RU bringing 13 to Navy Classic this weekend

Well now it’s saying Alvarez forfeited and Fehlman got 5th

Bracket is in-correct it is a no contest. Here is the rule.

Art. 5. Daily Match Limit. Wrestlers shall not compete in more than six
matches in one competition day. Forfeits and medical forfeits do not count into the six-match limitation; all other matches, including injury defaults, shall count into the total. Any match not contested because of the match limit shall be listed on the bracket as no contest (NC) and not count as either a win or loss for either competitor and shall not be placed on the Individual Season Record
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RU finished the tournament in 5th place.

1-Virginia Tech
2- Campbell
3- Michigan St
4- Lock Haven
5- Rutgers

Campbell led with 3 Champs, RU w 2 and Va Tech w 2. S
Scoring went 6 places per weight class

All scoring :
Overall bad tourney. Some good but getting owned by MSU is disheartening, but not entirely unexpected, which is why I cautioned against unrealistic expectations about how "deep" we were and how the frosh would perform.
I think it was a pretty bad day and I would bet Goodale and staff are not happy with how the day went..Goodale has always made such a big deal about how you wrestle coming off a loss and your wrestle backs. Only having 2 guys wrestle back to 6th is not a good day. This was the Navy Classic not the Midlands, Las Vegas or Scuffle. Angelo and Correnti were #3 seeds and DNP and Colluci was the #2 seed and DNP. Obviously very good outing for Aguilar and Pagano!
I think it was a pretty bad day and I would bet Goodale and staff are not happy with how the day went..Goodale has always made such a big deal about how you wrestle coming off a loss and your wrestle backs. Only having 2 guys wrestle back to 6th is not a good day. This was the Navy Classic not the Midlands, Las Vegas or Scuffle. Angelo and Correnti were #3 seeds and DNP and Colluci was the #2 seed and DNP. Obviously very good outing for Aguilar and Pagano!
Just will add, if you lost in any round other than the semi finals you could only wrestle back for 5th. Only semi-finalist losers could wrestle for 3rd/4th. Not disagreeing with the coaches not being happy.
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Alvarez had a good day.
Beat multiple ranked foes.
His experience in these matches should pay dividends at the end of the year.

Here is my take on potential NCAA Qualifiers

NCAA Qualifiers: 125, 133, 197
Strong Potential: 174, 184, 285
50/50: 157
< 50%: 149, 141, 165

Over/Under 6.5 qualifiers
Congrats to our champs! They were awesome! I'm also very impressed with Alvarez - his matches are always exciting, always trying aggressive moves, and always active. He's going to do real well for RU!
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Alvarez had a good day.
Beat multiple ranked foes.
His experience in these matches should pay dividends at the end of the year.

Here is my take on potential NCAA Qualifiers

NCAA Qualifiers: 125, 133, 197
Strong Potential: 174, 184, 285
50/50: 157
< 50%: 149, 141, 165

Over/Under 6.5 qualifiers

Over/Under seems about right. A healthy JoJo qualifies in my opinion. The caveat here is that he needs to stay healthy and wrestle matches so he can continue to develop. 6-7 qualifiers with the youth of this team would be great.
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FYI, Correnti injury defaulted out. Believe he was injured in the previous match that he lost. Do not know what the injury is. Anyone?

I think it was a pretty bad day and I would bet Goodale and staff are not happy with how the day went..Goodale has always made such a big deal about how you wrestle coming off a loss and your wrestle backs. Only having 2 guys wrestle back to 6th is not a good day. This was the Navy Classic not the Midlands, Las Vegas or Scuffle. Angelo and Correnti were #3 seeds and DNP and Colluci was the #2 seed and DNP. Obviously very good outing for Aguilar and Pagano!
Alvarez had a good day.
Beat multiple ranked foes.
His experience in these matches should pay dividends at the end of the year.

Here is my take on potential NCAA Qualifiers

NCAA Qualifiers: 125, 133, 197
Strong Potential: 174, 184, 285
50/50: 157
< 50%: 149, 141, 165

Over/Under 6.5 qualifiers

Alvarez continues to really do well.You are absolutely right that he is gaining invaluable experience in these matches.It will bode well for him come tournament time.

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