Basketball Rutgers snaps skid at Northwestern behind red-hot shooting without Harper

Pike always struggles when his teams get a big lead. All of a sudden we are stagnant and not moving the ball.
That's a bit harsh. He has good post moves and can hit the jumper and FTs, but isn't a great leaper and is a hit or miss defender. But he doesn't just across the board suck.
Old man game, similar to Shelby’s at his advanced age. Plays small. Not Big10 caliber big.
They will start fouling after the under 2 minutes if we maintain a 9 point lead. we need to make FT's
Hopefully Acuff knows not to go backwards to break a press
Funny thing….

We had an Offensive play where we had 5 high. Ball to acuff on wing and an easy layup for him 1:1

Why not go do it again????