Politi Weighs in on RU BB - Link

Nice journalism. "I spoke to ONE person who attended the meeting..." Yes, that was one of the most depressing messages I've ever heard but to blame this on Hermann's on being "unwilling" or "incapable" just shows how Politi and his ONE source have an axe to grind against Hermann. However, since she is unwilling to meet with the media and explain herself this is what you're going to get.

This post was edited on 2/23 7:22 AM by ColonelRutgers
Originally posted by Knightmoves:
OK we knew this was coming. Apparently either Steve read this board or had someone at the Court Club meeting report to him the contents of the AD's talk.
Julie has a plan. What she doesn't have is Barchi's support and the $ associated with it.

Politi is correct that the RAC is a disgrace in its current form, notwithstanding the scoreboard and sound system upgrades, but to ALWAYS blame Julie is just egregious.
Great article. Hopefully it embarrasses the administration and lights a fire under there ass to get something done.
If politi is writing articles callingbfor facility upgrades I'm all for it.
No one should have a problem with this article, which is 100% on the money.
What is 100% on the money? Unless, you were at the meeting, you wouldn't know. I sound like bac here defending Hermann.

This post was edited on 2/23 7:50 AM by ColonelRutgers
Very lazy job by Steve. That was not Julie's message at the Court Club. He stole that response from a poster on this message board. John O. should get a royalty check from Steve. Geesh.
Originally posted by ColonelRutgers:
What is 100% on the money? Unless, you were at the meeting, you wouldn't know. I sound like bac here defending Hermann.

This post was edited on 2/23 7:50 AM by ColonelRutgers
People who attended the meeting reported here. There are no facility fixes for Rutgers BB anytime soon. That's the bottomline, which in of itself is like surrendering.
Originally posted by ColonelRutgers:
What is 100% on the money? Unless, you were at the meeting, you wouldn't know. I sound like bac here defending Hermann.

This post was edited on 2/23 7:50 AM by ColonelRutgers
bac = Don Quixote

JH = Dulcinea

he defends her honor on a daily basis against the heathens who attempt to take liberties with her sterling reputation.
Originally posted by Knightmoves:

Originally posted by ColonelRutgers:
What is 100% on the money? Unless, you were at the meeting, you wouldn't know. I sound like bac here defending Hermann.

This post was edited on 2/23 7:50 AM by ColonelRutgers
bac = Don Quixote

JH = Dulcinea

he defends her honor on a daily basis against the heathens who attempt to take liberties with her sterling reputation.
Wow. Just wow. Everyday you attack posters instead of putting your input on improving things.
She never said the words quitting or surrendering, BUT she did say have patience, because she knows nothing will change anytime soon
I actually feel sorry for Julie getting bashed like this but I am happy that this article was written. We need things done sooner than later and waiting many years is a complete joke. Nothing is getting done so just maybe Barchi and the BOG will realize how bad the situation really is. Our state looks bad in the eyes of the entire nation when it comes to supporting our state university. Just about every other state university gets top notch athletic facilities but we do not. A fire does need to get lit under the powers to be. Maybe more articles should be written in other papers in NJ as well as the country. What do we have to lose when nothing is getting done anyway. These stories should be told on TV too. We joined the BIG but basketball still gets treated like a mid major.

We need more effective fund raising for RU Athletics. Period. We can't even fund new uniforms for the Marching Band now that we are in the B1G.

Many here want to count on corporate sponsors to do all the funding. It doesn't work that way at other schools.

RU fans refuse to open their wallets to help fund the athletic dept. That's the real problem. We need a leader in the Athletic Dept who can convince fans to donate on an annual basis.
I laugh at the people agreeing with SP ( i will not click the link). They don't even lay out the money to become a premium member on this site but complain about RAC upgrades.

What did you contribute to RU athletic fund to help solve these problems lately?

Too blame JH is a joke. He would and is the first person ripping RU for its athletic subsidy but wants RU too spend millions of new facility. The BOG and BOT , the President has told JH she needs to bring the subsidy down not up. So the only way to do it is with private funding. Meanwhile RU has the smallest endowment in the B1G and one of the lowest for any major state university. We have people complaining about ticket and parking prices but it is JH's fault. Look in the mirror folks.
Julie has a plan. What she doesn't have is Barchi's support and the $ associated with it.
That does not qualify as a plan
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Gee another predictable and shoddy piece by Mr Potatohead blaming Julie for problems that run he getting his attaboys from his buddies yet.
I've said this before, the athletic director that can fund raise up the wazoo at RU will be the first. It's not as if we were gangbusters in fundraising and then suddenly hit a rut with JH. It's JH's job to try and improve that situation but it doesn't happen overnight. You don't just turn on a dime from a lousy fundraising operation to raking in the money.

