OT: Walking Dead (spoiler)

Originally posted by RU1977:

Get there on the nuke-powered aircarft carrier.... Wasn't there just a tv series about an aircraft carrier scurrying around after a world-wide epedemic/virus breaks out (similar to a zombie apocolypse)?
You'd be hard-pressed to get your hands on one. And probably at a complete loss as to how to operate it.

The show is called "The Last Ship" and it's not an aircraft carrier, it's an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer. Not nuclear powered.
Originally posted by RU4Real:

Originally posted by RU1977:

Get there on the nuke-powered aircarft carrier.... Wasn't there just a tv series about an aircraft carrier scurrying around after a world-wide epedemic/virus breaks out (similar to a zombie apocolypse)?
You'd be hard-pressed to get your hands on one. And probably at a complete loss as to how to operate it.

The show is called "The Last Ship" and it's not an aircraft carrier, it's an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer. Not nuclear powered.
I tried watching "The Last Ship" but only made it through 3 episodes. Ironically, the script is apparently written by zombies.
I would have made a move to Hilton Head Island. Clear the island, blow up the bridge and use boats to go across the channel for provisions. Parris Island is not too far away; so you can scavange for weapons there.

Plenty of golf to play as you wait out the zombie apocalypse. Nice hotels. Maybe get some jawless Michone-trained zombies to mow the fairways.
Originally posted by RCTrooper:
I would have made a move to Hilton Head Island. Clear the island, blow up the bridge and use boats to go across the channel for provisions. Parris Island is not too far away; so you can scavange for weapons there.

Plenty of golf to play as you wait out the zombie apocalypse. Nice hotels. Maybe get some jawless Michone-trained zombies to mow the fairways.
Bad choice, IMO. The barrier islands have potable water issues and the soil is no good for crops. Plus, you'd be lucky enough to catch a Cat 5 the first season you were there. And there's no way you're clearing the population - it's WAY too dense.

If you want to suffer the water, soil and climate issues, there are plenty of small barrier islands in that NC/SC/GA chain that are relatively uninhabited (if not completely so) and wouldn't have to be cleared at all. Then you'd just have to fight nature. And alligators.
Originally posted by RU4Real:

Originally posted by RCTrooper:
I would have made a move to Hilton Head Island. Clear the island, blow up the bridge and use boats to go across the channel for provisions. Parris Island is not too far away; so you can scavange for weapons there.

Plenty of golf to play as you wait out the zombie apocalypse. Nice hotels. Maybe get some jawless Michone-trained zombies to mow the fairways.
Bad choice, IMO. The barrier islands have potable water issues and the soil is no good for crops. Plus, you'd be lucky enough to catch a Cat 5 the first season you were there. And there's no way you're clearing the population - it's WAY too dense.

If you want to suffer the water, soil and climate issues, there are plenty of small barrier islands in that NC/SC/GA chain that are relatively uninhabited (if not completely so) and wouldn't have to be cleared at all. Then you'd just have to fight nature. And alligators.
How about Alaska? Sure it's cold as hell with an 8 month winter. However, it's a very sparsely populated area with plenty of fish and game. The Grizzlie bears will eat all the zombies. You can do some farming during the warm weather months, and hunt, trap, forage and fish for the rest of your food. I've been watching Alaskan Bush People and Alaska the Last Frontier on the Discovery Channel. It will be tough but theoretically possible to survive all year round.
Originally posted by batts:

How about Alaska? Sure it's cold as hell with an 8 month winter. However, it's a very sparsely populated area with plenty of fish and game. The Grizzlie bears will eat all the zombies. You can do some farming during the warm weather months, and hunt, trap, forage and fish for the rest of your food. I've been watching Alaskan Bush People and Alaska the Last Frontier on the Discovery Channel. It will be tough but theoretically possible to survive all year round.
Alaska would probably be a great choice, if you can stand the cold. For the most part, Alaska's only drawback is that it's already sufficiently challenging to survive there without adding one more thing that wants to eat you.
Suggesting Alaska might make sense, but to those people currently living in NJ, cold is getting to be a bit much by now.......

Rather take my chances on some warm small island somewhere.....
Originally posted by PhilaPhans:
No, the castle he posted in the picture is surrounded by water. The zombies can't really just walk up and push on the fence. There's one way in, unless the drawbridge is always down, which makes it much easier to repel intruders. I think they could always climb down and take a boat to the other side if need be.
Actually the difference between the castle and the prison is that castle walls are made from stone and have one entry point. The prison had two chain link fences surrounding buildings with multiple entry ways. The zombies could break through the fencing, which is why the group would walk the fence and kill any walkers trying to walk through. That task is unnecessary with castle walls.

It is noteworthy that was the humans (The Governor and his band) that comprimised the prison instead of the walkers. The Governor's group also would have likely comprimised a castle with the weaponry they possessed.
Originally posted by sherrane:

Originally posted by PhilaPhans:
No, the castle he posted in the picture is surrounded by water. The zombies can't really just walk up and push on the fence. There's one way in, unless the drawbridge is always down, which makes it much easier to repel intruders. I think they could always climb down and take a boat to the other side if need be.
Actually the difference between the castle and the prison is that castle walls are made from stone and have one entry point. The prison had two chain link fences surrounding buildings with multiple entry ways. The zombies could break through the fencing, which is why the group would walk the fence and kill any walkers trying to walk through. That task is unnecessary with castle walls.

