Posting up Paul


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Oct 23, 2006
When facing zone D, I think posting up Mulcahy at the foul line is a great move.

It’s not everyday you see a freshman PG utilized in that way, but with his size and court vision this makes sense.

It also puts Paul in a position to be a triple threat, where he’s already shown he’s capable of passing, shooting, or taking it to the hole from that spot. Not to mention taking it to the hole and dishing for a dunk or easy lay in.

I hope we see more of that against a zone, and that our shooters will also score from deep when Mulcahy finds them open with a crisp pass from that high post.
I was thinking of posting the same thing. It is especially helpful because we don't shoot the deep ball well. Teams are dying to play zone against us and Mulcahy is our best weapon against that. He is a very quick decision maker. Good Post!
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