POLL--Would you like to see NEW JERSEY on the new uniforms ?

Would you like to see NEW JERSEY on the back of the new uniforms

  • Yes,but only on the home uniforms

    Votes: 6 1.7%
  • Yes,but only on the road uniforms

    Votes: 20 5.5%
  • Yes,but only once a year

    Votes: 16 4.4%
  • Yes,on both the home and away uniforms

    Votes: 74 20.5%
  • No

    Votes: 245 67.9%

  • Total voters
The school is named Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Our campuses are named:
Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Rutgers University - Newark
Rutgers University - Camden

Our campuses are not named:
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - Newark
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - Camden

- The "Scarlet Knights" are unique to Rutgers University - New Brunswick.
- Pat Hobbs is the Athletic Director of Rutgers University - New Brunswick; he is not the AD of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
- Chris Ash is the head football coach of Rutgers University - New Brunswick; he is not the head football coach of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.

"Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey" does not have a single official athletic department, mascot, or even alma mater. It is an umbrella term that covers the three Rutgers University campuses.

Wholly apart from all of that, though, "Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey" and "Rutgers University" are used interchangeably in various published documents from the university. Much like "University at Buffalo" and "The State University of New York at Buffalo" are used interchangeably.

Amen brother! Lol
Also, Rutgers' social media branding is "Rutgers University" on Facebook and Twitter, not "Rutgers, The State University of NJ"... both names are adopted and used by the university.

I don't see us changing the R-U chant to an R-S-U-N-J chant any time soon.
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Yeah let's be like Syracuse with the embarrassing "NY" on their helmet in case you forget Syracuse is in NY. And we already did the NJ identity thing with the NJ Rutgers helmets from the 80s and 90s.
But Syracuse ain't in the NYC/NJ demo....that would be us...
Absolutely not. It reeks of "look at me!!"

Do you see Univ Buffalo's uniforms? it says NEW YORK in big letters. It looks ridiculous.I know it's part of SUNY but guess what it's Buffalo.

Our school is RUTGERS. Not NEW JERSEY
At best it reeks of look at me. At worst I and others get bad New Jersey-Rutgers flashbacks.
What do you think the discussion would be like if somebody said ...

"Let's put either an outline of "Alabama" or the word "ALABAMA" on the Auburn uniforms.
Or "SOUTH CAROLINA" on the Clemson jerseys
Or "INDIANA" on the Purdue uniforms
Or "OHIO" on University of Cincinnati (now University System of Ohio) uniforms

All of these institutions manage to honor their heritage and powerfully represent their home state - they do it just by being the best that they can be -
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You are entirely missing the point... When it comes to sports, I'm sorry, but Rutgers is bigger than NJ... NJ doesn't give a flying f'ck about Rutgers athletics...I'm sure they will now because the money train is about to roll in...typical NJ

And by the way, not one person I know says they graduated from "Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey..." We say "Rutgers" or "Rutgers University..." In the real world, the one that exists outside of the name on a diploma, no body gives a shit that Rutgers is in New Jersey.. And they shouldn't have to... We built a sports brand despite our state not giving a shit about athletics for decades..

Let me know the next time a Rutgers player says they are from "Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey" on Monday Night Football...stop being so goddamn literal to prove a point..

Let me say this, thank God we are where we are today because there are many times that NJ stood in our way...
As usual, the people trying to make progress and move things forward will be forced to do so while battling people trying to hold petty grudges against imaginary enemies.
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There is good reason that Christians have called "PRIDE" the first of the Seven Deadly Sins for many centuries.
Pride of place, religion, or ethnicity has been the source of most killing and destruction around the world.
What do you think the discussion would be like if somebody said ...

"Let's put either an outline of "Alabama" or the word "ALABAMA" on the Auburn uniforms.
Or "SOUTH CAROLINA" on the Clemson jerseys
Or "INDIANA" on the Purdue uniforms
Or "OHIO" on University of Cincinnati (now University System of Ohio) uniforms

All of these institutions manage to honor their heritage and powerfully represent their home state - they do it just by being the best that they can be -
Apples and oranges because those schools you mentioned all have other schools in those states whose sports teams are more of a household name. That is not the case for Rutgers.
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Limiting it to just the helmet and jersey is shortsighted.