I've said widening the pool and finding new donors is they key. We've gotten all we can out of the existing pool. If there was more to grind out of that stone we would have seen it some time along they way after all these years. It seems unlikely to expect it to change much on that front. As to new donors, well people don't just fork over 6-7 figure donations just like that and it takes time to build those connections.

Forget about the athletic department, the school in general hasn't done well fundraising throughout it's history. This 1B campaign is the first time you might say maybe the tide is turning and things may get a little better in the future. Again, it doesn't happen at the drop of a hat.

Louisville took a decade to turnaround, JH has been here less than 2 years and on the whole we're just about as bad a situation you can come across for an athletic department. You may not like it, you may be pissed, you may be frustrated but it's not going to change the fact that it's going to take time.

You know it's ironic. I remember when Kirschner took over as interim AD that most here wanted an immediate hire not a temp coach for a year until the new AD was hired. They thought we had no time to lose or the program would fall into shambles. Now I wonder what they feel. Again there's a call for a quick decisions and hook. Build this now, fire this guy now and put the AD into more debt etc...

How about instead of moving from one hasty decision to the next, we take our time endure the crap (which we have a ton of experience at) and try and make a better decision when the circumstances improve. I'm not even saying EJ is the answer. He may or may not be. But is it better to always be wanting change or waiting until the money comes in our subsidy goes down and we have an improved situation which can be more attractive financially and facilities wise for a new coach. Maybe it's the difference between a high mid major coach and a low mid major coach, whatever it is it'll be a more attractive situation than the current one.

Right now we have a 100M stadium debt only a handful of years in, we have the 18M subsidy, we'd have to pay off the old coach and pay the new one and we wouldn't be receiving a full share of B10 money yet. In that environment you're looking to add more debt and increase costs? Like I said in one of the other threads, we're not Apple sitting on a 150B in cash or some other financially healthy company issuing cheap debt to fund a buyback/dividend. You can't just look at things in that narrow scope and in a vacuum without seeing the financial environment around us.

For our older fans and our most loyal, I feel for you because you're like how much time do I have left and you've had to put up with a ton of crap for so long and keep coming back. It sucks and it's unfortunate but it doesn't change the likely reality that you'll have to deal with it for a little while (multiple years) longer. Barring an angel falling from the sky, that's just the reality.
Originally posted by RC1978:

The BOG and BOT , the President has told JH she needs to bring the subsidy down not up. So the only way to do it is with private funding. Meanwhile RU has the smallest endowment in the B1G and one of the lowest for any major state university. We have people complaining about ticket and parking prices but it is JH's fault. Look in the mirror folks.
The message needs to be "We can fix this with private funding, Can you help? ". This puts the onus back on the fans.

not "be patient". I think as long as people knew there was an effort underway to fix the problem, they would feel more satisfied. The message people got was that BB is screwed for the next x amount of years .
Great article. Listen, it is not going to happen through donations. Do people really believe that all of the sudden donors are going to come out of the woodwork to fund a practice facility? That is not happening. No matter how many times people complain on this board that people should open up their wallets more. There is one way this gets done, to borrow against future earnings which should be a given to do at this point. If people say that type of action, that type of leadership I bet they would be willing to donate more knowing their money was going towards a goal.

There is nothing untrue in that article. We have waived the white flag for the next ten years.
I think Politi is a tool, but there is not a single thing wrong with this article. Bravo.
Originally posted by brad1218:

There is one way this gets done, to borrow against future earnings which should be a given to do at this point. If people say that type of action, that type of leadership I bet they would be willing to donate more knowing their money was going towards a goal.

There is nothing untrue in that article. We have waived the white flag for the next ten years.
Borrowing 100% is not going to happen. Raise 50% then you have a much stronger case to borrow the rest.
Originally posted by Knightmoves:

We need more effective fund raising for RU Athletics. Period. We can't even fund new uniforms for the Marching Band now that we are in the B1G.

Many here want to count on corporate sponsors to do all the funding. It doesn't work that way at other schools.

RU fans refuse to open their wallets to help fund the athletic dept. That's the real problem. We need a leader in the Athletic Dept who can convince fans to donate on an annual basis.
The marching band is not funded by Athletics.

People are donating but it seems everyone that Mulchahy/Pernetti signed on to donate has designated it to the football program.

