OT: Walking Dead (spoilers)


All American
Gold Member
Feb 1, 2006
So my criticism last week was we have too many people to follow and invest in now.

So what happens----- we get ANOTHER group.

I don't read comics but this arc seems to follow Flash Gordon, where all the "planets" and "special groups" will team up with Flash (aka Rick) to fight Ming (Neegan).
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Yeah - I would have liked that new story line better if all those women were the widows of the Saviors that Rick's group killed. Then it could have been interesting. But now they are just another group that has a whole bunch of guns for Rick's group to eventually tap into. I'll hang in until they close the Negan story line but I think I'm almost done with the show.
The problem with the Walking Dead is that they do way too many side quests, side story eps that do not move the story-line forward.In other words these eps do not build up to anything, they just fill in the gaps.

You could miss these and it wouldn't make much of a difference as far as the main story-line goes.

I call these filler because the comic is not like that.
It had been so long since we saw Tara I forgot she was away and missed all the "fireworks ". She didn't even know her girlfriend was killed; that was like the middle of last season.
So who are the sand walkers? All male? From the women's camp? And why are there lots of bullets (unspent?) in the sand?
So who are the sand walkers? All male? From the women's camp? And why are there lots of bullets (unspent?) in the sand?
They were casings. Bullets were spent. Still don't know why. The cars on the bridge were bullet ridden though.
If I had to guess the dead men on the bridge were the husbands/sons of all the women at Oceanside. Negan literally took half of them out as per his requests for "protection"
Tara said at the end she didn't find anything, so I hope we never see the lesbians again.

So my criticism last week was we have too many people to follow and invest in now.

So what happens----- we get ANOTHER group.

I don't read comics but this arc seems to follow Flash Gordon, where all the "planets" and "special groups" will team up with Flash (aka Rick) to fight Ming (Neegan).
You're going to see those women again. They didn't show their huge weapons cache for nothing. Plus I saw a pic of Tara and Michonne on what looked like the bridge and Tara is flipping someone the bird. It has to be that little girl. That's their thing. Yes these bottle episodes have been poorly laid out because there is too much time going by between check-ins with everyone. I will tell you this. This is building to something and at the end of Episode 16 this year we will all be like "Oh man! Why can't next season start now?!"
They were casings. Bullets were spent. Still don't know why. The cars on the bridge were bullet ridden though.

Bullet casings + Eugene's new factory = Ammo. For those who don't know, ammunition can be reloaded as long as you have casings. My guess is that the women's village has a lot of firearms but not much ammo. Remember, the girl who was helping Tara ran out of ammo. It seemed that her magazine was not fully loaded. Maybe Alexandria cuts a deal with them? BTW, this is pure speculation on my part as I haven't read the comics.
Bullet casings + Eugene's new factory = Ammo. For those who don't know, ammunition can be reloaded as long as you have casings.
Toughest part will be making primers. Will also be intersted to see if Eugene knew how to make smokeless powder. If they have to roll back to black powder, then the autos and semi autos wont cycle.
One of the two things I never got was why they never explored areas near the water (as a food source) and why they never have gone to DC considering it is right across the Potomac?
Mid-season finale, no real surprises. Where have all the zombies gone? Other then a pond full, it is really just a post Armageddon survivalist show.
Mid-season finale, no real surprises. Where have all the zombies gone? Other then a pond full, it is really just a post Armageddon survivalist show.

It always has been, since ep1 Season 1. The Walking Dead refer to the people not the zombies..
Mid-season finale, no real surprises. Where have all the zombies gone? Other then a pond full, it is really just a post Armageddon survivalist show.
The Armageddon aspect is the part I like most. For me the zombies are just filler. This show, when it's at its best, is about relationships and survival. All the groups will now come together to try to beat Negan.
The Armageddon aspect is the part I like most. For me the zombies are just filler. This show, when it's at its best, is about relationships and survival. All the groups will now come together to try to beat Negan.
Yes, but this is going to drag out for at least a season and a half more.

