Rutgers Gameday Info

So on the seat cushion/seat back issue, the link in the OP says:

Fans entering High Point Solutions Stadium for all sporting events will be permitted to bring with them foam seat cushions. During football season, seat cushions are also available for rent on gameday at the cost of $10 per game, per seat. Fans wishing to rent a seat cushion can pick them up on the North concourse between sections 114-117.​

That sort of implies that foam seat cushions are allowed, but seat backs are not allowed. But in the Bag Policy section of the link in the OP contains a link to Athletics Bag Policy and Frequently Asked Questions ( That page says:

Can fans carry cameras, binoculars, smart phones, tablets, seat cushions, seat backs separately from what they put in a clear bag?

Yes, all these items can be carried into the athletic venue, either on their own or in a clear plastic storage bag. This is not a restriction on items that fans have been able to bring into the athletic venue previously. It is only a restriction on the type of container used to carry the items.​

So, if you click through, you see that seat backs are allowed.

So, Mr Hobbs, you failed to apologize for last weekend's snafu, and did not really provide clear communications on the issue. You are looking at an F here. Add this to the list of communications screw ups.
So on the seat cushion/seat back issue, the link in the OP says:

Fans entering High Point Solutions Stadium for all sporting events will be permitted to bring with them foam seat cushions. During football season, seat cushions are also available for rent on gameday at the cost of $10 per game, per seat. Fans wishing to rent a seat cushion can pick them up on the North concourse between sections 114-117.​

That sort of implies that foam seat cushions are allowed, but seat backs are not allowed. But in the Bag Policy section of the link in the OP contains a link to Athletics Bag Policy and Frequently Asked Questions ( That page says:

Can fans carry cameras, binoculars, smart phones, tablets, seat cushions, seat backs separately from what they put in a clear bag?

Yes, all these items can be carried into the athletic venue, either on their own or in a clear plastic storage bag. This is not a restriction on items that fans have been able to bring into the athletic venue previously. It is only a restriction on the type of container used to carry the items.​

So, if you click through, you see that seat backs are allowed.

So, Mr Hobbs, you failed to apologize for last weekend's snafu, and did not really provide clear communications on the issue. You are looking at an F here. Add this to the list of communications screw ups.
Just stop already with the Mr. Hobbs crap. The man can not control every function of every rent-an-employee. Obviously folks at one gate were not in snyc with the program. We had zero problems at the East gate. Could have been a few rogue rent-a-gate-attendants free lancing. Compared to the previous 2 AD's we are light years ahead of where we were, yet some people want to burn the man at the stake for something that is small potatoes and delegated to that other person in the department.
Just stop already with the Mr. Hobbs crap. The man can not control every function of every rent-an-employee. Obviously folks at one gate were not in snyc with the program. We had zero problems at the East gate. Could have been a few rogue rent-a-gate-attendants free lancing. Compared to the previous 2 AD's we are light years ahead of where we were, yet some people want to burn the man at the stake for something that is small potatoes and delegated to that other person in the department.

I agree that Hobbs can't control every "rent-an'employee" at every gate. But the Athletic Department is still responsible for them. Hobbs can't undo last weekend's screw-up, and even though he probably wasn't aware of it at the time, he should be aware of it by now, and he should claim responsibility (either individually, or by the Athletic Dept). The simple, reasonable, suggestion after last weekend was that the Athletic Dept should issue an apology along with a clarification of the policy. I am pointing out that the athletic department has failed to do that.

In and of itself, this is minor. But it is just one more example in a long list of communications snafus that have happened under Hobbs' tenure. I will continue to call him out on it until he hopefully fixes the problem.
Obviously folks at one gate were not in snyc with the program. We had zero problems at the East gate. Could have been a few rogue rent-a-gate-attendants free lancing. Compared to the previous 2 AD's we are light years ahead of where we were, yet some people want to burn the man at the stake for something that is small potatoes and delegated to that other person in the department.
Agree it was not Hobbs but this guy's responsibility and he dropped the ball

Matt Colagiovann

Rutgers University Athletics
Senior Associate Athletic Director
Facilities, events and operations

Phone: 732-445-4223

He dropped the ball and I can assure you Knight for us at the North gate it didn't feel like small potatoes. Many long time fans who thought they knew the policy inside and out were turned away at the gates. It was confusing and quite upsetting for many folks as they had two choices return to your car or throw them away. Especially for us who purchased them in the stadium being good little supporters of the program.

