Pretty poor crowd

Anyone giving RU fans shit after years of misery, just tune in to the Notre Dame home game v. Georgia tonight to see the thousands of ND season ticket holders who sold their tickets to Georgia fans after ND had one bad season.
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It's one thing to be bad, but bad AND boring kills a fanbase as fickle as ours.

Ash is too much of a meathead, but he should have it in his mind to go for it every time if inside the 40 and outside of FG range.

You'd think after last week he would have learned something.

Perfect chance to create a little excitement and Ash, again, takes the air out of the stadium.

He's from the Midwest. He probably likes being boring.
Ash is too much of a meathead, but he should have it in his mind to go for it every time if inside the 40 and outside of FG range.

You'd think after last week he would have learned something.

Perfect chance to create a little excitement and Ash, again, takes the air out of the stadium.

He's from the Midwest. He probably likes being boring.

When Cali goes negative, I get concerned .
Is Ash approaching Craig Littlepage status? Terry Shea status?

I've had the distinct misfortune of having season tickets to watch all. I'm very worried it's deja vu. All over again.
Who the hell wants to pay to watch these clowns

Who wants to deal with whether or not you can bring a seat cushion in or a bottle of water and them pay $4 for said water (or whatever ridiculous amount they charge). Add the crappy product on top of that and it's a miracle they get 30k
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The fans are not to blame for a poor team. At this point the program should be glad anyone is showing up. The team does not have a history of delivering play that warrants much dedication.
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I left after the INT, I wasnt going to waste my time with feeble comeback attempts
actually, there was a point in that feeble comeback that was pretty legit......we went from what appeared to be a hopeless situation to a decent chance to score

EMU had a first and goal on the five, leading by three......and in less than a minute we had the ball, over midfield, with 50 something seconds left, and still down just the three

we really should have at least got the tie, but a killer penalty
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