And there were no surprises, but we were introduced to some stranger in dirty boots following Rick & Aaron, spying on their activities.
They are moving a lot faster now on the TV show (story wise, despite the filler eps) They should catch up with the comics in 2-3 seasons and then what?

The story line after this one, would be the perfect time to end the show. But we will see what happens.
I'll say this.. I don't think they coulda cast Negan any better!! JDM is about as believable a psycho as they come! That evil grin just scares the crap out of me!! lol


I like JDM as an actor and I think he was good as Negan at the end of Season 6 and the first episode of Season 7. However, after that it has been wonky and clumsy since then. Maybe they are showing him too much.
I think it merges with westworld and we find out the sole remaining people are actually robots. They were placed there during the Flash Forward. But ultimately we will find out that the inhabatants of Alexandria were all decendants of Myles Monroe from revelotion. Once we get that far we can tie all 4 shows out with a single conclusion....It would be good to work in "The Leftovers" into this conclusion.
Rick's whole shell shocked shaking and glassy eyed look was getting old. That said, he holstered that smith and wesson with authority at the end so the game looks to be on!
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My problem with Neegan.. the character and the actors interpretation.. is that he should be dead. They just haven't sold me on the idea that someone as unbalanced and arbitrary as Neegan would have a loyal cadre around getting his back. And he puts himself in potential danger ALL THE TIME. No way should he be alive.

So we have to assume the single shot hitting the bat incident has happened before in many different ways... near misses I am talking about. And the reaction that someone who has survived a number of these would be to put in more layers of protection.. be more careful. And I just don't see that in Neegan. That could be because he is a psycopath.. and a sociopath.. but then that goes back to teh first point.. that he should be dead.

Well.. lets hope he does not survive the 2nd half of this season.. which begins with Episode 9 on Feb 12th. Lincoln's birthday.. Rick gets born again hard!
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My main question is before Rick went to Terminus he buried guns just in case but before Negan comes he never thinks to remove guns from the registry and hid them outside the walls (especially the rocket launcher)?
My main question is before Rick went to Terminus he buried guns just in case but before Negan comes he never thinks to remove guns from the registry and hid them outside the walls (especially the rocket launcher)?

hard to argue that or that they are so unprepared for rougue bands like Negan. I think Rick needs to slap his kid upside the head as well. That kid is one stupid cyclops who seems to not understand that you need to work together for the same objective. His rogue nature just makes it more difficult and on top of that, he didn't pull the trigger with Negan right in front of him!!!!!

never liked him
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When the writers introduce the "black smoke", we'll know how it ends. Rick is still in a coma from his gunshot wound in the first episode. It's all just a dream.
My problem with Neegan.. the character and the actors interpretation.. is that he should be dead. They just haven't sold me on the idea that someone as unbalanced and arbitrary as Neegan would have a loyal cadre around getting his back. And he puts himself in potential danger ALL THE TIME. No way should he be alive.

So we have to assume the single shot hitting the bat incident has happened before in many different ways... near misses I am talking about. And the reaction that someone who has survived a number of these would be to put in more layers of protection.. be more careful. And I just don't see that in Neegan. That could be because he is a psycopath.. and a sociopath.. but then that goes back to teh first point.. that he should be dead.

Well.. lets hope he does not survive the 2nd half of this season.. which begins with Episode 9 on Feb 12th. Lincoln's birthday.. Rick gets born again hard!

I've been thinking this since the first Neegan episode. Somebody would have offed him by now.
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I agree that based on what they have shown of Neegan and the survivors, someone would've killed him by now. Example - Dwight. I know of his arc in the comics, but come on. Neegan totally craps on the guy all of the time, particularly the stuff with his wife, and all it would take is Dwight having one second with a weapon in hand where he says, you know what, screw you, and blam! No more Neegan.

Also, it was tiresome just watching the group take abuse every episode this fall. I know not a lot of time has passed (probably less than two weeks total) but enough is enough. I want to see the "good guys" act like good guys and do some #winning, not get abused every which way for months of TV time on end.