I was actually direct to a sign posted at the gate with the rules. After reading, I pointed out it said nothing about seat cushions the cop turned to me and said the mandate came down from the athletic department so take it up with them. I did, I got an e-mail stating sorry for you inconvenience, we'll allow seat cushions from now on have a good day. Guess I just have to grin and bear it after throwing away $60 of seat cushions purchased in the stadium.
Agree it was not Hobbs but this guy's responsibility and he dropped the ball

Matt Colagiovann

Rutgers University Athletics
Senior Associate Athletic Director
Facilities, events and operations

Phone: 732-445-4223

He dropped the ball and I can assure you Knight for us at the North gate it didn't feel like small potatoes. Many long time fans who thought they knew the policy inside and out were turned away at the gates. It was confusing and quite upsetting for many folks as they had two choices return to your car or throw them away. Especially for us who purchased them in the stadium being good little supporters of the program.

I was actually direct to a sign posted at the gate with the rules. After reading, I pointed out it said nothing about seat cushions the cop turned to me and said the mandate came down from the athletic department so take it up with them. I did, I got an e-mail stating sorry for you inconvenience, we'll allow seat cushions from now on have a good day. Guess I just have to grin and bear it after throwing away $60 of seat cushions purchased in the stadium.

I feel your pain. But just because "the cop" said it was so does not make it so. Been party to too many of these types of snafus in other situations, where the person in charge says one thing, and by the time it gets passed down 17 levels to the person doling the information out the customers, the message has been altered and mangled.
I agree that Hobbs can't control every "rent-an'employee" at every gate. But the Athletic Department is still responsible for them. Hobbs can't undo last weekend's screw-up, and even though he probably wasn't aware of it at the time, he should be aware of it by now, and he should claim responsibility (either individually, or by the Athletic Dept). The simple, reasonable, suggestion after last weekend was that the Athletic Dept should issue an apology along with a clarification of the policy. I am pointing out that the athletic department has failed to do that.

In and of itself, this is minor. But it is just one more example in a long list of communications snafus that have happened under Hobbs' tenure. I will continue to call him out on it until he hopefully fixes the problem.

Where is this long list?

I can add one. When we rented to party deck last year or our office, the process was not managed very well at all. I don't want to name names, but perhaps the person in charge had handled this function for many years under previous ADs, and perhaps Hobbs is not done figuring out which people are reliable and doing a good job and which ones are not. Our group was so dissatisfied, they said they never wanted to rent the party deck again, and I don't blame them.

So, is this Hobbs' fault, or just something that has to be on his punch list to clean up? There is probably a pretty long list. But I will say this--if you reach out to Hobbs or Sarah B, they will get on it right away. In many cases, Hobbs is not the right person to contact directly.

One thing I can also say about our experience last year. The people managing the party deck last year were all brand new and were learning on the job. We rented the deck for the first game of the year.

As far as the gate attendants and the seat cushions, I did not notice if the gate attendants were new or not, but I did notice that the people who check the tickets at the tops of the stairs in the lower level were brand new. And the guy we had was light years better than the grumpy old dude who blocked the stairs and checked your ticket even if you had been up and down the aisle ten times during the game. So there is improvement on that front, at least for section 107.

At the end of the day, some of our game day experiences are positively or negatively impacted by one or two employees who may be brand new, not know their job requirements or the rules, or may be fabulous in all aspects of their job (which is usually the exception to the rule). I have no idea what the gate attendants get paid, but I cannot imagine they are attracting the cream of the crop for these jobs. On the whole, however, in my experience 95% of these people are doing a good job and trying to do the right thing.
Hobbs is AWOL
Probably working on a new deal with the Yankees.
Still waiting for the 50-50 accountability and/or ass covering. Guess no one cleaned out their desk over that.
1.Water allowed in stadium?
2. 50-50 back on or person still applying for permit?
3. Alley back up and running so students actually attend tailgates in stadium lots instead of tailgating in dorms and houses and never making over to game?
Just stop already with the Mr. Hobbs crap. The man can not control every function of every rent-an-employee. Obviously folks at one gate were not in snyc with the program. We had zero problems at the East gate. Could have been a few rogue rent-a-gate-attendants free lancing. Compared to the previous 2 AD's we are light years ahead of where we were, yet some people want to burn the man at the stake for something that is small potatoes and delegated to that other person in the department.

You're right. He can't.

Which is why you have people for that.

We need an upgrade in the Gameday Operations department. Add that to the upgrade we need in the Communications department.

