
I just wish we gave the backup Tenn Tech QB a chance to be our Savior in the B1G East...Proves that Miles/Flood/Ash are all idiots and that we all know better because he had a good half against a very bad low level team. Can we all STFU now that these HC's bench kids that give them the best chance to win.
How was the kid a Army All American? Talk about the entire CFB world missing something.
Kid looked like he had skills. He just always looked like a HS All-Star instead of a D1 player. He always looked wired and a bit out-of-place
How was the kid a Army All American? Talk about the entire CFB world missing something.
That's why I don't like 4 and 5 star players at RU. More often than not, they fail to live up to potential. Give me a team full of 2 and 3 star grinders with a chip on their shoulder and excellent coaching and strength and conditioning.
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But they all saw it in pre-game warms ups... he had the strongest arm of allll the QB's. He cold throw it a country mile !! So he must have been better than what the coaches decided was best for the team. He just got a raw deal... never had a fair shot here... and is now getting screwed at Tennessee Tech. None of these coaches know what they are talking about... those Pre game throws verified he was clearly the best option.
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Obviously this is a conspiracy!

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Glad you aren't our recruiting coordinator!
I was half serious, but the fact is, a handful of our 4-5 star recruits have not lived up to their billing. Rettig is one. A highly touted RB is another one. A DL is another one (though injured). Who are the 4-5 stars other than Carroo that lived up to their stars in recent memory?
I just wish we gave the backup Tenn Tech QB a chance to be our Savior in the B1G East...Proves that Miles/Flood/Ash are all idiots and that we all know better because he had a good half against a very bad low level team. Can we all STFU now that these HC's bench kids that give them the best chance to win.

FYI, Laviano didn't exactly set the world on fire during his brief stay at SDSU. If u r going to mention Flood in any context, probably the bigger point is that he IS an idiot for not bringing in ANYBODY who could be effective at QB.
FYI, Laviano didn't exactly set the world on fire during his brief stay at SDSU. If u r going to mention Flood in any context, probably the bigger point is that he IS an idiot for not bringing in ANYBODY who could be effective at QB.
I think that is the point of 99% of the #freerettig posters... that compared to what we had, he should have been given a chance to show what he had.. as a starter. After seeing what he did in his only start and hearing.. from coaches.. that it was "too close to call" in preseason camp... yes, all the people who wanted to see Rettig had a point.
But Rettig still hasn’t gotten a fair shot at TTU. He only played a short while in that first game. If he was only given a chance to get in the flow of the game at the start along with the starters, then he could really show what he could do. The message board posters have a clear advantage over the coaches to make this decision. They are not biased by practice performance of players, where it is clearly not a true measure of their ability to play in games. And posters deserve the chance to get all their player choices on the field so they can make their own assessments of their abilities in game situations !! Especially if they can throw the ball far in warmups!!!
Oh this is threatening to be carved into the stone tablets of Rutgers Football history - "The Rettig Conundrum" , "The Blonde Mirage"

How could so many coaches gaze upon this majestic, magnificent football throwing phenom ... and then turn away and have their interest in him transform to stone? Was there something mystical about the rotation of the spiral that caused coaches to shudder and their judgement to be clouded?

What has it been that coaches would see (or not see) in day, after day, after day, after day, practice that would possess them to disregard the awesome that arm making exquisite throws?

It has been said that there was never a fully internalized reflexive command of the play book - and as uncomfortable / implausible as it might be to think that this Academic All-American could be viewed in this manner - because clearly this is an intelligent kid - nonetheless - maybe - just maybe there is something here ... maybe this has been a genuine factor - maybe - because it is true that there are some really brilliant people who can solve organic chemistry problems, eloquently craft an essay interpreting a literary masterpiece - but, put them in a rapid fire spelling bee or an arithmetic bee with a fifth grader & they will be a huge hesitent mess.

So how could he have been a 4* hotshot way back when? Well maybe he had some fantastic capabilities and maybe he played with teammates that he knew so well that they could almost read each other's minds and maybe the offense was basic enough & when something was not immediately working he could buy time and launch a bomb to a teammate who had clearly broken loose ... maybe in college practices the coaches could see that there was an issue with running through a set series of plays being sequentially fed to him - and executing them as called. Maybe they have repeatedly had to say - you have to instantly grasp the plays, correctly convey them to your teammates and execute them - or you are going to put somebody in serious jeopardy of getting hurt…. Maybe ? - who knows … we may never know … it may remain a mystery forever.
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If Carroo played the same half as Rettig at TTU then Rettig would 100% be the starter
To to sum it up:

People who think Rettig wasn't good enough to be a starter: Les Miles, Kyle Flood, Chris Ash, TT coach, four offensive coordinators.

