POLL: Poll: Do you root for greatness or the underdog?


Heisman Winner
Mar 15, 2005
Rooting interests would have an affect on this, but if you generally have no rooting interest, do you root for the favorite or the underdog.

Do you want to see kentucky win and make history or root for them to lose so see the underdog prevail?

When tiger was in his prime, did you root for Bob may, Chris Demarco, Sergio, etc. to take him down, or Tiger to win to watch greatness continue and to pile up majors to catch Jack

Who do you generally root for?

I rooted against TIger and would love to see Kentucky go down. (I really don't like ND, and I don't think they are beating KY, but I would still love to see it.)
You need a third choice. I depends on the situation and who the person or team is. If Kentucky is playing a B10 team, I will root for the B10. Otherwise I don't care.
Originally posted by hiwater:

You need a third choice. I depends on the situation and who the person or team is. If Kentucky is playing a B10 team, I will root for the B10. Otherwise I don't care.
THis is why I said Generally, is it the favorite or underdog if you don't have any rooting interest?
Depends on who is the underdog and who is the great team. It's situational.
Originally posted by Caliknight:

Depends on who is the underdog and who is the great team. It's situational.
Cali, generally and pretend you have no rooting interest, you are over analyzing this.

Fast forward to next Febuary. You were asleep the whole year. You wake on Superbowl sunday and have amnesia. You don't remember any of the teams or anything about them. But you are told one is undefeated and the other is a wildcard team that finished 7-9. Who are you rooting for?

Just trying to find out if posters are generally an underdog rooter or favorite rooter.
Originally posted by JPhoboken:

Originally posted by Caliknight:

Depends on who is the underdog and who is the great team. It's situational.
Cali, generally and pretend you have no rooting interest, you are over analyzing this.

Fast forward to next Febuary. You were asleep the whole year. You wake on Superbowl sunday and have amnesia. You don't remember any of the teams or anything about them. But you are told one is undefeated and the other is a wildcard team that finished 7-9. Who are you rooting for?

Just trying to find out if posters are generally an underdog rooter or favorite rooter.
Then ( for me) don't really care unless a win or loss would affect a team I like.
A dog winning against a favorite helps my team, then I want them to win.
But if the little dog losing helps , the big dog gets my vote.
Can't see caring about a team winning or losing, unless I have something to care about
I'm not a fan of professional basketball, so no,
I don't root for Kentucky
Originally posted by MADHAT1:
Originally posted by JPhoboken:

Originally posted by Caliknight:

Depends on who is the underdog and who is the great team. It's situational.
Cali, generally and pretend you have no rooting interest, you are over analyzing this.

Fast forward to next Febuary. You were asleep the whole year. You wake on Superbowl sunday and have amnesia. You don't remember any of the teams or anything about them. But you are told one is undefeated and the other is a wildcard team that finished 7-9. Who are you rooting for?

Just trying to find out if posters are generally an underdog rooter or favorite rooter.
Then ( for me) don't really care unless a win or loss would affect a team I like.
A dog winning against a favorite helps my team, then I want them to win.
But if the little dog losing helps , the big dog gets my vote.
Can't see caring about a team winning or losing, unless I have something to care about
Define care about. For this poll, I want you forget about rooting interests. You have no reason to care about Tiger Woods, unless you know him or work for him, or are related to him, but I would venture to guess when tiger in his prime was battling a journeyman for say a US open, like maybe a Roco Mediate, you probably would be rooting for one or the other.

If you were rooting for Tiger, you are a greatness/Favorite guy, if you were rooting for Roco, you are an underdog guy. Lets keep it simple.
I have to say that I'm amused that you are actively fishing for responses one way or the other, but everyones answere seem to be it depends.
Originally posted by hiwater:

I have to say that I'm amused that you are actively fishing for responses one way or the other, but everyones answere seem to be it depends.
My intention was to try and find out the kind of rooter a person is without the "depends." Yes, I am trying to find out if you are "one or the other" CLearly, if I wanted a third option, depends, I would have included it. But thanks for your comments.
In these situations there is always a rooting interest. For instance, if you are an Indiana fan I'm sure you are rooting against Kentucky as you want to keep the last undefeated label. If you don't like Indiana then I'm sure you are rooting for Kentucky just to shut them up. Or when the Pats were going to an undefeated season, if I wasn't a Giant fan I would have been rooting for the Pats and I'm tired of those pompous Dolphins players talking about popping Champaign when the last undefeated team losses and all that nonsense. So for me it's really not too hard to pick a side and then depending on that, that's the team I root for. And if I really truly don't care who wins chances are I'm not watching it.
In general I go for the dog. But as Cali said it is situational. If PSU was the dog, I'd hope they get their a$$es kicked. I do appreciate greatness as long as it is deserved, and was earned the right way.
Always the underdog, unless the "greatness" issue is may favorite team in professional sports or RU.