All the problems related to the administration of this program, the annoying little things that make it look small-time, are fixed with the appropriate hires.
Didn't say anything prohibiting hookers and blow. So I'm good with it.
You're right. He can't.

Which is why you have people for that.

We need an upgrade in the Gameday Operations department. Add that to the upgrade we need in the Communications department.

All the problems related to the administration of this program, the annoying little things that make it look small-time, are fixed with the appropriate hires.
You're just as right too. Lol

The Gameday Ops thing is a big part of how Rutgers is shown to "the rest of the World" now.

And just as getting the correct (and timely) message out there is too.

Thought we had a guy for the message thing?
Give Hobbs an F for the seat cushions and make it seem like he should be fired for the offense?...that's great. Hobbs has been such a breath of fresh air for our sports program, it can be overlooked that one gate had a problem with foam ass pads that were freebies back in the 1990s.
Give Hobbs an F for the seat cushions and make it seem like he should be fired for the offense?...that's great. Hobbs has been such a breath of fresh air for our sports program, it can be overlooked that one gate had a problem with foam ass pads that were freebies back in the 1990s.
That's not really what he was implying.

And there is an updated email from Rutgers today that does a little better job explaining and answering some of the questions raised in this thread.
The things that are clear here is a more detailed and updated game day procedure and policy is now in place. Give it a grade of A, whether you agree or not with the actual content rules etc. And thank you Bobby for posting.

That being said what appears to be missing is a statement from someone in charge simply apologizing with regard to the snafu that happened. Also was the above outlined policy sent to all sesson ticket holders via email? If so, I don't recall receiving anything and also if sent a simple and open apology for the recent inconvenience and confusion would be nice. Correct me if this was done as I may have missed it. But again, how hard is this to do...the email addreses are there and the operations person needs to be more diligent and could have prepared something to sent out over Pat Hobbs' signature. Basic damage control and goodwill 101. It's embarassing!
That's not really what he was implying.

And there is an updated email from Rutgers today that does a little better job explaining and answering some of the questions raised in this thread.
And folks worried about it should print out the e-mail and put it in the glove box with their tickets to hand to gate attendants who don't know the rules.
That's not really what he was implying.

And there is an updated email from Rutgers today that does a little better job explaining and answering some of the questions raised in this thread.

Maybe not, but some people in general look to throw people user the bus for any reason whatsoever. The fact that Hobbs signed off on the Yankee Stadium game has put him in the crosshairs of some. Then add the seat cushion fiasco and that has a few up in arms it seems. Houston is destroyed, Caribbean Islands are decimated, and the US is going to take a direct hit from Irma...I have friends who had 4 feet of water in their house during Harvey and others directly in the line of Irma...yet some want to moan and groan about an ass cushion and a Yankee Stadium drive. I guess that's my soap box edition for today and will leave it at that. Time to work on tailgate organization for tomorrow and focus on the positives.
The things that are clear here is a more detailed and updated game day procedure and policy is now in place. Give it a grade of A, whether you agree or not with the actual content rules etc. And thank you Bobby for posting.

That being said what appears to be missing is a statement from someone in charge simply apologizing with regard to the snafu that happened. Also was the above outlined policy sent to all sesson ticket holders via email? If so, I don't recall receiving anything and also if sent a simple and open apology for the recent inconvenience and confusion would be nice. Correct me if this was done as I may have missed it. But again, how hard is this to do...the email addreses are there and the operations person needs to be more diligent and could have prepared something to sent out over Pat Hobbs' signature. Basic damage control and goodwill 101. It's embarassing!
Can't be positive but I bet one of the threads on this topic helped get these emails written.
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Maybe not, but some people in general look to throw people user the bus for any reason whatsoever. The fact that Hobbs signed off on the Yankee Stadium game has put him in the crosshairs of some. Then add the seat cushion fiasco and that has a few up in arms it seems. Houston is destroyed, Caribbean Islands are decimated, and the US is going to take a direct hit from Irma...I have friends who had 4 feet of water in their house during Harvey and others directly in the line of Irma...yet some want to moan and groan about an ass cushion and a Yankee Stadium drive. I guess that's my soap box edition for today and will leave it at that. Time to work on tailgate organization for tomorrow and focus on the positives.
And we could be stuck in the AAC too, right?:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Just saw the email...needs to be redone. Too much small print. What Bobby gave us was big and bold and did not require a link etc . The other stuff gets lost.