It is noteworthy that was the humans (The Governor and his band) that comprimised the prison instead of the walkers. The Governor's group also would have likely comprimised a castle with the weaponry they possessed.
Yeah - tanks and bazookas (?) are pretty awesome.....
May I humbly suggest Fort Mchenry and other similar structures?

Nearby Baltimore may be a problem.. but if you could wall off the peninsula you have arable land and space to catch rainwater. Access to docks for boats to fish.. and a safe fort in which to sleep. Crabs can take care of the underwater walkers. With solar panels you might be able to desalinate bay water here. And is walkers walk by habit.. the only walkers showing up will be history-lovers.


I was also thinking of places like Quebec City (too cold).. but something on a butte near a river or water source.

This post was edited on 2/26 8:44 AM by GoodOl'Rutgers
"I was also thinking of places like Quebec City (too cold).. but something on a butte near a river or water source."

Isle Royale on Lake Superior. The island has several lakes that should be suitable for drinking water and fish should be reasonably plentiful. Winters would suck, but so do summers in Georgia without air conditioning.
Originally posted by Jonas Grumby:
Something like kelley's island, ohio.
There's lots of that stuff. There is, for example, a perfectly serviceable little island in the southern corner of Lake Wallenpaupack. Hell, there's islands in the Delaware. It's likely there'd be a fair amount of contention for those places, however.
Originally posted by RU4Real:

Originally posted by Jonas Grumby:
Something like kelley's island, ohio.
There's lots of that stuff. There is, for example, a perfectly serviceable little island in the southern corner of Lake Wallenpaupack. Hell, there's islands in the Delaware. It's likely there'd be a fair amount of contention for those places, however.
It's an island that is big enough that it has operating farms on it. It is small enough to be defensible, but large enough to scale up to a decent size population. Has other islands within short distance which you can take, retreat to, colonize or otherwise utilize or prepare as redundant failsafes. Cold, but tolerable. Unlimited freshwater. Access by boat to a very long formerly populated coastline for scavenging. Sheltered marina and an airfield. Pretty well forested so you have wood as a resource.

Yes, every good place is going to be contested because safe places are the scarcest resource.
Random questions about the Walking Dead world and zombies:

So around what percentage of the people in the world are dead or zombies right now?

We've got dogs running around in packs now. We've seen the group eat dog. Do the zombies go after animals like they do humans?

Do these guys ever get updates from people throughout the country on how the problem's affecting them? Like nobody's cousin in South Dakota is still alive and trying to contact all of their family members somehow?

Followup on the previous question, are there any worthwhile means of communication left? I remember there being a phone in the prison. Do the internet and phone lines or cell towers still work?
Originally posted by Jonas Grumby:
Originally posted by RU4Real:

Originally posted by Jonas Grumby:
Something like kelley's island, ohio.
There's lots of that stuff. There is, for example, a perfectly serviceable little island in the southern corner of Lake Wallenpaupack. Hell, there's islands in the Delaware. It's likely there'd be a fair amount of contention for those places, however.
It's an island that is big enough that it has operating farms on it. It is small enough to be defensible, but large enough to scale up to a decent size population. Has other islands within short distance which you can take, retreat to, colonize or otherwise utilize or prepare as redundant failsafes. Cold, but tolerable. Unlimited freshwater. Access by boat to a very long formerly populated coastline for scavenging. Sheltered marina and an airfield. Pretty well forested so you have wood as a resource.

Yes, every good place is going to be contested because safe places are the scarcest resource.
Hence the value of the traditional "Undisclosed Location".
Originally posted by PhilaPhans:
Random questions about the Walking Dead world and zombies:

So around what percentage of the people in the world are dead or zombies right now?

We've got dogs running around in packs now. We've seen the group eat dog. Do the zombies go after animals like they do humans?

Do these guys ever get updates from people throughout the country on how the problem's affecting them? Like nobody's cousin in South Dakota is still alive and trying to contact all of their family members somehow?

Followup on the previous question, are there any worthwhile means of communication left? I remember there being a phone in the prison. Do the internet and phone lines or cell towers still work?
It's never really answered what percentage of the world is zombified. They enver give a global view. But with the knowledge that if you die for any reason, BOOM, you're a zombie (unless your head is destroyed). Pneumonia. Zomie. Heart Attack. Zombie. etc so the general picture is tons of zombies...very little humans.

Pretty much every form of communication is shot. And remember the phone in the prison was Rick just losing his damn mind. Any information would just be word of mouth at this point. And besides who the hell wants to broadcast anything? You're just asking for trouble to come find your front doorstep. I think in the show/comic/video game we're simply too close to the fall of everything to have a "true" rebuilding effort where olive branches are being extended to all and society is back on the up and up.

BUT keep on watchin this season, esp for what I said above. Because where it is in relation to the comic.....damn does it get awesome. You are going to get two of the best characters in the comic hopefully really soon.
Originally posted by rutexan84:
This should settle the argument.
I think their logic behind the mechanics of disease spread makes perfect sense. It's likely that any such scenario would destroy the cities in pretty short order but the more remote populations would be less susceptible for a period of time.

You can get large tracts of wooded mountain property for very little money in places like West Virginia.