
Britt, Logan Ryan, Anthony Davis, and Tom Savage (technically) come to mind. I think Hamilton would've lived up to a 4* billing (not 5* sadly) had he stayed healthy. I think Abreu, Lambert and Muller are on the fence.

I've come to expect that around 50% of 4* guys will pan out. Recruiting will always be an inexact science, but it sure seems difficult to find a diamond in the rough all-conference guy.

Exactly. Hamilton had the injury bug but contributed early. Abreu also was injured and did not achieve his potential. Kordell Young showed explosiveness before injuring his knee and not being the same since. Flood brought in 2 4*'s. Marques Ford who washed out and Barnwell who had problems. The hit rate for 4* guys to be game changers is much higher than for the huge number of 2* and 3* guys. Sanu was a 3* who should have been a 4* and would have had plentiful offers if he ended the process early. Brandon Coleman was elite before his injury and still made the NFL.
But they all saw it in pre-game warms ups... he had the strongest arm of allll the QB's. He cold throw it a country mile !! So he must have been better than what the coaches decided was best for the team. He just got a raw deal... never had a fair shot here... and is now getting screwed at Tennessee Tech. None of these coaches know what they are talking about... those Pre game throws verified he was clearly the best option.
Do you have an update for us on how Laviano is doing at SDSU?
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This topic really- really shows the football acumen (or lack thereof) of those posting.

As an ex, the below is repeatedly posted as being dispositive of whether Rettig is able to play college qb:

-Les miles not playing Rettig as a true fresh
-Kyle Floods' handling of qbs
-Mehringer not playing Rettig in a run heavy spread

Those who need to be told why those three things above do not indicate Rettig's ability or lack thereof-aw forget it. If you don't know by now having read and heard it a million times already, you're not going to (or want to understand). But the football IQ test is answered every time one sees it reiterated.
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Exactly. Hamilton had the injury bug but contributed early. Abreu also was injured and did not achieve his potential. Kordell Young showed explosiveness before injuring his knee and not being the same since. Flood brought in 2 4*'s. Marques Ford who washed out and Barnwell who had problems. The hit rate for 4* guys to be game changers is much higher than for the huge number of 2* and 3* guys. Sanu was a 3* who should have been a 4* and would have had plentiful offers if he ended the process early. Brandon Coleman was elite before his injury and still made the NFL.

Ah I knew I was forgetting someone. I forgot that Coleman, Vallone, and Hester were 4* recruits as well.
This topic really- really shows the football acumen (or lack thereof) of those posting.

As an ex, the below is repeatedly posted as being dispositive of whether Rettig is able to play college qb:

-Les miles not playing Rettig as a true fresh
-Kyle Floods' handling of qbs
-Mehringer not playing Rettig in a run heavy spread

Those who need to be told why those three things above do not indicate Rettig's ability or lack thereof-aw forget it. If you don't know by now having read and heard it a million times already, you're not going to (or want to understand). But the football IQ test is answered every time one sees it reiterated.

So, you are saying #freerettig?
Just stop. Who do you think knows more about college football. Those 8 coaches or the esteemed ScarletNation collective? I mean, c'mon, we have some posters who played a few years of high school ball about 50 years ago. Of course we know what we're talking about more than a couple of guys who get paid millions to coach FB.
In fairness to the ScarletNation collective, many of us have proven to have better sense than Flood.
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Rettig week 2:

Did not play. Sophomore quarterback started and played all game. Tenn Tech lost again while Sales had 3 INTs and Rettig, a 5th year senior STILL did not play. I guess their coach is conspiring with LSU's coach, Flood and Ash.
Rettig week 2:

Did not play. Sophomore quarterback started and played all game. Tenn Tech lost again while Sales had 3 INTs and Rettig, a 5th year senior STILL did not play. I guess their coach is conspiring with LSU's coach, Flood and Ash.
You're worried about this after the debacle we saw today? The **** is your problem