Also cannot believe that the 50/50 is delayed due to some licensing problems. I've done raffle permits and made sure I've been on of things as far as our organization and what is needed for the state permit and I am sure other have done the same thing. You can almost walk this thru by going to the licensing office for games of chance etc located in Newark. The other thing needed is to be sure you abide by the rules of the local community which in this case is Piscataway and make your request for council approval on a timely basis. Apparently again the sponsoring organization whether it be Rutgers or the TD Club may have failed to do something on a timely basis. It's a shame that potential useful revenue was lost this way.
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Just saw the email...needs to ne redone. Too much small print. What Bobby gave us was big and bold. The other stuff gets lost in all of the red.

Also cannot believe that the 50/50 is delayed due to some licensing problems. I've done raffle permits and made sure I've been on of things as far as our organization and what is needed for the state permit and I am sure other have done the same thing. You can almost walk this thru by going to the licensing office for games of chance etc located in Newark. The other thing needed is to be sure you abide by the rules of the local community which in this case is Piscataway and make your request for council approval on a timely basis. Apparently again the sponsoring organization whether it be Rutgers or the TD Club may have failed to do something on a timely basis. It's a shame that potential useful revenue was lost this way.

The last home game of 2016 was what, Nov. 18 or 19? Flat-out embarrassing that they had 10 months to get everything squared away and failed to do so.
The last home game of 2016 was what, Nov. 18 or 19? Flat-out embarrassing that they had 10 months to get everything squared away and failed to do so.
shows that the Athletic department still has a ways to go since the Hermann disaster to have the ship fully righted have all off season to straighten out gameday policy and procedure,50-50..and still dont have it in place by Sept.1st?
that said lets win on the field this Saturday!!
So is that ALL of the gameday rules (I just read the web page)? Because it seems all the rules about tailgating have vanished.
shows that the Athletic department still has a ways to go since the Hermann disaster to have the ship fully righted have all off season to straighten out gameday policy and procedure,50-50..and still dont have it in place by Sept.1st?
that said lets win on the field this Saturday!!
It goes back before her.
Surprised no one mentioned the wonderful Piscataway ordinance prohibiting standing or stopping on River Rd:


No person shall stop or stand a vehicle between the hours specified on any day upon any of the streets or parts of streets described, except where other parking regulations have been provided for. (Ord. No. 93-51; Ord. No. 2015-29; Ord. No. 2016-41)
Just saw the email...needs to be redone. Too much small print. What Bobby gave us was big and bold and did not require a link etc . The other stuff gets lost.

Also cannot believe that the 50/50 is delayed due to some licensing problems. I've done raffle permits and made sure I've been on of things as far as our organization and what is needed for the state permit and I am sure other have done the same thing. You can almost walk this thru by going to the licensing office for games of chance etc located in Newark. The other thing needed is to be sure you abide by the rules of the local community which in this case is Piscataway and make your request for council approval on a timely basis. Apparently again the sponsoring organization whether it be Rutgers or the TD Club may have failed to do something on a timely basis. It's a shame that potential useful revenue was lost this way.

Rutgers Athletic Development took over the 50/50, three years ago, taking it away from the TD Club who came up with the idea & ran it for many years. Also the licensing process is not as cut & dry as RU 62 said, first it must be approved by the township of Piscataway, also Piscataway only meets once a month, so if you apply the day after they meet then you will wait for a month before they can approve it,then it goes to the State for approval & then back to Piscataway for final approval, seems like RU changed the company that will run the 50/50 & that required a totally new license process. In past years getting license approvals take at a minimum of 2 months, if everything goes perfectly, having gone through this for the past 10 years.
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Rutgers Athletic Development took over the 50/50, three years ago, taking it away from the TD Club who came up with the idea & ran it for many years. Also the licensing process is not as cut & dry as RU 62 said, first it must be approved by the township of Piscataway, also Piscataway only meets once a month, so if you apply the day after they meet then you will wait for a month before they can approve it,then it goes to the State for approval & then back to Piscataway for final approval, seems like RU changed the company that will run the 50/50 & that required a totally new license process. In past years getting license approvals take at a minimum of 2 months, if everything goes perfectly, having gone through this for the past 10 years.
Even if the process takes 6 months, there's no excuse for not being ready to go game 1.
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Even if the process takes 6 months, there's no excuse for not being ready to go game 1.

Someone from the TD club was told that Rutgers changed ownership of the 50/50 from one department to another. Guess would be it's either a whole new application that was submitted late or the new department didn't know about the license .

