Ever heard of the Chicago School of Economics? U of C has had 12 Nobel laureates on their faculty (including RU grad Milton Friedman), twice as many as the school in second place (MIT). It is known for its conservative approach to economics. It has had a total of 29 Nobel laureates in economics who were either on the faculty or got their degrees at Chicago. It is also the home of the highly left wing first nuclear reaction ever.
It is either #3 or #4 in most Nobel Laureates overall. But what about recently? Since 2000, it is #3 in the world, behind Princeton and Stanford.
It was also the alma mater for Enrico Fermi, Albert Michelson,
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Milliken, Michelson, Bellow, Carl Sagan, Mike Nichols, Kurt Vonnegut, Phillip Glass, Gary Becker, Paul Samuelson, James Watson, Celeste Holm, John Dewey, Edwin Hubble, Studs Terkel, Seymour Hersh, Nate Silver, Bernie Sanders, Elliot Ness, Robert Bork, David Rockefeller, John T. Scopes, Henry Morgan, Allan Bloom, Chuck Percy, Thomas Sowell, John Aschroft, and of course, Saul Alinsky.
You'll notice a number of arch conservatives along with arch liberals in that group. It's what happens when you have a great university dedicated to the open exchange of ideas.