Pernetti new AAC Commish!

The picture of Barchi in that story is Tim at a presser for Rutgers' acceptance into the B1G. Barchi looked like he couldn't care less.

Best of luck to Tim. He deserved better than to have Barchi as a boss.

Pernetti got screwed, no doubt. But I do think he was in a little over his head when the Rice thing blew up. Of course, we will never know if it would have made a difference, but I think he underestimated how big a deal it might become and didn't get out in front of it. And Barchi was clearly a scumbag who hung him out to dry. I'm sure he learned a lot from the experience.
The picture of Barchi in that story is Tim at a presser for Rutgers' acceptance into the B1G. Barchi looked like he couldn't care less.

Best of luck to Tim. He deserved better than to have Barchi as a boss.

Knighty, Barchi was brought in for one reason and one reason merge UMDNJ into Rutgers. On that score he did a great job. On managing the sports franchises I give Barchi a D grade. Tim Got a raw deal with the whole basketball thing and it wasn't his fault but when the professors and Star Ledger started to get loud the easiest way to escape the criticism was to Fire Tim. I know Tim was very hurt by the whole episode. Congrats to Tim on getting this job and seeing how he can build the conference. Maybe someday he may head the BIG.
Knighty, Barchi was brought in for one reason and one reason merge UMDNJ into Rutgers. On that score he did a great job. On managing the sports franchises I give Barchi a D grade. Tim Got a raw deal with the whole basketball thing and it wasn't his fault but when the professors and Star Ledger started to get loud the easiest way to escape the criticism was to Fire Tim. I know Tim was very hurt by the whole episode. Congrats to Tim on getting this job and seeing how he can build the conference. Maybe someday he may head the BIG.
Yup. They did the same thing to Robert Mulcahy, but he got it worse, and based on a bunch of nonsense. And then, they used the losing records under Flood and Ash in football and the men's basketball teams as fodder to write snarky articles about how bad Rutgers was doing in the B1G.
Congratulations to Tim and best of luck to him in navigating the AAC through the realignment. He should contact jaydogsmooth about getting FSU to join the league.

Pernetti got screwed, no doubt. But I do think he was in a little over his head when the Rice thing blew up.

He made a classic mistake of taking the advice of people in pivotal positions in the administration rather than going with his gut. I believe the head of the legal department was the one who told him he couldn't fire Rice.
Yup. They did the same thing to Robert Mulcahy, but he got it worse, and based on a bunch of nonsense. And then, they used the losing records under Flood and Ash in football and the men's basketball teams as fodder to write snarky articles about how bad Rutgers was doing in the B1G.
Shameful what happened to both TP and Mulcahy. Both thrown under the bus by inept leadership cowering to the masses
Congratulations to Pernetti for becoming the AAC Commish and overcoming the BS career roadblock Barchi put in front of him when Rutgers President Barchi made Tim a scapegoat even though Tim was following what Rutgers legal department advised him when firing for cause was the issue.