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Gotta go 'No'. The state has not done a great job of supporting Rutgers in general. That may be slowly changing so if that continues we can throw the State a bone and put a small sticker on the back of the helmet.
Gotta go 'No'. The state has not done a great job of supporting Rutgers in general. That may be slowly changing so if that continues we can throw the State a bone and put a small sticker on the back of the helmet.
Respectfully, that's the wrong way to think about it. If state support is lacking then putting the pressure on the state to be there for Rutgers comes when more and more New Jerseyans develop fidelity with Rutgers as "their" Penn State or their Michigan or their Texas.
"New Jersey" representation on our gear and in our arenas isn't a quid pro quo between Rutgers Athletics and the NJ State Legislature; we're already "The State University." Time to brag about New Jersey to everyone watching on television. That's going to help turn rank-and-file citizens into Rutgers boosters -- not just as sports fans, but as voters.
Respectfully, also, putting NJ on the uniforms is more for recruiting purposes. With so many kids leaving the state to "rep" NJ this would mostly work to help combat that mentality.
I'm still trying to understand why anyone would have "Pride" in NJ? This state is horrible. Sure there's some places that don't suck but taking everything into account overall this place is a shithole.
I would be in favor of State outlined helmet stickers, ala OSU, for achievement only. It would be a special commendation.
On a related subject, where on the uniform or helmet will the Rutgers 250th anniversary logo go? Will they put it on the field too? I don't recall seeing one on the RAC court this past season.
When the State of NJ adequately supports Rutgers University like other states do then maybe. When New Jersey's politicians stop trying to break off pieces of Rutgers for their own personal gain maybe. Until then NJ can go eff itself. And I'm not an alumni and the reason I became a Rutgers' fan is because it's my state university. But the State itself has done more to harm Rutgers than help it.

Rutgers is older than the State of NJ. Maybe NJ should start putting the Rutgers name on its office buildings.
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"Rutgers is older than the State of NJ. Maybe NJ should start putting the Rutgers name on its office buildings."

Now, that is thinking outside the box!!
When the State of NJ adequately supports Rutgers University like other states do then maybe. When New Jersey's politicians stop trying to break off pieces of Rutgers for their own personal gain maybe. Until then NJ can go eff itself. And I'm not an alumni and the reason I became a Rutgers' fan is because it's my state university. But the State itself has done more to harm Rutgers than help it.

Rutgers is older than the State of NJ. Maybe NJ should start putting the Rutgers name on its office buildings.

The NJ State Outline helmet sticker to me would be a message to the people of NJ, not the state gov't nor politicians
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When the people of New Jersey support Rutgers like other state universities, fine. Way too many Syracuse, Seton Hall, Notre Dame and Penn State fans in this state. Besides we've already had New Jersey on the helmet and on the field. Somehow they still haven't gotten the message.

Just win baby. Then they'll all jump on the bandwagon like usual.
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I disagree with those that say "New Jersey" shouldn't appear on the uniforms because the state doesn't support Rutgers enough. That implies that if the state supported Rutgers more then they would be OK with adding "New Jersey" to the uniforms.

State support or lack of support has nothing to do with adding "New Jersey" to the uniforms.

The reason to not add "New Jersey" to the uniforms is that it is poor branding. The football uniform is part of the branding message for Rutgers, and as such should consistently reinforce the brand of the school. The problem with "NJ Rutgers" attempts in the past is that it created confusion about the brand.

An outline of the state on the back of the helmet doesn't interfere with the brand, and that is why there is less objection to it.
I really like how Ohio st, UNC and others incorporate the state outline. They have used a light outline of the state behind the school logo on the field and/or back of the jersey. It's not overbearing while recognizing the state.
Respectfully, that's the wrong way to think about it. If state support is lacking then putting the pressure on the state to be there for Rutgers comes when more and more New Jerseyans develop fidelity with Rutgers as "their" Penn State or their Michigan or their Texas.
"New Jersey" representation on our gear and in our arenas isn't a quid pro quo between Rutgers Athletics and the NJ State Legislature; we're already "The State University." Time to brag about New Jersey to everyone watching on television. That's going to help turn rank-and-file citizens into Rutgers boosters -- not just as sports fans, but as voters.
I agree the long run strategy should be to make the Rutgers story so compelling the people of NJ, and the greater metro area, can't resist associating themselves with the program and by extension, the State U. While we will never be what the Badgers are to Wisconsin for example we can be a much more attractive brand in the area. First step is to start winning some more games, especially some of the big names.
On a related subject, where on the uniform or helmet will the Rutgers 250th anniversary logo go? Will they put it on the field too? I don't recall seeing one on the RAC court this past season.
Yes the program, and the entire university, should be relentlessly promoting the 250th.