We need to get big donors who follow basketball to fund the BB program which is not happening.
Originally posted by rutgersal:

Borrowing 100% is not going to happen. Raise 50% then you have a much stronger case to borrow the rest.
I agree with this. Raise 1/2-2/3 of the cost of a facility and then you at least have a case to make that might have a chance to get approval. Again though that's going to take big donors. Whatever it is it's going to be a number at least in the say 8-12M range and when is the last time we did that? The only hope we have is that JH/SB are slowly opening up connections to new donors.
Originally posted by rutgersguy1:

Originally posted by rutgersal:

Borrowing 100% is not going to happen. Raise 50% then you have a much stronger case to borrow the rest.
I agree with this. Raise 1/2-2/3 of the cost of a facility and then you at least have a case to make that might have a chance to get approval. Again though that's going to take big donors. Whatever it is it's going to be a number at least in the say 8-12M range and when is the last time we did that? The only hope we have is that JH/SB are slowly opening up connections to new donors.
Either a few big donors, or large amounts of small donors. Both ways would work.
Originally posted by rutgersal:

Either a few big donors, or large amounts of small donors. Both ways would work.
I've had this conversation before on the football board and yes mathematically you can say if we had this big number of donors who donated this smaller amount of money see how much you could raise etc....But fundraising doesn't usually work like that. It's the bigger donations that move the needle.

The only way I've said I could see it working is when you make donating those small amounts for the "public at large" as mindless, easy and painless as possible. I've suggested something like say an app that was similar to the CNN app where you get RU related news. Try to get as much distribution as you can among alums and current/incoming students. From time to time, you get donation/notification reminders on it to try to get those people to donate some money here and there and maybe increase those asks the older the student/alum gets. Tie it to your iTunes/Google Play account and it becomes possibly amass those larger amounts from a bunch of small donations.

But again, if you don't find some sort of vehicle to make those smaller donations as easy/mindless/painless as possible for the "general public" (donor base) that method of getting large sums from small amounts doesn't work in practice even if it may seem obvious mathematically.
Perhaps part of the problem in selling a vision is that the wrong guy is head coach, He is not Julies hire and the results have been hard for anyone to get behind. Eddie at 60 is not the right guy at the right time coach we need to sell facilities and future of the program. However a new energetic young rising coach may be the right guy in two years

As far as her quitting lol, I believe there were one or two posters in the thread that said she was giving I know said it and then he edited it. This guy has dogged Julie for two years now. Look I think Julie has a order here by her bosses and that's to reduce the subsidy..thats what they are going to judge her on, not basketball. Now that does not mean they will not be fundraising because I am sure her and Sarah are working hard. Its been said any plans will not be announced until they far enough along in fundraising where they can lay something out concrete. The pointing to TP and the money he raised means nothing because those plans had no construction start time and for that matter the plans were just that. Nothing was signed off on that despite his leaks to the press.

The Politi piece fails to go into the 38 years of neglect and just says well Julie isn't going to fix this...well that's just a cheap easy shot to take. Yes Julie HAS to fundraise, no one is disputing that. She has been AD for less than 2 years. First priority was transition to the Big 10 and making sure the breadwinner football was given all the necessary tools they needed to have to compete in the Big 10 and also shore up marketing and ticket revenue. Then lets consider facility upgrades are needed across the board in the Big 10. Steve fails to even dig deep beyond the blame Julie schtick which does appeal to a few LCD least common demoninator neanderthal fans we have here at RU. This is not just moving from the A-10 to AAC. ALL the sports need to get up to speed. The conditions of every sport but football was left in deplorable conditions by the previous ADs starting with Grunninger, Bob ignored everything but football and Tim tried but basically blew himself up with the Rice handling which set us back.

The biggest blame at this point needs to go back to Barchi and the BOG for not opening the purse strings and making everything about subsidy. You cant have it both ways though. If you want to rail on RU for the high subsidy then you cant say they need to spend on basketball. Apparently the BOG feels its all about subsidy not investing. I totally disagree with it and they are bowing to politics and the same press that is now lambasting the AD for not fixing basketball in 20 months
BAC wrote: "The conditions of every sport but football was left in deplorable conditions by the previous ADs starting with Grunninger, Bob ignored everything but football and Tim tried but basically blew himself up with the Rice handling which set us back.

