
What do we know?

I believe from what we have heard. Scott, Molinaro and Snyder were interviewed/considered with Snyder being the top target. Snyder declined and now apparently Scott is. It an option and they are all in on Seabass.

This seems to be all of the information or speculation rather that we have to go by
Snyder is the only name I've seen posted that was named as an actual interviewee.
Molinaro and Scott were just tossed around by posters from what I've read but please correct me if I'm wrong.
So they are now pushing for their 4th option with no guarantee of that even?
See above.
What do we know?

I believe from what we have heard. Scott, Molinaro and Snyder were interviewed/considered with Snyder being the top target. Snyder declined and now apparently Scott is. It an option and they are all in on Seabass.

This seems to be all of the information or speculation rather that we have to go by
I never heard Molinaro was interviewed. Scott was never an option
I read someplace that Molinaro was interested, but everything you read online is not true,.

I trust the people here who know the players (Wng and MikeM)
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