Season comes down to this:


All American
Jan 15, 2002
Win a single Big Ten game. Doesn't matter which one. Just one. Otherwise, Ash will be nothing but a placeholder for the next guy. Won't be a question of if but when.

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Win a single Big Ten game. Doesn't matter which one. Just one. Otherwise, Ash will be nothing but a placeholder for the next guy. Won't be a question of if but when.

So if he goes 2-10/1-8 that will be a successful season to you?
So if he goes 2-10/1-8 that will be a successful season to you?
Absolutely not. But he needs SOMETHING to hang his hat on. You cannot hang your hat on a moral victory. He needs at least one VICTORY to show at least someone modicum of competence. Otherwise we will get years of "shocking power" recruiting and the only thing we'll be talking about is who's brave enough to come in and right the ship.
Win a single Big Ten game. Doesn't matter which one. Just one. Otherwise, Ash will be nothing but a placeholder for the next guy. Won't be a question of if but when.

Rutgers does not deserve Rutgers does not deserve to have a winning program with fancier think like this.
Win a single Big Ten game. Doesn't matter which one. Just one. Otherwise, Ash will be nothing but a placeholder for the next guy. Won't be a question of if but when.


I still think he needs to win at least 2 conference games to have any hope on the recruiting trail.
How would you like to be one of the big RU donors like Towers, or Garrutti? (sp?), you donate a lot of money and it appears you are flushing your money down the toilet, the team looks out coached almost each and every game, Season tickets plunge for 2 years in a row, almost guaranteed more season ticket holders will bail after another god awful season.

We all have friends who are RU alum who used to come back for one home game a season. Now? Forget it.

The Stadium attendance will get worse as the season goes on with the exception of Penn they travel great.

This game was a dagger into the heart of the program, and it doesn't look like we have the coach or QB to show any improvement.
I hate to say it but my wife and i have been going 15 years now. and today after this game for the first time i uttered i think i can't take it anymore, i may not be renewing after this year
Absolutely not. But he needs SOMETHING to hang his hat on. You cannot hang your hat on a moral victory. He needs at least one VICTORY to show at least someone modicum of competence. Otherwise we will get years of "shocking power" recruiting and the only thing we'll be talking about is who's brave enough to come in and right the ship.
dont hold your breath
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That won't do it.
Look at the dropoff that is next year's class.....keeping a 2-10 Coach will see Recruiting nosedive to rock bottom.

Why are you being a d about the 2018 class. It's pleasantly decent considering we were 2-10. No real high end recruits but almost no 2 stars either. It's pretty solid.
I see 1-11
Very likely, but that's why I agree with OP. Win one B1G game - and you finish 2-10. Not good, but at least on paper, you're not trending downwards anymore. Continue to buy time to get the talent on the roster better and deeper.
Only problem with that is we play psu in Crappy Valley.
They are speaking of when Penn State comes here next year. It will be how I remember PSU/Rutgers games at Giants Stadium in the 90s where they outnumbered us 2 to 1.
They are speaking of when Penn State comes here next year. It will be how I remember PSU/Rutgers games at Giants Stadium in the 90s where they outnumbered us 2 to 1.
HUH? He said the attendance will get worse as the season progresses, no one in the entire thread said anything about next year
I would not be quick to pencil in Morgan State as a win at this point.

What makes you think we could even beat Purdue? If their team comes down with dysentary and Flood guest coaches them?
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It's never as good or as bad as you all think. The idea that this is on coaching is false... ash and kill haven't forgotten how to coach. Were just not as good. I watch other games and I see athletes that can pull away and standout... we don't seem to have anybody worth a damn that can do that on offense.
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I hate to say it but my wife and i have been going 15 years now. and today after this game for the first time i uttered i think i can't take it anymore, i may not be renewing after this year
I was a year ahead of you on this one. Didn't get season tickets for the first time in many years.
It's never as good or as bad as you all think. The idea that this is on coaching is false... ash and kill haven't forgotten how to coach. Were just not as good. I watch other games and I see athletes that can pull away and standout... we don't seem to have anybody worth a damn that can do that on offense.
when when has he shown that he can coach? He didn't forget how to coach I'm not sure you ever could coach.
I don't understand this notion. Your team is way better/more competitive this year than last. There will be several victories, I think...
when when has he shown that he can coach? He didn't forget how to coach I'm not sure you ever could coach.
oh come on.... dude coached a D to a natty title. Meyer doesn't let scrubs hang around. You are just being a little B if you keep hanging this on coaching. Its the players..we need better players, and we need more money to get them. Thats all this is.
oh come on.... dude coached a D to a natty title. Meyer doesn't let scrubs hang around. You are just being a little B if you keep hanging this on coaching. Its the players..we need better players, and we need more money to get them. Thats all this is.
said this somewhere else this evening but...

The talent argument carries weight when RU loses to the likes of Ohio State or Michigan. It does not hold up when we lose, at home, to Eastern Michigan.

Coaching is an issue.
So explain how EMu got their players? Theirs seemed good enough to beat us.
i mean are you 5 years old? Pay attention to RU. You know how bad things were last year. You know the roster is being overhauled. 5th year seniors brought in as stop gaps to let the young guys grow. It take time, and years of consistency to get better. If you guys keep firing coaches every 2 years we might as well tear down the stadium. Does this loss suck, yes! But its no different than any other shity lose in a long history of shitty losses. EMU is probably on the better end of the spectrum.
said this somewhere else this evening but...

The talent argument carries weight when RU loses to the likes of Ohio State or Michigan. It does not hold up when we lose, at home, to Eastern Michigan.

Coaching is an issue.
and you state that as if we're a top 30 team who just lost to a 120... we're probably a mid 80 team now that just lost to a mid 70 team in close game where there were tons of opportunities to win and lose. Last week we overachieved, this week we sucked and it cost us big time.
and you state that as if we're a top 30 team who just lost to a 120... we're probably a mid 80 team now that just lost to a mid 70 team in close game where there were tons of opportunities to win and lose. Last week we overachieved, this week we sucked and it cost us big time.

We're not in the mid 80's.
What's your problem. Your making excuses for our loss. EMU doesn't have half our resources but put together a decent team. Answer that.
my problem is that i'm sick of all you little whiney Bs running around. Don't take credit away from EMU them. They beat us because they were better. We still suck, face it. But i'm not going to act like i'm 5 years old and George Steinbrenner everyone when things dont go our way. It takes time, and patience. I've always said year 3 is when i have real expectations for Ash. He may not be the guy, but i'm not going to give up on him after the crap he inherited. This is a total rebuild.
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