People who think Rettig should have been a starter: message board posters.
Just stop. Who do you think knows more about college football. Those 8 coaches or the esteemed ScarletNation collective? I mean, c'mon, we have some posters who played a few years of high school ball about 50 years ago. Of course we know what we're talking about more than a couple of guys who get paid millions to coach FB.
How was the kid a Army All American? Talk about the entire CFB world missing something.

His older brother had a very good college career. Rettig had a strong arm. People tended to overlook the 18 interceptions his senior year.
FYI, Laviano didn't exactly set the world on fire during his brief stay at SDSU. If u r going to mention Flood in any context, probably the bigger point is that he IS an idiot for not bringing in ANYBODY who could be effective at QB.

He brought in one, but he kicked someone in the head.
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I was half serious, but the fact is, a handful of our 4-5 star recruits have not lived up to their billing. Rettig is one. A highly touted RB is another one. A DL is another one (though injured). Who are the 4-5 stars other than Carroo that lived up to their stars in recent memory?

Britt, Logan Ryan, Anthony Davis, and Tom Savage (technically) come to mind. I think Hamilton would've lived up to a 4* billing (not 5* sadly) had he stayed healthy. I think Abreu, Lambert and Muller are on the fence.

I've come to expect that around 50% of 4* guys will pan out. Recruiting will always be an inexact science, but it sure seems difficult to find a diamond in the rough all-conference guy.
To to sum it up:

People who think Rettig wasn't good enough to be a starter: Les Miles, Kyle Flood, Chris Ash, TT coach, four offensive coordinators.

People who think Rettig should have been a starter: message board posters.
Yep, that proves he's been screwed!
Maybe it is time for everyone to just let this Rettig/Laviano thing go? It was what it was and we should all wish them both the best.
It's not a Laviano-Rettig thing. It's the fanbase's insistence that he who keeps the bench company is always better than the guy on the field. He'll play again, but he hasn't been able to unseat the lackluster incumbent at a FCS school.
It's not a Laviano-Rettig thing. It's the fanbase's insistence that he who keeps the bench company is always better than the guy on the field. He'll play again, but he hasn't been able to unseat the lackluster incumbent at a FCS school.
It is also an insistence of some to "prove" that former HC never did anything right. In this instance, perhaps there were valid reasons for not giving him another shot. Every time HR sees action, there will undoubtedly be updates posted.
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Oh my gosh GIVE IT UP! we had an inept coaching staff and piss poor recruiting.
Thank goodness that staff is gone and all but one of the QB's from that debacle is able to compete.
I'm glad ALL those QB's from that Trainwreck are gone!
Folks don't you think it's time to put this on the shelf! Everyone get over it.

The one very important and positive thing about Rettig is that some people seem to overlook is his attitude and demeanor. Never heard him diss the team or complain. He was often a cheerleader on sidlines. Now compare his support and encouragement of his teammates with what some of us who may have watched the GTech/Tenn game and saw little if any positive emotion and support from JG. What we saw on occasion was very little of anything and especially when the starter came off the field and sat across from him. Rettig at least always appeared to be a good team person.

Guys...please put this all in the past and to rest. We have a new season with a great group of young men and coaches. We saw that vs Washington this week and have a big test on Saturday to really see where we are. 'Nuff said.
That's why I don't like 4 and 5 star players at RU. More often than not, they fail to live up to potential. Give me a team full of 2 and 3 star grinders with a chip on their shoulder and excellent coaching and strength and conditioning.

Keep your 2 star and 3 star kids and " under the radar " recruits and I will take the 4 and 5 star players.

OSU, PSU, Michigan, Alabama, etc all seem to agree.
Britt, Logan Ryan, Anthony Davis, and Tom Savage (technically) come to mind. I think Hamilton would've lived up to a 4* billing (not 5* sadly) had he stayed healthy. I think Abreu, Lambert and Muller are on the fence.

I've come to expect that around 50% of 4* guys will pan out. Recruiting will always be an inexact science, but it sure seems difficult to find a diamond in the rough all-conference guy.
Cole, Austen, Turay, are all in the mix.
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