Basketball Rutgers vs Northwestern / Game Thread

This is embarrassing and no one is holding Pike accountable and he isn’t holding anyone accountable. This is all coaching bc our fundamentals SUCK! Not boxing out, lazy passes, no movement on offense! Awful awful awful
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I can’t fathom how a team with this much experience and senior leadership ….

… turns the ball over this much
…. Plays so soft at times
…. Looks so lost on both ends of the floor
…. Constantly makes worst teams in the league have their “best” nights
…. Our captains almost collectively putting up an egg in scoring

I don’t get it. These guys are head scratching to watch.
Bummer of a season. Highly recommend all in the 100 level cancel their season tickets ASAP to send a message. Post seat locations when you do for research purposes
A Tale of 2 Haves, or Tail between their legs. Which team will it be???
Each of the last two seasons, I expected him to come into the season in shape and have been surprised he hasn’t. Doubt he wants it bad enough

Clearly doesn't. If there was one area you know that the NBA guys said you need to work on, it's your body. You're look like a pudgy freshman who hits the dining hall to hard first semester. Not even close to an NBA player. He'd never last the season.
Caleb and Geo with donuts in the scoring column.

Do we put up a fight in the 2nd half or just mail it in?
Almost every hoop we have is from someone doing something off the ball.

we need to stop the mind set that we need to get Harper and Baker involved early. Baker and Harper are not doing anything off the ball.

I told you Northwestern was wellcoached and remember how you responded
Pike can't figure out why his team starts slow every game, how about "CHANGING THE FVCKING STARTING LINEUP THAT STARTS SLOW EVERY GAME!" Would be a novel idea.
This was my exact thought when they mentioned it on TV. Pike acts like he’s tried everything to turnaround the slow starts yet he throws out the same 5 to start every game
LOL defense travels. Theres like 4 captains on this team and they all look at on another every night and point wondering who is gonna take charge. This team sucks
I’ll say it. Geo and Ron’s effort is the problem. Everyone else is at least trying. How many times are they going to stand and dribble and dribble, get someone to pick and drive into double coverage. Everyone knows this move now.
Its ****ing bullshit and Pike needs to be held accountable given its his star recruit
That’s right, either he grossly overestimated his talent or he has no idea what to do with him. My guess is the latter. Either way, it’s a bad look.
Coach and team should be embarrassed by the defensive effort.
Wouldn’t be upset if Pike started Nathan-Reiber-Palmquist-Terry-Hyatt this half even if we lose by 50
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I know Geo and RHJ are our scorers. Team just realized they just dribble too much OR stand around..they never move on offense—very easy to guard and let them settle for terrible shots
Pike's biggest issue to me is he is way too married to "his guys" which are clearly Ron and Geo. They can do anything and play like absolute garbage and it doesn't matter. He allows it to continue and puts them in.
Who do you suggest they put in? There is 0 depth on the roster
Pike's biggest issue to me is he is way too married to "his guys" which are clearly Ron and Geo. They can do anything and play like absolute garbage and it doesn't matter. He allows it to continue and puts them in.

Unfortunately it means a horror show in the next few years because the returning players will get loyalty over the portal
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