After 3 pages someone is actually came close to what Rutgers should do.
An Outline of New Jersey should be squarely placed on the rear of the players pants, with the word POLITICIANS right under the NJ outline.
This way you will see the NJ outline when they stand up (so the stupid know RU is in NJ) and when they line up for a snap every lineman will show how we view politics in the 1st, 2nd,or 3rd most corrupt state in the nation. (LA, ILL. & NJ). Because I love and respect NJ... but the $600M tax credit to Sweeny+SJ so Rutgers can get a $25M tax credit. Yea that is not $25M to build something but a tax credit
"LOV this state"
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When the people of New Jersey support Rutgers like other state universities, fine. Way too many Syracuse, Seton Hall, Notre Dame and Penn State fans in this state. Besides we've already had New Jersey on the helmet and on the field. Somehow they still haven't gotten the message.

Just win baby. Then they'll all jump on the bandwagon like usual.

Seton Hall is a NJ school, of course they have fans in the state.

The others listed have tons of alums in NJ.
in a stylish way, yes. in a garish way, no.

Simple as that.

No to another "NJ Rutgers" helmet. Yes to having an outline of the state on the back of the helmet as a decal.

No to having a big "NEW JERSEY" on the front. Yes to a small decal of the state or a NJ logo on the upper chest or on a sleeve.

Yes to having a logo of NJ on one side of the pants, opposite of a block R.

Its good to remind people that Rutgers is indeed THE state university of the great state of New Jersey, but you can't make it look terrible.
I agree the long run strategy should be to make the Rutgers story so compelling the people of NJ, and the greater metro area, can't resist associating themselves with the program and by extension, the State U. While we will never be what the Badgers are to Wisconsin for example we can be a much more attractive brand in the area. First step is to start winning some more games, especially some of the big names.
Yet I believe that's exactly what we should -- and can -- be. it.
in a stylish way, yes. in a garish way, no.
Simple as that.
No to another "NJ Rutgers" helmet. Yes to having an outline of the state on the back of the helmet as a decal.
No to having a big "NEW JERSEY" on the front. Yes to a small decal of the state or a NJ logo on the upper chest or on a sleeve.
Yes to having a logo of NJ on one side of the pants, opposite of a block R.
Its good to remind people that Rutgers is indeed THE state university of the great state of New Jersey, but you can't make it look terrible.
I'd like to see the "R" at midfield replaced with a giant Garden State Parkway sign, right on the 50.
What do you think the discussion would be like if somebody said ...

"Let's put either an outline of "Alabama" or the word "ALABAMA" on the Auburn uniforms.
Or "SOUTH CAROLINA" on the Clemson jerseys
Or "INDIANA" on the Purdue uniforms
Or "OHIO" on University of Cincinnati (now University System of Ohio) uniforms

All of these institutions manage to honor their heritage and powerfully represent their home state - they do it just by being the best that they can be -
Apples and oranges because those schools you mentioned all have other schools in those states whose sports teams are more of a household name. That is not the case for Rutgers.
On top of that none of those are the primary public university of the state. Rutgers, over time, has become THE State University of New Jersey.

What Rumba suggested is like Monmouth or Kean (not saying that Clemson/Auburn/Cincinnati/Purdue are the same league obviously, but NJ doesn't really have any other large scale public university that rivals Rutgers NB other than Rutgers Newark basically) putting "New Jersey" on their uniforms, its a little bit different.
Yes, I would like N.J. on both home and away, but what I
want to see gone is the name Rutgers. First of all Colonel
Rutgers never made good on his pledge of future monies,
he reneged on most of it. Secondly the name has stigma attached
to it, this is a name mentioned in punch lines. We say put New Jersey
on the uniform Yes, and put it in everything else, I'm proud of my
8 decades of N.J. life, and I want the " University of New Jersey."
What's a Rutgers. Is the running joke of well over a hundred years.
Time for a change. With Hobbs, Ash, and Pikiel this is a great time
for the change.
Yes, I would like N.J. on both home and away, but what I
want to see gone is the name Rutgers. First of all Colonel
Rutgers never made good on his pledge of future monies,
he reneged on most of it. Secondly the name has stigma attached
to it, this is a name mentioned in punch lines. We say put New Jersey
on the uniform Yes, and put it in everything else, I'm proud of my
8 decades of N.J. life, and I want the " University of New Jersey."
What's a Rutgers. Is the running joke of well over a hundred years.
Time for a change. With Hobbs, Ash, and Pikiel this is a great time
for the change.