT and BC have going for them is big markets
That's literally it

GT hasn't been revalent in 30 years
BC did the USF flash in the pan to the top 5 I believe in 2007, but they've never been consistently elite
Cuse hasn't been a force in 35 years

None of those schools have the cache, money, fans or pull to be calling any shots, ever
They're milking the league for all it's worth, contributing very little yet benefiting greatly

In more recent times, UCF was hot to trot in 2017
Yet nobody (including the networks and leagues) takes them seriously

Miami hasn't been relevant in 20 years, yet they're still in talks about moving
B/c their brand is strong