Rettig transferring

Maybe that was Rutgers problem for not recognizing his potential.

Hayden Rettig was a Rivals 4-star recruit who was the No 9 Nationally Ranked Pro Style QB with a strong arm.

As Rutgers continued to struggle at QB, it always surprised me that he wasn't given more of an opportunity to be the Rutgers QB under the Flood HC administration.

When ASH became the HC, the new OC was more interested in putting in a "system" rather than adapting to the type of players that were currently at Rutgers (4 Senior OL protecting a pro style QB), so I suspected that he would not be your QB this year.

If he came to Pitt (not saying it would happen) he would be given the opportunity to compete.

Pitt had an experienced QB (Chad Voytik) who everyone (including myself) thought would be the QB going forward. However Nate Peterman came to Pitt (Tennessee Rivals 4-star transfer) and was given the opportunity to compete.

Nate Peterman became the starting QB.

Same story goes with Tom Savage who transferred to Pitt was given the opportunity to compete and was able to win the starting QB job.

Not saying he Hayden would win the starting QB job but would be given the opportunity to compete.

Seems like a good kid.

Where ever he goes it will be a very interesting watch for all of us, if this kid manages to excel someplace and that's a big if.
The entire premise of his not seeing the field here will be blown out of the water.
Where ever he goes it will be a very interesting watch for all of us, if this kid manages to excel someplace and that's a big if.
The entire premise of his not seeing the field here will be blown out of the water.

Hey many programs make similar mistakes.

New Jersey native Joe Flacco comes to Pitt and transfers after not getting the starting QB job.

Good kid who believed in himself and did extremely well.


Where ever he goes it will be a very interesting watch for all of us, if this kid manages to excel someplace and that's a big if.
The entire premise of his not seeing the field here will be blown out of the water.
Poor coaches/leaders with big egos hate to be proven wrong. If Ash works to help Rettig find a suitable transfer, where Rettig's success might cast doubt on Ash, my opinion of Ash will go way up.
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Where ever he goes it will be a very interesting watch for all of us, if this kid manages to excel someplace and that's a big if.
The entire premise of his not seeing the field here will be blown out of the water.

I agree 1000%. No doubt Rettig had the best arm of all of our QBs. The thing that always ticked me off was that he never got a chance, even when we were able to do NOTHING. With Flood, he was locked in a "close" battle, but when CL struggled it was impossible to consider playing the backup. This year with Ash, just about every QB saw playing time, but never Rettig. I didn't care if he played a single down just to let people know we COULD throw downfield.

Regardless, Hayden's time on the Banks is coming to a close, and I've got to say, if not a QB, the guy is a helluva a person and teammate. And I for one respect the effort he gave, and the attitude he displayed while here. Wishing him well, in everything he does.
Hey many programs make similar mistakes.

New Jersey native Joe Flacco comes to Pitt and transfers after not getting the starting QB job.

Good kid who believed in himself and did extremely well.


Not for the same reasons Growl.
When you are accused time and time again of not being able to master the playbook, it should be a problem wherever he winds up.
Of course there are exceptions to everything, but transfers more often than not do not meet expectations of any fan base.

There is a reason why kids transfer. The 4 star ranking no longer applies once they walk through the doors of their institution. Usually it's one of three things - they are not good enough, they can't cut it academically or there is a behavior issue.

We usually only hear about the successful ones, but the majority are transferring because of one of the above.

Rettig is obviously a good kid and strong academically, so there is only one obvious choice. And it's the 2nd school he couldn't get on the field for. Hopefully he will end up at a level appropriate for his talent and have a great finish to his career.
Any chance Kyle Flood, on his SiriusXM college radio gig, would make a serious comment about Rettig's tenure at Rutgers if the question was asked by a caller?
The only one to do this in this thread. He just finished practice and his hair was messy. Just let it go already. Leave the young man alone.
Really? So after wearing a helmet for over a hour his hair magically looked like that? I don't care he's never playing QB again so I'm happy.