
Both were in the room when I went. Didn't watch them drill much but will say packer looked huge.
Good to hear. Packer a good huge? He seemed to have a good build from what I had seen.
Injuries could be a curse this year as the backup situation in most weights doesn't look promising. Lots of guys at 195 but I was hoping Packer might come in strong. And at Heavy, ut oh if Yara-Slav gets hurt. Casale?
Harer is #5 in his weight class, Nini #8, and Blanchette #4. There are still some very good uncommitted Jersey kids out there.

Of the two '23 recruits: Hermes and Packer, are they in the room, and if so, how are they looking?
I think class ranking is easier and more accurate to evaluate future potential since some weight class can be filled with seniors etc..

Noticed we been recruiting CA guys and #7 Merrill is from Gilroy CA, any chance on him? Probably projects hwt in college.. looked dominant at who’s number 1. Kinney hwt from Nazarath PA only other top 35 recruit from this class uncommitted.
Good to hear. Packer a good huge? He seemed to have a good build from what I had seen.
Injuries could be a curse this year as the backup situation in most weights doesn't look promising. Lots of guys at 195 but I was hoping Packer might come in strong. And at Heavy, ut oh if Yara-Slav gets hurt. Casale?
I thought it was a good huge.
But he is just starting here, so has time to pack on more size/get more defined. I think he has a lot of upside from the look, but again didn't watch him drill that much so take it with a grain of salt.
Whats the odds with knox? 0.1%?
Experience would tell us that's generous odds. However, every now and then, like with Ashnault, a kid has an emotional connection, whether to a person, institution, or geography, that may influence their decision. I don't know enough about this kid to appreciate whether any of that might apply. Let's hope so. He certainly has the potential to be among Rutgers elite or the same with a more storied program with better training opportunities. We have to hope there's an emotional connection. And then there's the "it's all about money" thing.

Rutgers should pull out all the stops to land Knox and/or Kenny, and even that might not be enough. In the end, the kids will do what's best for them. I'd like to think Ashnault's involvement with Paul Kenny will be a big positive, but I really don't know how Anthony feels about Rutgers at this point.
I would put Knox at 50% between us and Cornell. We have done an excellent job pulling out all stops that many of you will never know. We have gone the extra mile.
Have you found him a girlfriend? That can be a significant motivator 😊 It was when I was his age. Personally, I don't like 50/50. I never gamble because I lose 70% of the time when the odds are 50/50.
Have you found him a girlfriend? That can be a significant motivator 😊 It was when I was his age. Personally, I don't like 50/50. I never gamble because I lose 70% of the time when the odds are 50/50.
BAHAHAHAHAHA they say baccarat is supposed to be nearly 50/50 casino odds yet it somehow seems like ppl lose 70% of time somehow… make that make sense

So glad to hear we went extra mile for Knox, that’s seriously all we can ask for, regardless of results it’s pleasing to hear this.
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Looks like Princeton had a lot of top recruits on campus this weekend, based on their IG story: Perentin, Lavalle, Burton, and others from out of state.

I haven’t been following his recruitment but heard he had a falling out with Ryder and that made PSU less likely. Regardless, Duke is a fantastic wrestler and competitor but has been injury prone for the past few years. Lots of mileage on the body and wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t make it through 4 years of the PSU grind.
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I haven’t been following his recruitment but heard he had a falling out with Ryder and that made PSU less likely. Regardless, Duke is a fantastic wrestler and competitor but has been injury prone for the past few years. Lots of mileage on the body and wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t make it through 4 years of the PSU grind.
Interesting. Wonder how true that is as everyone is reporting him to PSU at this point.
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I haven’t been following his recruitment but heard he had a falling out with Ryder and that made PSU less likely. Regardless, Duke is a fantastic wrestler and competitor but has been injury prone for the past few years. Lots of mileage on the body and wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t make it through 4 years of the PSU grind.
Hmm that doesn’t sound good for the #1 class recruit.. regardless seems like PSU will have a bit of a logjam in those middle weights.. SVN, Haines, Kasak, Sealy etc etc will be interesting to see how they fit all these guys.
Hmm that doesn’t sound good for the #1 class recruit.. regardless seems like PSU will have a bit of a logjam in those middle weights.. SVN, Haines, Kasak, Sealy etc etc will be interesting to see how they fit all these guys.
Red shirts, Olympics down the road, injuries… Penn State always makes it work and if kids aren’t patient or aren’t willing to sacrifice a year of eligibility Penn State will tell them to transfer and they’ll just get the next top guy. There will never be a shortage of talent in that room as long as Cael is there, aside from the 125 revolving door.
Hmm that doesn’t sound good for the #1 class recruit.. regardless seems like PSU will have a bit of a logjam in those middle weights.. SVN, Haines, Kasak, Sealy etc etc will be interesting to see how they fit all these guys.
I originally thought Cornell would end up with Duke (and a bunch of other studs) but it sounds like NIL or the lack thereof may be an issue. Not to mention a year at Finger Lakes and likely having to work at summer wrestling camps seems to be working against Cornell. Schools are throwing big money at guys like Duke and DeLuca so an Ivy League education is taking a back seat.
He was a long shot. There are a number of guys kids available in the class 2025. And we should get some of them.
A New York kid at the top of the list - a long shot was optimistic. Knox and Kenny are two kids with some amount of connection to Rutgers, so at least there's some small chance with them. What does Ashnault's connection with Kenny do for Rutgers?
Per wngarbarin; "Yes we do have a formidable 174-285. Turley, Soldano, Poz and Yara. They are all capable of being AAs"

He is in the know and is often right. This means we have a great shot at 5 All Americans. Plus other guys should win a few bouts at NCAAs

Imagine Peterson, Turley, Soldano. Poz. and Yara as AAs. This means we would be a top 10 program and have our best finish in our history. Only concern is that in the past we had pre-season high hopes and then we are deflated at end of year. With all the extra hype this year, I believe it is different and this will be our year to shine.
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Per wngarbarin; "Yes we do have a formidable 174-285. Turley, Soldano, Poz and Yara. They are all capable of being AAs"

He is in the know and is often right. This means we have a great shot at 5 All Americans. Plus other guys should win a few bouts at NCAAs

Imagine Peterson, Turley, Soldano. Poz. and Yara as AAs. This means we would be a top 10 program and have our best finish in our history. Only concern is that in the past we had pre-season high hopes and then we are deflated at end of year. With all the extra hype this year, I believe it is different and this will be our year to shine.
wng says this about a lot of our guys every year… seems a bit optimistic for 5 AA but we’ll see… there was similar hype going into last year preseason about “our best deepest young lineup”.. I do think this season has to be better then last year and lots to be excited about but yeah we’ll see..
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Per wngarbarin; "Yes we do have a formidable 174-285. Turley, Soldano, Poz and Yara. They are all capable of being AAs"

He is in the know and is often right. This means we have a great shot at 5 All Americans. Plus other guys should win a few bouts at NCAAs

Imagine Peterson, Turley, Soldano. Poz. and Yara as AAs. This means we would be a top 10 program and have our best finish in our history. Only concern is that in the past we had pre-season high hopes and then we are deflated at end of year. With all the extra hype this year, I believe it is different and this will be our year to shine.
Those guys could all AA and we still might not finish in the top 10. If they all finish 6-8. You need champions or top 3 AA's to finish top 10.
I think this team will be a much better dual team than last year. I think we have potential AA's at 125, 141, 174, 184, 197 and Hwt. Do I think they will all I think we will end up with 1 or 2 AA's. Looking forward to the season, but I am not expecting a top 10 finish...we do not have enough wrestlers that have the top end talent to finish in top 3 in their weight class. I do not want this to seem negative as I am excited for this years team, just think we are a 15-20 type team.
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125- NCAA/R12/AA potential
133- NCAA/R12 potential/AA outside shot
141-NCAA/R12 potential/AA outside shot
149- NCAA/R12 potential/AA tough but the weight cleared out
157- NCAA/R12 potential/AA outside shot depending on his continued development
165- NCAA/the rest depends on how he does against the bigger guys (he’s up two weight classes)
174- NCAA/the rest depends on how much work he has put in/can he stay healthy/AA potential
184- NCAA/R12/AA potential-Freshman to sophomore year development is usually big/will be a wild ride
197- NCAA/R12/AA potential/will see how he does up a weight and fully healthy
285- NCAA/R12/AA potential

Could very well and should qualify all 10 weights. My goal would be 10 NCAA qualifiers, win a match at NCAA’s at every weight,4-5 in R12, 3 AA’s. Top 15 team score.
Jordan Chapman, Carson Walsh, Gauge Botero (JR from PA who was a state champ last year as a sophomore at 121 (only losses were to Anthony Knox) and finished 3rd at 113 as a freshman) all visited last weekend.
Botero is a beast. Impressed they got him on campus.
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