I started watching the show about a year ago,but missed some episodes and watched others on reruns so I am always jumping around time wise. There was one episode that I never found out what happened. Daryl was on a motorcycle and a couple others were in a car driving very slowly with a ZILLION walkers behind them. Then a horn went off in Alexandria as they were being attacked. Some of the walkers left the herd and I have no idea what happened after that because I had to leave. Never saw the episode again. Anyone remember the episode I am talking about ? What happened to all the walkers ?
Here's the story arc of that herd scene..
The gang is in Alexandria.. one a supplies run / scouting mission they find a quarry FULL of zombies with a truck blocking the ramp out.. the sound of all those walkers attracts more who fall into the quarry.. the enemy of the day, the Wolves, seem to be the ones who use zombies (I mean walkers) creatively.. in traps.. this is their supply.
Rick sees that the truck might fall into the quarry pit, allowing the mob to escape and threaten Alexandria. He sells the town on the idea of controlling this process by allowing the zombies to get out.. the herd.. and then use the bulk of the townspeople to lead the walkers away.. down the road.. following the car and chopper... the rest of the herd wranglers are in the woods along the road killing any zombies who peel off.. keeping the herd on track
meanwhile, some townspeople are back in Alexandria guarding against the Wolves... the Wolves, meanwhile, use a tractor-trailer to bash the gate.. but the drive gets show and they hit the wall instead.. driver/zombie laying n the horn... allowing wolves to get into Alexandria where the remaining townspeople.. mainly Carol, Maggie and (Michael from Lost.. sorry..always forget his name).
The horn sound breaks up the herd and half head toward that sound.. Alexandria.
Fun ensues as some of the wranglers head toward Alexandria to help and have to deal with a slew of zombies getting in the way. Glenn almost bites it... cliffhanger.. is Glenn dead? Not until he meets Lucille.
I still don't know what the Wolves meant by "You're not supposed to be here".. and that the attack was supposed to help them. Don't get it...