The biggest blame at this point needs to go back to Barchi and the BOG for not opening the purse strings and making everything about subsidy. You cant have it both ways though. If you want to rail on RU for the high subsidy then you cant say they need to spend on basketball. Apparently the BOG feels its all about subsidy not investing. I totally disagree with it and they are bowing to politics and the same press that is now lambasting the AD for not fixing basketball in 20 months"

and there you have it in summary...
The quitting stuff is just non sense. I wasn't there but to me it was probably just giving the fans a dose of reality of the the uphill climb that we face and that patience is required. Like I said Louisville took a decade to turnaround to what they became.

If she was quitting, SB wouldn't even have a position here and it was probably one of the earliest moves JH made when she came here. That shows the emphasis she had and obviously is needed on our fundraising operation. I mean who was running it before that, did the general fan here even know if there was even someone? With that point of emphasis in making the hire, there's no way I believe there's any quit from JH/SB or anyone else in the fundraising department. It's just a tough road to hoe for us.

As to Politi, he's not even worthy of much of response. He's always going to take pot shots from the cheap seats and you just have to ignore it. Spend and you'll get lambasted for it, don't spend and you'll get lambasted for it. That's all he does, so in one ear and out the other.

This post was edited on 2/23 10:05 AM by rutgersguy1
Originally posted by bac2therac:

the perfect description for this situation is a sh!t sandwich
The Unhappy Meal with the Double S Sandwich... no cheese, and all those little burnt corner pieces of fries..
Originally posted by ruman:
I think Politi is a tool, but there is not a single thing wrong with this article. Bravo.
Agreed. Any time anyone even remotely suggests JH is falling short of expectation you get these knee-jerk responses defending her. Some are intent on giving her a free ride come hell or high water.

This post was edited on 2/23 10:27 AM by RUaMoose
Originally posted by bac2therac:

the perfect description for this situation is a sh!t sandwich
Well it's not good but the one somewhat realistic hope I'd cling too for die hards like you is that maybe in couple years if EJ doesn't work out we can do some targeted spending. We've seen some signs of it even now in our programs.

With facilities, that to me is way off barring an angel as I said. But if EJ doesn't work out then that would only be a couple years off. It's the same thing I've said and derleider has mentioned here as well.

I always view coaching as the trunk of the tree and everything flows off that from fundraising to recruiting etc...So spend the little extra that it might take to get a good solid coach here. I'm not talking superstar because that's still unrealistic but just a strong high mid major guy. That doesn't take tens of millions to get done and we've seen small glimmers of increasing coaching budgets as well so it's not so far fetched. Friedgen and the other assistants have gotten more than past football staffs. We hired Pritzlaff in wrestling. I know there were strong rumors of increased budgets to lure an assistant to EJ's staff that didn't work out. If Flood didn't do well there were rumors also that we'd go looking with a better budget than in years past. So signs are there to a small degree on that front and that's without any B10 money either.

Again as I've said, in 2 years we will be 2 years closer to the full share and a new coach's contract will overlap with that so that may be attractive on top of the monetary benefit. We'll also be 2 years further in reducing the subsidy. So it's not something to be euphoric about but it's not so far off in the horizon that you feel utterly hopeless for 5-7 years.
Rutgersal -

Not sure why I'm responding to you but I was actually at the meeting and you were obviously not so how you can say Politi was 100% right is ludicrous. I know what she said. The article was just another excuse for Politi to do a hit job on Hermann which simply wasn't accurate and misrepresented what she said. I'm not a Hermann shill like Bac but Politi went out of his way to dump this disaster at Hermann's feet. Hermann, Baumgartner and company are supposedly trying and reaching out to big donors and she actually said she hopes that next year at this time they'll have a facility funded and halfway built. So they're not giving up. But she laid out all of the financial REALITIES of the situation which details why it will be extremely difficult to do a Damned thing for years and years to come.
Originally posted by RUaMoose:
Originally posted by ruman:
I think Politi is a tool, but there is not a single thing wrong with this article. Bravo.
Agreed. Any time anyone even remotely suggests JH is falling short of expectation you get these knee-jerk responses defending her. Some are intent on giving her a free ride come hell or high water.

This post was edited on 2/23 10:27 AM by RUaMoose
I don't think it's a free ride at all. She hasn't even had to make a hire in either major sport yet. She's been here for less than 2 years. How much of a dent do you expect to be made in decades long futility in that time. I've seen things improved from a "customer service" perspective with regards to fan experience and fund raising. Things which don't cost as much money but still help.

Again the first AD that can fundraise like gang busters here will be the first, forget about getting it done in less than 2 years.
If she could actually make a big dent in fundraising, I actually would give her a pass on missing on a coach. That's how much credit I'd give if it could get done especially without winning big. Some ADs get multiple tries anyway. Ironically, the the coach hiring part is probably the thing that will probably help make one of the biggest dents into fundraising. Coaches that can win big make it much easier to fund raise but she hasn't had to make that hire yet.
Originally posted by RUaMoose:

Originally posted by ruman:
I think Politi is a tool, but there is not a single thing wrong with this article. Bravo.
Agreed. Any time anyone even remotely suggests JH is falling short of expectation you get these knee-jerk responses defending her. Some are intent on giving her a free ride come hell or high water.

This post was edited on 2/23 10:27 AM by RUaMoose
free ride? how so...what did you expect her to accomplish with basketball. Eddie is not her hire and the results have been poor. He does not seem like the energetic guy that will go out there and be a face for the program and sell a vision. She has been here 17 months while the shit piled on the basketball program has been going on for 35 years. Seems fair to slam her for not fixing it right?

She was very blunt laying out the realities of the situation. It was not about feel good stuff and rah rah. I think too many years basketball fans were told rainbows and ice cream to keep them quiet. There is a lot of work to do and no money coming in for 6 years.

If in a few years if fundraising falls on its face and the basketball program is still a lifeless zombie then you will see criticism
The Ledger is saying she has "surrendered" and "given up". If this isn't responded to publicly before the end of the day, we have big issues.
Originally posted by bac2therac:

Originally posted by RUaMoose:

Originally posted by ruman:
I think Politi is a tool, but there is not a single thing wrong with this article. Bravo.
Agreed. Any time anyone even remotely suggests JH is falling short of expectation you get these knee-jerk responses defending her. Some are intent on giving her a free ride come hell or high water.

This post was edited on 2/23 10:27 AM by RUaMoose
free ride? how so...what did you expect her to accomplish with basketball. Eddie is not her hire and the results have been poor. He does not seem like the energetic guy that will go out there and be a face for the program and sell a vision. She has been here 17 months while the shit piled on the basketball program has been going on for 35 years. Seems fair to slam her for not fixing it right?

She was very blunt laying out the realities of the situation. It was not about feel good stuff and rah rah. I think too many years basketball fans were told rainbows and ice cream to keep them quiet. There is a lot of work to do and no money coming in for 6 years.

If in a few years if fundraising falls on its face and the basketball program is still a lifeless zombie then you will see criticism
I'm agnostic when it comes to JH to be honest. I'm neither pro nor con. But what is her vision for the BB program ?
I don't see anyone "slamming" her (I don't see Politi's piece as a "slam") or expecting her to already have fixed the problem but I think we should be hearing where she wants to take the program.
A plan that says nothing will change for 5-7 years is not a plan. That's surrender. And where is the Athletes Village plan? Think it is like a Unicorn
Posted from Rivals Mobile

This post was edited on 2/23 11:28 AM by ruman
Very much mixed emotions about this article:

1. I get that we are bad and its ok for Politi to say so. I am not a sissy and I don't have thin skin, say we stink and move on. But to once again attack JH and say she is surrendering and giving up by paraphrasing a frustrated fan without having attended the Court club meeting is just shoddy and yellow journalism. Like many have said, and I agree, JH probably has a plan and hasn't given up, but has a reality based on what Barchi is telling her, and doesn't want to lie to fans. The problem here is more the state, Barchi and years of neglect than it is JH.

2. Headlines like these will definitely be used against us in recruiting. A better headline could have been "Rutgers needs to support Men's BB more." No need to be inflamatory and hurt us even more except the usual reason to fill columns, get hits and continue your vendetta against JH.

3. Politi should not have written this article without personally interviewing JH and Barchi. That would have been fair and real journalism while coming up with his own conclusion rather than paraphrase a frustrated fan on a internet message board. You cannot defend Politi here.

4. Articles like these will help slam the BOG and Barchi over the head. JH doesn't need to be slammed, she wants to win and has a plan, she just has no money. Yes, she and her group need to find some big donors, but RU needs to help also and the only way that is going to happend is if Barchi starts to feel the shame he should for accepting a BIG membership without any thought to investing so we can compete both academically and Athletically. Rutgers and the state of NJ should be taking the biggest hit here, not JH.

This post was edited on 2/23 11:44 AM by JPhoboken
Originally posted by RBS05:
The Ledger is saying she has "surrendered" and "given up". If this isn't responded to publicly before the end of the day, we have big issues.
I agree. Since all reports are that Julie did not waive the white flag, then the narrative needs to change. This is why Luicci has a job with RU.