Either way, they know about the problem & are working on it.
Even if the process takes 6 months, there's no excuse for not being ready to go game 1.
Unless of course if the new company that sells the tickets was hired in the past couple of months, license application cannot be submitted until the vendor is hired.
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I agree that Hobbs can't control every "rent-an'employee" at every gate. But the Athletic Department is still responsible for them. Hobbs can't undo last weekend's screw-up, and even though he probably wasn't aware of it at the time, he should be aware of it by now, and he should claim responsibility (either individually, or by the Athletic Dept). The simple, reasonable, suggestion after last weekend was that the Athletic Dept should issue an apology along with a clarification of the policy. I am pointing out that the athletic department has failed to do that.

In and of itself, this is minor. But it is just one more example in a long list of communications snafus that have happened under Hobbs' tenure. I will continue to call him out on it until he hopefully fixes the problem.

Where is this long list?

I can add one. When we rented to party deck last year or our office, the process was not managed very well at all. I don't want to name names, but perhaps the person in charge had handled this function for many years under previous ADs, and perhaps Hobbs is not done figuring out which people are reliable and doing a good job and which ones are not. Our group was so dissatisfied, they said they never wanted to rent the party deck again, and I don't blame them.

So, is this Hobbs' fault, or just something that has to be on his punch list to clean up? There is probably a pretty long list. But I will say this--if you reach out to Hobbs or Sarah B, they will get on it right away. In many cases, Hobbs is not the right person to contact directly.

One thing I can also say about our experience last year. The people managing the party deck last year were all brand new and were learning on the job. We rented the deck for the first game of the year.

As far as the gate attendants and the seat cushions, I did not notice if the gate attendants were new or not, but I did notice that the people who check the tickets at the tops of the stairs in the lower level were brand new. And the guy we had was light years better than the grumpy old dude who blocked the stairs and checked your ticket even if you had been up and down the aisle ten times during the game. So there is improvement on that front, at least for section 107.

At the end of the day, some of our game day experiences are positively or negatively impacted by one or two employees who may be brand new, not know their job requirements or the rules, or may be fabulous in all aspects of their job (which is usually the exception to the rule). I have no idea what the gate attendants get paid, but I cannot imagine they are attracting the cream of the crop for these jobs. On the whole, however, in my experience 95% of these people are doing a good job and trying to do the right thing.
As I missed last game, can someone clarify the seat cushion situation. Are we really only allowed to bring in the flat foam cushions, and no longer a folding seat with a back (no arms)? Did they enforce this policy? I just purchased two new folding seats at Costco.
Unless of course if the new company that sells the tickets was hired in the past couple of months, license application cannot be submitted until the vendor is hired.
Again, there's really no excuse. Plan a better transition so there's no gap.
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As I missed last game, can someone clarify the seat cushion situation. Are we really only allowed to bring in the flat foam cushions, and no longer a folding seat with a back (no arms)? Did they enforce this policy? I just purchased two new folding seats at Costco.
To recap:
One (maybe more?) gate last game denied all outside seat cushion/backs and made people leave them outside or throw them away. Other gates let people in with their seat cushion/backs with no problems.
RU not acknowledging mishap but now released updated policy list. One area mentions seat cushions are OK to bring in. Other area mentions cushion and seatbacks are OK (first mention might just be non-specific and really apply to both because they reference renting them in-stadium and those would be with seatbacks). Generally it seems they will allow the seat cushion/backs but we shall see.
Unless of course if the new company that sells the tickets was hired in the past couple of months, license application cannot be submitted until the vendor is hired.
and if this is the case then it seems like it would be smarter/more efficient to hire the new vendor and start their contract for whenever the first game they can be up and running for. And if it can only be full-season contracts then deal with the last organization for this season while already knowing the new org. will come in for 2018 (and if that is the case start getting their stuff prepared in whatever time is needed now so they can start game 1 next season)

Or...I guess they could always throw an extra raffle in some other way----maybe there's the usual game raffles, but they also sell a full season combined 50/50 ticket? and if concerned people will only buy that one you could discount the purchase of the season long raffle tickets if the person buys a game raffle.
Or we could have one of the dozens of useless lawyers and/or political hacks on lifetime Rutgers payroll drop by Piscataway and tell them to rubber-stamp their F'in paperwork in the next 12 seconds or we're running the raffle on State property regardless and their candyasses are welcome to face off against our armed State Police.
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As I missed last game, can someone clarify the seat cushion situation. Are we really only allowed to bring in the flat foam cushions, and no longer a folding seat with a back (no arms)? Did they enforce this policy? I just purchased two new folding seats at Costco.

Per this tweet looks like they communicated the message that they are allowed: